HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.01.19_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MI' TES of a Regular Session Thursday, January 19, 1978, 7030 p.m. Owasso City Hall City Council Chambers Members Members Present Absent Gr ie t L Robinson Dean Mowery Va1.1on vote for approval was Staff Present Chairman Grimraett called the meeting to order at 7 :40 p.m. and declared a quorum was present. Minutes The Minutes of the Owasso Planning Commission November 17, 1977, and December 15, 1978, meetings were approved by a motion by Dean, seconded by Vial Icon., and 3-0 vote for approval was matte by G? immet:t:, Dean, and VEral l.ran, ZONINF_-PUBLIC HEARING, OE -33 Bland Pittman (29 4) `° G €,ne.ral`y, <a €. the NW /c, of N. Gum St. .anti`, 1, 7t..fa St�, part of Lot 15, Bl..c)<.'k 3, `.1'hG.ee Lakes Addit:.,:p,.= The Staff (tr,fi'. >ent ed the c ".`,3.:se to the Commission and general, C3`is _use ',lLon regarding specifies in the case report. Speaking on the behalf of the proposed t,ezon.t,ng were Roy Johnson nand Bland Pittman. It was explained that the p.f°dS17(„sal, is for a clown zoning from existing commercial shopping center district to rERst- elcir"at.f..a l muCi..T_-.layail.y housing. The proposed use for the property is single-fami- ly residential } 1 ome s with 7, e r o lot-line structure c3 is i 7:1, P ea l.; p., o to the 1. o t s a The e following case O.PT7D-1 "a<,ra> a;.cat;:ed as rn€are 1ruJ:l,y explaining the proposed residential, development concept, The Commission requested the Staff ft:f' .I e`'coL.112e.I,C }n [ ! {)n wli`t.£,:h as was :i.1_ lL,ws The Staff rc c oaa.;mea:ads APPROVAL of the rezoning request for CS to RM-1 in order to trrngWen the pattern of residential- development iP".t:hsn the area,, On fa motion .a on .l j Dean, a:n, secc.;.c. ded by Vaa'f.,1 F:an, ., 3.:.,0 vote for approval was mode by Berra., Va'[,1.on, and Cr mmet::"s`.m<, O.PUD [ Blaand Pat man v(2.9 4) - Generally a the NW /c; of Ida Gum St. and E. 7th St. ®, 1,m m _ part of Trot. 15, Black 3, Three Lakes Addition; for a supplemental zoning PUO to be added to the Dis- trict for zero - -lot. -line single - family development. The Staff presented the case to the Commission together with accompanying topo- graphy map, an outline development plan, and the outline development plan text„. Again. Johnson and Pittman spoke on behalf of the request® The Commission requested the Staff recommendation which was as follows: The Staff recommends APPROVAL of the supplemental rezoning request; of Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the subject tract and subject R.M -I rezoning request to allow greater flexibility in the design of the proposed residential de- velopment and the achievement of the purposes of the Planned Unit Development district, contingent upon complete confor- mance with the provision of Chapter g, :Planned Unit Develop- ment, Ord. 175, Owasso Zoni=ng Code© On a motion by Dean seconded by Va llon, a 3 -0 vote for approval was made by Dean., Vallon, and C,rimmet..to SUBDIVISION Three ace_ Industrial Park to a Generally the e S i c of the cast service road of the Mingo Valley Expressway and 7th S t 9 for preliminary p l a 2, approval, The subdivision ti.s_o was presented to t".e {,sC72niT),3,,siC3n and general d[sc;i.E..s.b,on E(S.E.lowe regarding specifies of f ?$at :rCqiliria111c,1t.ts. the amount of necessary right-of-way a.t`id paving for the sa,rs-;c.t and the cul-de-sac turn-around was Ciiscu sed eat::. .4C_)me l.,Y3gt::h J(:3hnsC,3 €,). and � §,.€ E..f(l.s %�. .ipcif:,e t3n bC- f'1,alf of the e p: "oposed plP., n, On Ga motion by Dean, seconded by Vaa l :ton, as 3-0 vote for Approval was made by Dean, Vaalloar,, and ter. f.iimet:;t. subject t t o Staff recommendation and contingent upon the satisfactory resolution ut ion of the required righi -of way and paving requirement or the cul-de-sac turn-around, (60' :r.c.w. and 36' paver,ent width for street, 5' r.c .w. radius and 63' pavca %1 %cr-"i"t radius for cul-de-sac sac: !`,"gun r£iX nd) ,, CTt_";.Vi'ilAL DISCUSSION t,ON The (7rElf3t } <aed list of members for the Technical Advisory Subcommittee on Flo6,3dt3la:En for �tca)"tcagc'7:C)c'71.t: r,<3s submitted t:: 41 t::h.t: .t��,ca73L) "7,ng t�c5mtll. %:.`, E,f;52a, .2_i3r; i hE?; €.,Y consideration and x b. - 3 n ., �ijlpr,�va.g�. �i�z -a a;:�c1l;,1,�,,i:i. ,.�y .(ree)7.r s�a�:c3!?det.i by V..E1 t.c��r:9 4 .:t��!a 'trcit,s� 'f-c1 / \s>fi:2,ia�,f�a.f. was made by Dean, VQlon and Grimmvt;.i; >t,.a. €..r_ next explained the general points of the a U. S. Federal insurance Administra- tion's (F.I.A.) Latest flood regulation :fru m trmeni` and deadlines that must be complied with in order to insure eligibility f'o F,I, . flood insurance. Mr. McClung of .I.A. $s Dallas office indicated that they would give Owasso a 30 day extension on compliance with the regulations since they had not received the October 10, 1977, W.I.A. 'letter of notice." The Planning Commission was reminded of the January 26th Citizens Committee meeting and the items to be discussed thane There being no further business to discuss on a motion by Dean, seconded by Va:llon, a 3-0 vote for Adjournment was made by Dean, Vallon, and Grimmett, The Planning Commission adjourned. -3- OWASSO PLANNIN' COMMISSION MINUTES of a Regular Session Thursday, December 15, 1977, 7:30 p.= Owasso City Bell City Council Chambers Members 1,4�,,mbers, Present Absent Thavy'r i '; -- Dean Robinson Vallon S t a f 1", Pr e a e n t: @.b a C Ala l-ri'aan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Role was called and z,� quorum was not presenn, Kc. Dean iwdc; a motlxxi tc, 'ho',ki a meeting on January 12, 1978, 7:30 p.m, nt the Owasso City Hall, seconded hy Grimmett, and a 2-0 vote for a special meeting for january 12, 1978 by Grimmett and Dean,