HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.02.17_Planning Commission Minutes0WASSO PLANNIING CORMISSION 14 1 Nur Thursday, February 17, 1977 Owasso City Hall MEMBERS-PRESENT MEMBERS ABSEN1' Grimmett Holt Robinson Dea n Smith Ig F , " " , 1 " A JQ Q V 0q STAFF PRESENT Stan Ewing, TMAPC Chairman Grimmett called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m., and declared a quorum present. Minutes The minutes were read by Secretary Robinson, Smith made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Grimmen. The We was 3-0 to approve the minutes, ZONING PUBLIC HEARING OZ-27 Ray Bailey RS- 3 to IL or Cf! Chairman Grimmett presented Che case report. AWr discussion he asked fox the staf[ recommendation, which read as Follows� The Staff recommends DENIAL of this applicati,la The subject nam .. s located south of Third hvenue, whi-ch is the sooLherly line of the present Cl District for the Central Business District. The area to t1w east is deve loped re s Ld ef t in 1 ly w! C agri c u 1 p ura 11 V zoned d is t r ic ts to the soutEa. and west. There is also a residential mnucrurc on a conriguous lot at the northeast corner of the subjocL tract, The Staff feels that Third Avenue should be nwinLained as the boundary between the Central Business District and that either connercin! or industrial an this Lract would be incompatible with existing residencial uses, 'Ito Comprehen ;i t ve Plan Shows this even as MuWyymlly to sumn'slY, UP Stalk recommends DENW[ Mr, BaileV was Pyesent to Wseur his proposal, Afler discussion, Smith moved 0) approvo US with a second by Rohlnnnn� The morknD carried on a vote of 3.0, Chairman Grimmetk Presented the come report, Mr. Fry was prosent to answer questions. i,',lden WLnslo-o, 209 North Elm Place, and A. 0. Dodwell, 207 North E1m Place, were present as concerned citizens and Elsie Johnson, 606 East 3rd, was present as a protestant. After discussion, Robinson moved to recommend approval of CC with a second by Smith. The motion carried 3-0. OWASSO PfA;` N11NG COMIESSION MINUTES Page 2 OZ-29 Bill Rhees AG to RS-1. Chairman Grinumett presented the zoning case report and Ewing read the staff recommendation as follows: The Staff recommends APPROVAL of this application. This tract is platted as Meadowerest and was zoned RS-1 prior to annexation to the City of Owasso when it autommically became AG. This subdivision meets the requirements of an RS-I District, Smith made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Robinson. The motion carried 3-0, LOT-SPLIT OL-4 EdRar W Ils Northeast corner of Cedar and Y6th Street North Stan Ewing presented the application and recommended approval, subject to the following conditions,,, The Staff can support the subjecr lot -split, subject to the followinp, conditions,,, 1. That a pernwnen access easement of 30 teet he provided runninf, north and South Lbvnugh He center and easu and West atong the north and recorded oF record, 25 That all utility companies provide a wyjUen release stating khwf no additional easements are needed, A. That all buildings be constructed !_ u such a manner that buildings arp set back as tho"gh the access easemenus a _„ _ right-of-ways, 4. Ttat all Yequiremens of ord Wances be met in developnonL nf these J o t s . On a motion by Robinson 8nd H second by Smith, chy lov-pplu was appynved, subject to condi vicus . Tim wouinn carried SHBI)EVESION REFERRAL CounLrYsidE Estates Addition 117th SWeer NOAD and hWmoridt After general discussion, Smith moved to recommend approval, subject to thc, Eollowing conditions-,, OWASSO PIANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1" e br a r y Page 3 1. Two re wo stub stets be provided to the south, 2, Street design should meet Owasso standards. In connection with this requirement it was requeoted Lhe Owasso City Engineer review paving and drainage plans as well as County Engineer, 3 Additional submittals (finals, etc,') should be referred to Owasso for their review, A second was made by Robinson with the vote on approval 3-0. ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Tom Ashmore was present to discuss annexation of Hillside Estates in Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 13 East. Mr. Ashmore was told that the Planning Coarmission not aware of the request and felt that more information was necessary to forward a recommendation to the City Council. Smith moved to request, a one month continuance by the City Council in order to give the Planning Commission adequate time and information fur review. Robinson seconded the motion which passed 3-0, There being no Enyther business, Rohinvon moved to ad1journ. With a second by Smich, the motion passed 3-Y DaVe Approved ATTEST, Secretary