HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.12.16_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of Regular Session Thursday, December 16, 1976, 7:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall, MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Grimmett Dean Stan Ewing, TMAPC Holt Smith Bill Parese Robinson Tom Grimmett called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present, Minutes: On Motion of Holt, seconded by Robinson, the Planning Commission voted to approve the minutes, ZONING PUBLIC HEARING OZ -26 K Ray _§mJth - 7800 Mingo Expressway Access Road - CS-64 With no protestants present, the Staff presented the case to the Commission and the recommendations as follows The Staff generally supports the application, The net affect would be the addition of convenience food sales, auto sales and trades and services to the permitted uses. In addition, the site plan review would be lost by this rezoning, The Staff would like to see the developer proceed with the site plan review as required by the existing CS District under Section 650, Additional Requirements, of the Zoning Ordinance. On Motion of Holt, seconded by Robinson, the Planning Commission voted to approve the rezoning request, Vote on the motion was 3-0- LOT -SPLIT (.? "1 << Edgar Wells - Northeast corner of Cedar and 76th Street Not h With no protestants present, the Staff presented the application to the Commissia):), and recommended as folluws: The Staff recommends DENIAL of tle subject lot-split, The Planning Commission recommended approval of rezoning on this tract subject to a plat to the City Council and the Council accepted the recommendation. It is the Staff's opinion that the City must be approached to rescind the platting requirement before a lot-split could be approved. There should be adequate assurances that street right-of-way, easements and access control can be provided prior to the approval of a lot-split. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 16, 1976 Page 2 The Staff modified its recomaaaendati.on to request. the City Council to waive the platting requirement subject to meeting the requirements of the Planning Commission. A motion was made by Holt and seconded by Robinson to continue the application and approach the City Council on the waiver of the plat. The motion carried. ZONING REFERRAL Z -4944 Edwin Wedel - Northwest corner of Garnett and 116t'h. Street North - AG to CS With no Protestants present., the Staff presented the case and the recommendations as follows: The Staff recommends support:: of this application. The subject: 2,52 acre tract is Located on one corner of the intersection of two artear_i_al streets at which the Planning Commission has supported 7.5 acres of commercial, The subject request is consistent with the "Deavel.opment:. Guidelines,'' which the Planning Commission supports in summary, the Staff recommends support of this referral f. app_f.:i c -at ion, On Motion of Robinson, seconded by Halt:, the Planning Commissionn voted to approve; the zoning referral_ by a vote of 3-0. Item not on the agenda H� D, Hale was present and addressed the Planning CaYSltll7,.s'3ion in reference to a ;i'k.gn on the property at the southwest:: corner of 10th Street. and Main. He was protesting the Planning Commission's s involvement in having the sign removed, He c,;ras told L,(:iat the Planning Commission is an advisory body and could only request:. the City Manager or City Council to tape action, Additional "discussion" followed wi,t..h no apparent sat.i.,sfact;i,on. for Mr. Hale, `.t'hc:.F:e: being no further business, on Motion. of Robinson, seconded by Holt, the meeting was adjourned, I t Date pp roved a y� y c Chairman :cman ATTEST: Acretary