HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.09.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesO A SO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday September 27, 1994, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar MEEMBE'RS PRESENT `Mayne brines Terri Iloudyshell. Pat Imbriano Vicki. Tapp Gale Whitaker MEMBE'RS ABSENT STAFF PRES-EINT `I "iva Rooney Charlotte White `=t'he meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, orr Wednesday, September 21, 19940 1e CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL - Chairperson Wayne Vines called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2� CONSIDER Ap'pROVA.L, OF ['LIB, MINUTES OF August 23, 1994 me t'erri Houdyshell moved to approve the minutes of August 23, 1994- as written, Motion seconded by Pat Irnbriano„ AYE: Houdyshell, finbrpiano, 'Mines, Tapp, Whitaker, NAY- None The motion carried 5 -0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 1 OBOA -, 94-12 - Don Witten (2914.) - A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code .- Section 730, Bulk and Area Requirements in Industrial Districts to allow for the development of an industrially zoned property with less than the acquired 75 foot setback from abutting residential property. The subject property is described as Tots 6 & 7, Block 1, Three Lakes Industrial hark 11, Mr. Rooney presented the staff report, The applicants are requesting a Variance to allow for the development of an industrially zoned property with less that the required 75 foot setback from abutting residentially zoned property. ,Section 730 of the Owasso Zoning Code requires a 75 foot setback from abutting AG, R, or 0 districts when developing within IL,, IM, or III zoning districts. The subject property is at the end lot of a cul- de-sac and contains unusually a small dimensions on the east and northwest sides. When one applies the 75 foot setback requirement, as well as the 25 foot front building line, the applicants find themselves with an extremely limited area on the lot which they can locate a building, .Application of the ordinance, the -requirement of a 75 foot setback, would leave the applicant with a very small developable area. The shape of the property, and its limited Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of September 27, 1994. Page 2 dimension on the northwest and eastern side, is a peculiar condition, It would also appear that granting of this variance would not be a detriment to the public good, Gayle Whitaker moved to approve, the request for the Variance with the following conditions Seconded by Pat Inibriano,, L Full length landscaping on the east side: 2. Install a. sreening wall /fence between their property ar�cl the residential property to tic, north. 3. Screening wall /fence shall be eight (8) feet in height 4. Shall be constructed with al braces and supports on the interior, except u ✓lien both sides are of the same design and appearance, n Shall be erected prior to the occupancy of the building or initiation of the ease., 6. Shall be of the type material compatible with the surrounding environment, 70 Maintenance of the said _fence shall be the responsibility of the current or future owners. AYE: Whitaker, fin..briano, 1- Ioudyshell, Tapp MAY: None ABSTAIN- Vines The motion carried 4 -1 4, OBOA �94-13 ..._ s l g n l_ 11 i ( ..�i �_ : A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 630, Bulk and Area requirements in Residential Districts to allow for less than the required street frontage in a CG (Commercial General) zoning district. The subject property is described as sots 17 A 18, Hale Acres Addition. Mr. Looney presented the staff report. The applicants are requesting a Variance from the Owasso Board of Adjustment in order to allow for development of the western portions of their separate lots in the Dale acres Addition. Both lots currently are developed along the eastern halves abutting Garnett Load Vicki Tapp moved to approve the request for the Variance, seconded by Terri Houdyshella AYE: Tapp, Iloudyshell, Imbriano, Whitaker NAY: Done ABSTAIN: Vines The Motion carried 4 -1 5. Adjournment - "Perri Houdyshell moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by pat Imbrianoo AYE: Houdysh ell, Imbriano, Tapp, Mines, Whitaker Owasso Board of adjustment Minutes of September 27, 1994 Page 3 NAY: None The motion carried 5-0 and the rneeting was adjourned at '7:35 p.m. Chair Vice Chair Date