HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.08.01_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday August 1, 1994, 7:00 BM Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar MEMBERS 13I E SENT Wayne Vines Terri Houdyshell Pat Irnbriano MEMBERS ABSENT Cato Whitaker Vicki Tapp STAFF 131ZE,SENT Tim Rooney The meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall., 207 S Cedar, oft Tuesday, July 12, 199,. 1 CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL a Chairperson `Mayne Mines called the rneeting to order at 7001 PM and declared a quorum present, 2, ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN This item was tabled until the August 23, 1994 meeting.: 1 CONSIDER APPROVAL, OF THE :MIN(7`l"`FS OF June 28, 1994 - "Perri Iloudyshell moored to approve the minutes of Tune 28, 1994 as written, Motion seconded by Pat Imbriano AYE: HOUdyshell, Imbriano, Mines NAY: None The motion carried 3 -0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. OBOA m 94 -07 - James & Q indy Dead (2914 - A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code _. Section 1024.3, Use Conditions of Light Industrial Development to Allow No Screening Fence to be wilt Between the Subject property and Abutting Residential Property. The Subject Tract is Described as Lot 5, Block 1, "Three sakes Industrial Bark Phase II, directly south of Woodstone Addition, Mr. Looney presented the staff report. The applicants are requesting a Variance to allow for the development of an industrially zoned property without the required screening fence as provided for in Section 1024,3 of the Owasso Zoning Code. Section 1024,3 of the Owasso Zoning Code states that "uses included within Use Unit 24, when located on a lot which is abutting an R district, shall be screened from the abutting R district by the erection and maintenance of a screening wall or fence along the lot line or lines in common with the R district. The subject property is an end lot of a cul -de -sac and is triangular in shape. The longest lot line of the lot abuts an RM -1 zoned property which is developed and contains duplex Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of August 1, 1994_ Page 2 units known as the bloodstone addition. Currently, the Woodstone Addition does contain a 6 foot site obstructing fence made out of wood along its property line. :between this fence and the developable portion of the applicants lot: lies a thirty (30) foot drainage easerrrent and numerous trees. One should note that the thirty (30) foot drainage easement does lie on the applicants lot. The applicants received a variance --from the Board of Adjrrstrnent in May to locate their facilities on the "edge" of that drainage easement. Mr. Imbriano :stated lie felt it was important for the board to be consistent and riot waive this request. Staff' explained that a similar request was likely in the future, Terri Houdyshell moved to deny the request for the Variance but to give the applicant one year to construct the entire fenced Seconded by hat lmbriario, AYEo Houdyshell, lmbriano, Vines NAY: None The motion carried 3 -0, i. ___- �1.w08._� _Charge Hell ; °1(2114) _;. A request for a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 410, Principal Uses Permitted in Residential Districts to Allow for the Development of a Terrrporary Real Estate and Construction Office to be located on Lot 3, Block 4, of the proposed Nottingham Estates Addition, located directly south of the pleasant view Estates Addition. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report, The applicant is requesting a Special Exception to allow for the placement of a temporary real estate and construction office in a residential district, Nottingham Estates, an RS -_2 zoned addition )zoning similar to that of Windsor sake or Barrington point), received Planning Commission approval in May and was approved by the City Council on June %, 19940 Mr. Mooney explained that he felt it necessary to add an additional condition to the approval. Due to traffic wanting to view the "new" addition, many are going as far as the paved street will take them, then they park and walk to the Nottingham area, Staff explained that the street would be paved to alleviate this problem° Pat lmbriano moved to approve the request for the Special Exception, with the following conditions: seconded by `Perri Houdyshell, 1. Limit use to 2 years or when area abutting Ea 96th Ste N. is developed, whichever is first. 2. paved off - street parking be provided, 3e Area around the office shall be sodded after the construction of streets is completed 4. No storage of construction equipment shall be permitted. Owasso Board ®f Adjustment Minutes ®f august 1, 1994 Page 3 5. Street from the entrance of Nottingham Estates to the, sales office must he paved prior to use of the saps trailer, YES Imbrian , Houdyshell, Vines NAY; None The motimi carried 3, 0 h. Adkouanrnexit t`erri oudyshell moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Pal Inib riano. YE: Houdyshell, Imbriano, Vines NAY: None The motion carried 3-0 and the meeting was. adjourned at :35 porn, a y Chair _ Mice Chair Se Date