HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.01.25_Board of Adjustment MinutesAS S) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF RE GULAR MIE ETING Tuesday, January 25, 1994, 7-00 RM Owasso Community Venter, 301 S Cedar ME IWBERS PRESENT Wayne Vines Terri Houdysheli M 0 Eckel Gale Whitaker MEMBE'11S ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tire Rooney The rneetin ==� agenda was postal in the Owasso City H=all 207 S Cedar' � y 14., � � , Cedar', on ,� � °� �zar� 1994, 1 a CALL, TO ORDER & RO ,L CALI -, ... Cl-mirperson Mayne Mines calleid the :rneeting to order at 7 :01 PM and declared a quorum present. 2, CONSIDER APPROVAL, OF THE MINUTES OF December 28, 1993 _- M 0 Eckel moved to approve the minutes of December 28, 1994 as written. Motion seconded by Terri Houdyshell, AYE-. Houdyshell, Tapp, Whitaker, Eckel, Vines NAY: None The triotion carried 5-0, MEN!:-PUBLIC HEAR114G 3s OBOA _ -, 9401 - h M13oysr.of Oklahoma - A request for a Special Exception to place a temporary sales office in an S - - -2 (residential: Single- Family Medium Density) Zoning District. The subject site is located on Lot 1, Block 1, Camden Park Addition, more particularly described as 12901 Er 91st Street North. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. He stated that the Board of Adjustment had approved requests of this nature in the past, more specifically in Double Oaks and Copper Meadows. He stated that the Owasso Zoning Code allows for the Board to approve such a request providing that it meets the following three (3) conditions: 1, The use may continue for a period not to exceed two years in the same location. 2e Ingress and egress roust be from arterial or collector streets, provided that the Board may approve a location with access to a minor street upon finding that such location would not result in increased traffic on streets in residential areas, 3, The use shall not be located nearer than 100 feet to any lot containing an occupied dwelling without the consent of the owner thereof. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of .. e -fir, 2X9 1 9 Page 2 Mr. Rooney stated that because this was the first house in the addition and it is going to be located as closely as passible to the entrance of Camden Park -, staff had no objections to the applicants request and recommended approval_ providing that these three (3) conditions were attached. Mr. Larry Morgan fan of :spy's of s 1<1aho -rna asked if the approval of an owner of a dwelling f ; tJas nec;ssary, because :� development occurred ci after llc was in place and they didn't approve, he didn't grant to have to Close down his cep €,ration. After 'brief discussion, it was felt by members of the Board and staff that the third condition was directed more at placing an office of this nature in an existing developed or partially developed area and that anybody who decided to build next to Mr. Mor an's office should be well aware that it was indeed a sales office. Mr. Rooney stated that a copy of the staff report would be attached to any abutting building permits., 0 Eckel moved to approve the Special Exception request providing the three conditions were met as discussed, Terri Houdyshell seconded the motion. AYE: Eckel, Houdyshell, Whitaker, `Mines, Tapp NAY: one The motion carried 5-0, New BLisines .. None, ASJj -opr rq= - M.Oo Eckel moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Gale Whitaker. AYE: Eckel, Whitaker, Mines, Tapp, Houdyshell NAY: None The motion carried 5 O..atnd the meetin "Wvas adjourned at 7:23 Rya "hair' Vice Chair l Secretary Date