HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.08.31_Board of Adjustment MinutesAO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT i, 'S OF REGU-LAR MEETING Tuesday, August 31, 1993, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar 1WEuMMERS 1 1 Steve Barrett M 0 Eckel TeITT, Houdyshcll Wayne Vines MEMBERS ABSENT Cy'alc Whitaker A P R E, S _N'r '�f irnothy Rooney Charlotte hit-, 'he 3ncctincy a.� c3lt. a was -posted in dhw Owasso City 1-1a.11; 07 S. t"Iedar on August, 25, 1993. 1. CALL 1'0 ORDER & ROLL CALL - Chairperson Steve Barrett called the meeting to or(dler at 7:00 PM and declared a, qu rurn present with only one member a#aserit;<, Mr.. Whitaker. 2. CONSn3f,R APPROVAL OF THE TMENU E OF JWLY 13, 1993 - M 0 cl�_cl moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 1993 meeting as written. Motion seconded by Wayne Vines. AYE: Eckel, Vines, Houdyshell, Barret -t NAY 'None 1-'h motion carried 4-0. BOARD OF A JUSTE ENT PUBLIC-HEARING 30 O A ©l60 - Mrs. e nii usta � (: iLEr - A request for a Special. Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 420 to allow for the development of a beauty shop as a Hone Occupation in an RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) Zoning District. The property is described as 9317 N. 133rd Fast Avenue, Owasso, OK. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. He explained that the Owasso Zoning Cade currently permits the Board of Adjustment the authority to approve home occupation requests of this nature providing that the following conditions are met by the applicant:: 1. Location: Dame Occupation shall be conducted only within the principal structure, 2. Area. 'The maximum floor area utilized for hoarse occupation purposes shall not exceed twenty -five percent (2 %) of the total floor area of the principal structure. 3, Employees: The home occupation shall be engaged in only by the family or person occupying the dwelling as a private residence. No person shall be employed in the home occupation other than a member of the immediate family residing, on the premises. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of August 31, 1993 Page 2 4� Merchandise, The horse occupation jbaj �n l involve the retail sale of merchandise manufacctured off the premises. 5. Visibility of Merchandise: No rnerchdandise shall. be displayed in such a manner as to be visible I can outside 6. Outdoor Storage No raaatdoor., storage shall be allowed in connection with alv _" orne occupation, J 7. Maintenarace of Residential Character- No alteration of the residential character of the premises aaaay be ,made, inclaadinT the removal of garage doors, & Signs- No signs, display, or advertising on premises shall be permitted, 9„ Disturbances: No mechanical. or electrical equipment or other activities shall be allowed which create a noise, dust, odor, or elect cal disturbance. 10. Traffic and parking., No home occupation shall generate more than 15 trips per day to and from the prernises and pail. parking needs generated shall be accommodated by off;- street parking which does not :alter the residential. character of the premises. Mr. Rooney further reviewed possible concerns regarding the possible traffic impact, appropriateness of this home occupation in a new subdivision, and whether or not the Board of Adjustment would be setting a precedence, Mr. Rooney also reviewed a past home occupation that the Board of Adjustment had approved in Elm Creek Estates First Addition, Lot 9, Block 7. Upon completion of the staff review, several residents of the Windsor Lake subdivision expressed their concerns regarding any form of approval regarding the applicants request, Mr. Eckel asked if the applicants had any drawings or pictures of what the residence would look like, Mr. Rooney stated he had pictures of the planned residence and requested the Board recess for five minutes in order for hire to obtain the photographs. Owasso Board of ,Adjustment Minutes of August 31, 1993 Page Upon recessing the public hearing, the photographs were reviewed by the Board members. Further corn eats were made b y residents of Windsor Lake opposing the home occupation request. Board members also expressed their viewpoints and concerns. M 0 Eckel motioned to deny the, moms occupation request. Terri Houdyshell seconded the motion. Mr. Vies stated he liv ed. within Windsor f_,ake subdivision.. and therefore could not vote and did not discuss this item with any members,, AYE: Eckel, 'loudyshell, Barrett NAY: None, RECUSE., Vines I'lie rnotion cwrried 3-0 and the home occupation request was denied . -110, - Bud et �� ustries : � 11L � � �� °���� - . rehearing �� a previously granted Special Exception for Expansion of a sight anufactuxing Business on a property zoned CH (Commercial Hi 'gh Intensity District) described as Lots f. and 2 of Block 20 of the 0,.iginal Township of Owasso, "f: ulsa �: aunty, Oklahoma, farther described as 8 South Atlanta. Mr. Rooney explained that the aip licant had come into c om liaaacc with the ri.ginai. conditions of approval of the peci.al Exception and therefore no action needed to be taken,, Ivfo n e Diu AD, - M 0 Eckel moved for adjournment, seconded by Wayne Vines, AYE: Eckel, Mines, Houdyshell, Barrett NAY, None The Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at :55 PM. Chair Vice Chair i ' = -ILL ecretaryy