HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.07.13_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF A y T MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 13, 1993, 7000 p.m. Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar MET RS PCES� dNT Ste -ve Barrett M 0 Ecke,1 Terri oudysht41 Wayne Ines Gale Whitaker ME,J . ERS ABSENT "l.m Rooney Charlotte White `:t "he meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall., 207 S Cedar, can Rme 14, 1993. I. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL ... Chairperson Steve Barrett caller:], the meeting to order at 7-00 p.m. and declared. a quorum resent. 2. CONS 1"R APPROVAL OF T11E 1�i 1 111` ES' OF JUNE 2, 1.993 Gale Whitaker move -d to approve the 4n..l.nutes of June 2, 1993 as written, Motion seconded by M.O. Eckel- AYE: 'V"Mitaker, 1 ckel, E(oudyshell, Vines, Baxrett NAY- None '1"_"he �. ot:lon carried 5.0. 3, OBOA -1 8 - DR RUSSELL COX, O 1 - A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 510 to allow for the development of a barber shop /beauty salon by Special Exception in a OM (Office Medium Intensity) Zoning District. The property is described as: Lot 2, Block 1, Elm Creek Condominiums Amended, further described as 5434 N. 123rd East Avenue, Owasso, OK. The applicants are requesting a Special Exception from the Owasso Bard of Adjustment in order for there to develop a beauty salon in an OM zoning district. Currently, beauty salons are permitted as an accessory use to a permitted use in an ®M district. The applicants are requesting that the beauty salon be a permitted use rather than an accessory use, thus requiring the Board of Adjustment approval. After stiff presentation and no public comment, M 0 Eckel motioned to approve the Special Exception request with the following conditions: 1m Limiting the amount of floor area to be utilized for retail sales to 30 square feet, Owasso Board ®f Adjustment Minutes of July 13, 1993 Page 2. Limiting si na e to a monument style sign not to exceed d 6 feet in height. ht. Said sign to be architecturally compatible with the building. I Perimeter of parking area and building fronUage to be landsuped, A d'etailed lands aping plan shall be submitted and approved by the City Planner at the time of building permit. 4 . review of the special oi.u...ye r fico m the ;.dace of approval by he owasso Board of Adjustment, The motion was seconded by Terri Houdyshel.la YE: Barrett, l=" kel, l= oudyshell, Vines., Whitaker NAY- -None The motion carried 5-0. 4. OBO - 159 TULSA E114G P4h' E ING AND lr,Il_.dANN_l -" ASSOCIATES, AF1111CANT as A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning 'ode, Section 610, to allow for developrrrerrt of a drive -in restaurant on property currently zoned C (Commercial. Shopping Center) Zoning istr °1ct. The property is described as: A portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Mingo o Val -ley Shopping Center. The property is generally located just North of Liberty Bank and just South of the Wall-mart parking area. The applicants are requesting a Special Exception from the Owasso Board of Adjustment in order for there to develop a drive-in restaurant in an CS zoning district, Currently, drive -in restaurants are permitted by -right in bath CG(Corr mercial General) and C (Commercial High Intensity) districts. While traffic congestion is generally a problem in this area, staff believes the site plan submitted by the applicant is both creative and provides for the best movement of traffic entering and exiting the subject property. when reviewing the site plan, staff considered the possibility of Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of July 13, 1993 Page 3 adding an additional access point to the suf�ject property along the North property line shared. with Wal-mart parking lot. tTpon further review, it was staff s opinion that this would only add to the confusion already occurring in the Wal- ,mart parking dot (motorists driving in al.1 directions), and that It would he better to beep all access pints to she Sonic drive-in definable and from the private service road only, Staff is x ;,r -otnmG .di.tig approval of the Special Exception ptio request conditioned upon the following: L A detailed landsuape plan for the entire subject site to he submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of a building permit. Said plan shall include "hedd e -l.l e" plant material along the North property dine. All landscaping installed shall_ be irrigated and maintained. . Both of the entrances and exit shall he clearly labeled, loth by small si na e and pavement markings, In addition to the pavement markings at the entrances and exit, additional directional arrow pavement markings shall be located. at key areas designated on the site plan to prevent traffic conflict. 1 Extension of one of the center parldn g area islands In order to ensure one-way traffic movement through the sited o A pre. - construction meeting shad. be held with the general contractor and the community development staff prior to any construction occurring on the site. Following discussion and questions from Mr. Enzbrenner, Mr. Eckel moved to approve the Special Exception request to allow for the development of a Sonic drive-in a CS Zoning District. The subject site is a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, lingo Malley Shopping Center. The motion was seconded by Mr. Whitaker. AYE: Eckel, Whitaker, Hendyshell, Barrett NAY: None RECUSEa Vines The motion carried -0 5. AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS OF THE OWASSO CAA OF ADJUSTMENT - A request by Staff for the Board of Adjustment to Formally Act on Amending the By-Laws of the Owasso Board of Adjustment, Article 1V "Meetings", Section 1 "Time and place" Mr. Vines moved to approve to amend the By-Laws to read as follows. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of July 1.3, 1993 Page 4 The meetings s of the Board skulk be held in the City Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center, unless Otherwise provided by the Board for particular meetings. The meetings shall be held at 7 :00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each inonth on an as need- basis. Special meetings s ma be h(,-,Id Q;n- call of the Chahrman at such time and place as rnay be designated.. The motion was seconded, by Ms. Houdyshell. AYE: Vines, I-Ioudyshell, fEcle, , Whitaker, Barrett A.Y, .None; The motion carfied 5-0. 6. NEW BUSINESS None 7 De OUIUS1M :.,[ T ... Bayne Vines r -nov g for atiourni -ne nt; see cock. ,xk by Teri. Houdyshelk. AYE; Vines, Houdyshell, Eckel, Whitaker, Barrett AY: None The motion carried w0 avid th ,,meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Secretary