HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.06.02_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OIL ADJUSTMIENT MIMJTES OF S 'IAA , ETIN Wednesday, June 2, 1993, 4:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 311 So Cedar _M ae 8 PRES M Steve Barrett `_l °errs Houdysheli Wayne Vines Gale Whitaker ME-RUIVERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Charl.otte Brim&, The meeting agenda was pasted in the Owasso City hall, 207 S Cedar, on May 2,11, 19930 l_ CALF, TO ORDE R, & DOLL CALL .. Chairperson Steve Barrett called the meeting to order at 4-00 ISM and declared a quorum present. 1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE TKINUTES OF PI-10 .,, 7, 1993 -- Wayne Vines approve 7, 9.993 as written Motion seconded y Terri Co tre r t s �" l 11_oudyshell AYE: Vines, Houdyshell, Eckel, Whitaker, Barrett NAY: lone, The motion carried 5-0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Looney reviewed the applicant's request, The subject property is located 12539 E. 83rd Street North, more particularly described as Lot 18, Block 42, Elm Creek Addition, It is bordered on all sides by RS -3, residential single- family development. The lot immediately west of the subject site, the lot that would be most effected by the variance request, is still undeveloped and also under Mr. Freeman's ownership. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of Jayne 2, 1993 Page 2 of 4° The applicant is requesting a side yard variance due to a surveyor's error on the lot, Mr. Rooney explained that side yard variance are typically not looked upon favorably by the Cornmunity Developinent Dc- ,,parttnento However, he point out that this request was not typical, that the abutting lot was tinder the same ownership and it provides the Board with the opportunity to gra_rrt the variance :r°equest while still maintaining an acceptable distance between the strUdUres to be built (10 feet). ,`staff reecarrrmended that the Board approve the variance request conditioned upon Mr. Freeman pl- ovidin yr written statement that ail. structures located on Lot 17 will be a minimum distance of 10 feet from any structure on 1,ot 18. One :letter opposing the request was received by Mr, Rooney and passed out to the members on the Board, Mr. Vines asked Mr. Rooney if surveyors were required to obtain a city license of any bind and whether they needed to be bonded. fro Rooney explained that surveyors receive a state license, bart not a city license. He went on to explain that the bonding would have assisted the contractor in this ease, not the city, and it would be up to the contractor to make sure the surveyor they hire is riot inakling errors. Mr. Rooney said lie would, however, look into the possibilities of requiring surveyors to be licensed, Mr. Eckel wanted to make sure that the Board would not be perceived as setting a precedence by (ranting a variance. Mr. looney explained that had Mr. freeman not owned the abutting last, than guaranteeing the structures being a rninirnurn of 10 feet apart, it would be extremely difficult to recommend anything but denial. He also stated that due to the small amount of last frontage, a lot split was not recommended in this case. Following discussion and questions, Mr. Barrett moved to grant the variance subject to staff's recommendation, The motion was seconded by Mr. Eckel. AYE: Barrett, Eckel, Vines, Ho- udyshell, Garrett, - NAY: None, The motion carried 5 -0e 4. A -157 - MR. AND NMS. AMC BORGNA AND AM. AND AMS. D.M. SOKOLOSKY, APPLICANTS AND OWNERS - A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 630, to allow for development of a commercially zoned lot not meeting the required lot width of 150 feet. The property is generally located on E. 76th Street North, between ferry's Restaurant and Owasso Veterinary Hospital. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of June 2, 1993 Page 3 of 4 Mr. Rooney geviewexl the applicants a°ecl t st, "The subject property is a pproxirnately on acre., in size. It is surrounded by various 1 rrns of commercial zoning on the Mast, west, and north; while property to the south is zoned fog° industrial development and is located, in Tulsa County, The applicant is requesting a variance allowing a lot frontage -'less than the required 150 feet. Mr. Rooney explained that this is an existing piece of property, 'between two developed pieces of property, and the ability to obtain the required lot frontage was not possible, Ile explained that a denial of this variance request would riot be supportive of infill development,, recently strived for by staff, He also stated that this property has been through sm✓eral review processes (Annexation Committee, Planning Corny issio , and Owasso City Council), Staff recommended approval. of the variance, request, Following) discussion and questions, Mr. Whitaker motioned to approve the variance request, The - motion was seconded by. Terri Houdyshel 1. AYE: Whiinler, flo'udyshell, Vines, Fekel, Barrett NAY- None The motion carried 5-0. 5. 1N BUSINESS Mr. Rooney explained that due to a recent review of meetings ties and comments received from the public;, he was asking the Board to consider moving their meeting tunes to an evening time frame to allow for more public input. He explained that meetings held at 4:00 PM are not always the most convenient for the public to attend, as was evident in the freeman variance request. After reviewing several different meeting night possibilities, the Board recommended that their meetings be moved to the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.00 PM if there needs to be a meeting. Mr. Rooney stated that he would send notices if no business needed to be discussed. lira Rooney explained that after the July 13th meeting, all Board meetings would be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of June 2, 1993 Page 4 of 4. 6. AAA MURN NT .. Wayne Vines moved for adjournment seconded by M 0 Eckel, AY-I3- Vfines9 1s;ke , -Wh tak r, Barrett, 11oudyslhe 1, NAY- None, Chair Vice Chair Secretary r Date