HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.10.28_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF SPECIAL, MEETING Wednesday, October 28, 1992, 3;00 p.m. Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT M 0 Eckel Steve Barrett Wayne Vines 'l.'e ri Houdyshell MEMBERS ABSENT Gale Whitaker STAFF RRESENT Tini looney Marcia Boutwell Steve Compton The rneeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on October 12, 19920 A training session for Board members was conducted by Steve Compton at 3:00 p.m. prior to the public hearing. i ,. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL -- Acting Chair Steve Barrett called the 1rneeting to order at 4000 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 20 INTRODUCTION OF Nltl;W MIEMBERS AND BOARD OIL, ADJ USTM N,r TRAINING - Mr Barrett introduced new rnembers, Mayne Vines acid Ferri Houdyshell, 3. ELECTION OIL OFFICERS ('l`ergn Expires June 30, 1992) ... Article 111, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the Owasso hoard of AdjLlstment states that there shall be an annual election of officers to serve for a terin of one (1) year fron-1 the date of election, The following officers were nominated and elected; Chaiperson - Steve Barrett Vice Chairperson - M 0 Eckel Secretary - Terri Houdyshell 40 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 26, 1992 - M 0 Eckel moved to approve the minutes of August 26, 1992 as written. Motion seconded by 'Perri Houdyshell, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows; M 0 Eckel - Yes Terri Houdyshell - Yes Mayne Vines - Yes Steve Barrett - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. Owasso Board of AdjustnIent Minutes of October 28, 1992 Page 2 BOARD OFADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING `i. OBOA -15 -, STAN BAKER (19141 ) d A Bequest for a Variance of Section 240.2 to Allow for the Development and Use of an Accessory Detached Garage Containing 896 ,Square Feet of Area in a residential (RS 3) Zoning District, 1-mated at 101 W 19th St, Owasso, Okfahoana, Mr, f�ooney reviewed the applicant's regttest. The sLib,feet tract is located at 10 W 19th St, and is roved S� 3. It is abLit.ted on all sides by resideiices mied P-S -3, The lot contains a home with an attached garage and no other accessory structures. The applicant is requesting a Variance to allow for the developr -Herat and use of an accessory detached garage cor -ttaining 896 square feet, as opposed to the maxin -ILIM allowable 750 square feet. Staff recommended denial of the request. The applicant was present to present his case and answer questions. Approximately 3 neighborhood residents were present, and 35 letters of protest were received. by Owasso planning Department. Several of the residents present expressed their concerns, Following a lengthy discussion by staff, Board members and citizens, M O Eckel moved to decay the request for a Variance, Motion was seconded by Terri Houd, shell and a vote on the iriotion was recorded as follows: M O Eckel - Yes Terri l oudyslaell des Wayne Mines - Yes Steve Barrett - 'des 'The motion carried 4­0 and the request for a Variance was denied. 6. OBOA -153 - LARRY WAID (2914) - A Bequest for a Variance of Section 1021.6 to Allow for an Additional Free - Standing pole Sign to be Located on the Site at a Height of 50 Feet and Area of 225 ,Square Feet in a CS (Commercial ,Shopping Center) District, Located at 11503 F 76th St Iii, Owasso, Oklahoma. Mr Barrett stated that he had a conflict on interest with the case and would not participate in discussion or voting. The applicant's request was reviewed by Mr Rooney. The applicant is requesting a Variance to allow a free- standing pole sign exceeding the 30 foot height limitation and the 100 squaare foot maximum, to be located at Braum's ice cream store. 'The request is for a sign height of 50 feet and a display surface of 225 square feet, enabling the sign to be seen from Highway 169. The sign will be placed to the rear of the lot and the existing sign will remain at the front. Staff recommended approval of the Variance with limits placed on both the height and square footage. The applicant was present, as was patty Zeigler, Braum's District Manager, Following discussion, M O Eckel moved to grant the Variance as requested by the applicant. The motion was seconded by Mayne Vines and a vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of October 28, 1992 Page 3 Sri 0 Eckel - Yes Wayne Mines - Yes Terri :oudyshell - Yes Steve Barrett - Abstain The motion. carried. 3 -0 -1 and tfi-e request for the Variance was approved. 7' OBOA- -154 -, ('I" Y OF OWASS(-) (2914) RegLiest fc)r a Variance of Sectio11 330 to Allow for the Planned Development and Use of the New lire Services Building to be Located Within the Required .Street Setback Area in an Ate (Agri cultural) Zoning District, Located Approximately 1/4 Mile North of the Northeast Corner of 86th Street North and Garnett road. Mr, looney reviewed the. applicant's request. The subject tract is located approximately 114, mile north of the northeast corner of 86th St N and Garnett Road and contains approximately 3.29 acres, more or less. It is an ilrideveloped tract recently obtained by the City of Owasso from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation throt,lgh their surplus right -of -way prograrno The City plans to Utilize this site for its new fire services structure due to its central location and accessibility to transportation corridors within the City. Because of the u -pique characteristics of the tract, the required 95 toot front setback and 15 foot rear setback would allow a building only 25 feet wide, The request is to allow a Variance of the front setback to 65 feet in order to increase the bUilding width, Staff recommends approval of the request. Following discussion, Wayne Mines n,loved to approve the request, Motion was seconded by M 0 Eckel and a vote on the inotion was recorded as 'follows: Mayne Mines - Yes M 0 Eckel __ Yes Terri Houdyshell - Yes Steve parrot - Yes The motion carried 4-0 and the Variance was granted. 8, ADJOURNMENT - Wayne Mines moved for adjournment, seconded by Terri Houdyshell, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows, "Mayne Vines - Yes Terri Houdyshell - Yes M 0 Eckel - Yes Steve Barrett - Yes The meeting; was adjourned at 5010 p, in, Owasso Board ®f Adjustment Minutes of October 28, 1992 Page 4 Chair Vice Chall, r -� Secretary Date