HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.09.25_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTME NT
Wednesday, September 25, 1991, 4:00 porno
Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar
0 Eckel
Richard Heln:-k
lirn Smalley
Mae Bo_ gn. -a
'trap e ll
Steve Col 'riptork
Rohn Munn
Mike Knebe;l
Ronald Cates
Janes ue;hanw-
The, meeting agenda was posted ixi the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Se pteniber 19,
10 CALL, TO ORDER - Vices Chairperson rson l ichard Helm called the meeting to order at
2., ROLL CALL - A quorum was ede clareel present.
3, MINUTES OF JULY 24, 1991 -- lini Smalley inoved to approve the m rrutes of July 24,
1991 as written, Motion seconded by M 0 Eckel. A vote on the potion was recorded as
0 Eckel Yes
Jim Smalley M Yes
Richard Helin .., Yeas
The motion carried 3 -0.
4o OA -144 CITY OF OW A QQn d-' - A Request for a Special Exception of Section
310 - Principal Uses Permitted in the Agriculture district, to Allow a Use Tit 5 - Community
Services, Cultural, and Recreational Facilities (Sprits- Plex), Generally located at 10320 East
116th Street North, Owasso, Oklahoma.
Owasso Board of Adjustment
Minutes of September 25, 1991
Page 2
He continued by stating the City feels the project has been developed to reduce the negative
impact on the adjacent properties.
He stated the staff inept with the citizens last night and presented a list of requirements the
citizens would dike to see adopte <.l by the Board,
�fl Rohn Munn, the PrgJJe t Manafc r�, gave a review of tl�.e° proposed Spo ts...Plex Co;:a-ple x and
detailed Phase :t that is begbrining construction.
A citizen's group from the Hale Acre and Westport additions wer°e, present and presented their
concerns to the board. Mr. Alen Lawson was the spokes eu -son for the group, Mr. blob
Nelson and Mr. Mike White also addressed the Board.
After a very lengthy discussion by staff, Board members and citizens, a motion was made by
Ern Smalley, seconded. by M. 0. F-Rckel, to approve the special exception with the following
eight recommendations:
1. That the perimeter fence along the cast property line, between 114th Street and
the south property, be relocated to the west side:, of the proposed carthe n berm.
2, That no pedestrian access be provided at 114th Street,
3. That the proposed walking/jogging walking/jogging trail be relocated from the top of the earthen
berry and within security fence line.
4. That any sports fields located adjacent to the east property lie between 112th
Place and 114th Street shall not be lighted.
5. That a security gate be placed at the entry to the park from 116th Street and
lacked each night at the 11 :00 p.m. curfew.
6e The security fence must be completely around the property before it can be used
by the publics The fence is to close out public vehicle traffic.
7. No portable bathroom facilities shall be placed within two hundred (200) feet
from the east property limo
8. Only the Board of Adjustment can waive the 11:00 porn, curfew of the Sports -
Plea (This curfew applies to all city awned parks. jb)
Owasso Beard of Adjustment
Minutes of September 25, 1991
Page 3
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows.
'_t "h.e motion cars ;i d 3 -0
Jim Smalley -- Yes
0 ErckcI - Yes
Richard Hel m . -. Yes
5 _ lsa CQqnIy_Re&ML- . fir_ j affic .. t�"ia. bequest for a Special Exception to Permit a,
Resale Shop with Outdoor Storage on a CS Zoned District, Generally Located at 11409 North
Garnett Road, Owasso, Oklahoma.
Vice Chairperson flelin introduced the case and requested staff present tioti. Mr, Co ton
stated this is a referral from the Tulsa County board of Adjustment. Mr. Hatfield is requesting;
a Special Exception to permit a resale shop and outdoor storage on his property that has recently
be rezoned from AG to CS.
Mr. Compton continued by stating since the tract of land is designated as commercial in the
Comprehensive Plan and there are several Use Unit #15 businesses in the area, it is staff's
opinion that the requested use is appropriate in this location, He did, however, state the outdoor
storage has a strong; potential for an adverse impact on adjacent properties.
Following discussion, Jim Smalley moved to recommend approval of the Special Exception to
Tulsa County with the following staff exceptions:
1, That the County Zoning Code building setback requirement of 100' -from the
centerline of Garnett Road be met.
2. That any building on the tract meet all County building, health, and fire code
requirements for a commercial structure.
3. That a par -king lot meeting all code requirements for number of spaces,
handicapped spaces, and all - weather surface materials be constructed.
4. That outside storage not be allowed.
5. That meeting all restrictive conditions and code requirements or regulations be a
continual condition of approval.
Owasso Board of Adjustment
Minutes of September 25, 1991
Page 4
The motion was seconded by M. 0. Eckel. A Grote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Jim Smalley - Yes
M 0 Eckel - Yes
Richard Helin -, Yes
'he ir on carried 3-0.
6, /kDI0U ,N .,, M,O. Eckel moved for adjo .rnir. -nt9 seconded by im Small yo A vote
on- the motion was recorded as follows.
M 0 Eckel Yes
Jim Smalley - Yes
Richard Helm - Yes
The meeting was acct-jou red at 6.02 p.m.
`Mice Chair