HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.07.24_Board of Adjustment MinutesASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, July 24, 1991.9 4:00 p.m. Owasso Community Venter, 301 S Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT 0 Eckel Richard Helm Jim Smalley Leon Trani rr.ell MEMBERS A S A. J T Mai Bor nit1 STAFF PRESENT Richard mall Marcia Boutwell ""he meeting agenda was posted ira the Owasso City Hall, 07 S Coder, on my 19, 199L L CALL TO ORDER -- Vice Chaft7person Richard :l-1chn called the meeting to order at 4:05 p. rn. 20 ROLL CALL A quorum was declared present 30 MINUTES OF APRIL 17, 1991 - Leon 'l ranimel=l moved to approve; the minutes of April 17, 1991 as written. Motion seconded by M 0 Eckel. A vote on the motion was recorded, as follows: con 'cram ell - Yes 0 Eckel ... Yes Jim Smalley .. Yes Richard Helm Yes The motion carried 4 -0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. A @142 MICHELLE S OL ° AZ®94) - A Request for a Special Exception of Section 420 to be Allowed to have a Manicure Shop as a Home Occupation (Use Unit 13 Convenience Goods and Services) on a property Zoned S -3 Located at 1603 N 126th E Ave. Following discussion and the satisfactory answering of questions in regard t® the Special Exception request, Jim Smalley moved to approve the request subject to the following conditions: Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of July 4., 1991 Tugs 2 1. No more than two customers in the shop at one time, 2. Hours of operation be from 8:30 am. to 5:30 l rn. Tuesday through Saturday; 1 The ease be reviewed by the Board of , djustnient al°ter one ye,-ir (review gayly, the applica��t will not be r€rquired to file another application); 4 allow all. other restrictions of the Code as fists -A in the Su ff Case Report. Motion was secondod by t , 0 Eckel. A vets on the motion was recorded as follows: Tim Smalley -- Yes M 0 Eckel -,. Yes Leon Trammell - Yes Richard Helm ..- Yes The motion carried 4-0. 5 -143 DENNIS LE1 , _(31 :L4 . -.. A Request for a. Variance of Section 730 - Bulk and Area 1 a�� ents n Industrial Districts or the Reduction o the Setback from an Abutting AG District from 75 Feet to 1-0 Feet, Located at 108 W Third Ave, Following discussion and the satisfactory answering of questions, Tim Smally moved t® grant the requested variance subject to meeting the drainage and site plan requirements. motion seconded by Leon Trammell. A vote on the moti ®n was recorded as follows: Tim Smalley - Yes Leon Trammell - Yes 0 Eckel - Yes Richard Helm m Yes The moti ®n carried 4 -00 Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes of July 24, 1991 Page 3 6. LL, ION OF OFFICERS (Talon Expires June 30, 1992) - Article 111, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the Owasso Board of Adjustment states that there slab be an annual election of officers to sears for a term of one (1) year from the date of election. The following officers were nominated and electe a Chaiperson -- Mae Borgna Vice Chairperson - Richard HeIrri Secret:,ary .- Jim Smalley `l AIVOURN m LLeon Trammell moved for adjournment; seconded I.-)y M 0 F,,cke 0 A Grote on the motion was recordex.1 as follows: Leon. Trammell -- des 0 Eckel - Yes Jim Smalley ... Yes Richard Helai - Yes 'rhe rneeting was adjourned at 4.45 p.in. Chair Vice Chas Leta