HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.04.17_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Wednesday, April 17, 1991, 4:00 p.m.
Owasso Con- imunity Center, 301 S Cedar
0 Eckel
Richard Ll_oh7 ?
Jim Smalley
Leon `.Prannin -cell
Mac 13orgna
Steve Compton
Marcia Boutwell
_'he rote Ling agenda was posted in the Owasso C ity Mall, 207 S Cedar, e. rt Apr 1l. 111,
I, CA.li-.,I_., O ORDER - Vice Chairperson Richard _l:l:elin called the meeting to order at
4000 p�irr�
I ROLL, CAIA, -- A quorum was declared present,
I MINU`1t`Es OF MARCH 209 1191 Jin) Smalley moved to approve the minutes of
March 20, 1991 as written, Motion s econdedil by M 0 11c;kel, A vote; on.. tfri.e rnotion -as
recorded as follows:
M C Eckel -- Yes
Diehard Ilelrn m Ycs
Jii -n Smalley - Yes
Leon "f'ran -nnell _. Yes
The rnotion carried 4 -0,
4. O- BOA -141 Owasso eyelo !pent CoRi pan., _ 20IA). - A Request for a Variance of
Section 630 - Bull( and Area RQ_qLfirQgients in Commercial Districts to be Allowed to have
Commercial Lots with Frontage on a Private Street Within Lot 2, Block I of the Mingo Valley
Shopping Center,
Mice Chairperson Helm introduced the case and requested staff presentation. The applicant is
requesting to be allowed to have commercial lots with frontage on a private street within Lot 2,
Block 1 of the Mingo Malley Shopping Center, The zoning code requires that any subdivided
tract of land have frontage and access onto a dedicated public streets Tile requirement for
frontage on a public street that has been established as a part of the zoning code assures that
each individual lot owner has minimum access to their lot, In this case, the applicant has
accomplished the intent of the code by providing access through the use of a platted private
street that will be open to the public and be maintained by all owners within the shopping center.
Owasso Board of Adjustment
Minutes of April 17, 1991
The applicant was represented by Ted Sack of Sisemore-- Sack -- Sisern re. "'here were no
si .irrounding property owners present=
Fol- lowing disenssion and the satistactory answering Of CILICStIOrIS in.. regard to the variance, Ern
Smalley moved to approve the regtiested Variance. Motion was seconded by M 0 Ecke :L, i
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
M 0 Eckel el - Yes
Richard HeIni - Yes
Jim. rrialley .. Ries
Leon Trarnmell -. Yes
The -t- notion carried 4-0,
o ADJOURN irnrnalley nieved for adje��rnriie��t9 secendedy Richard 1cirri: A� vote
on the n- iotion was recorded as fol tows:
1A 0 Eckel .. Yes
Richard Heln -,i - Yes
JIrn ,Smalley -°des
Leon "hrarntnell - Yes
The n- weting was adjcri.irned at d1. :1 a p.ina
Vice Chair
S etary ,