HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.01.11_Board of Adjustment Minutes]�",JAHI) UJW MINUTYS UV KPIGIAL NEETIN(-1, Anjuanwisy. January 11 , WHY 4! 00 p, w, wassal U i ny Ija [ 1 , X01 1) , UIKKAY il I'': " I u'� "") ( wan posh6d in Tho Uwasn" G i ks, 00 K. Urnisr. (m Devvmber 2h, 19H8, i . 4 8A & TU KRUKII Wournan, Man Burg= walIK"i U ms Uppoti1q, Im osdor at Pon P, M, (VIT,own Kintial hn;jPA"od thnt nil mumhe)v of ron, 01111UPKI; (w Inwrow; 10 Win Phy, Vo I 00A WAn !in 111401011 lip Im - I losu" A v�Tw on tho MoBvin was xv;ooKed A03 f o I, PkIn NwIna Y a Richard Heim Ye ­, knon Tramm"Ll 10 B( _0', 0 - u AJ �'w )",11jusniml mum jlnwrwv"�, V (150AAAA Larry Morgan MIT) A Request for a Speciai Xxcep, ti on of the Owasso Zonins Code, Section 1002 bo allow a Temporary (Iffica in a Mobile Trailer on property gonad RS -3 (Residential Single-Family High Density District) located at the Nnrthwesl. Corner oT East 82nd Street North. and Worth 128th East Avenue, 010011A AMAK Williams UAIAI A Request for a Special Weption of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002 to allow ci. Temporary Office in a. Mobile Trailer on property zoned RS-:', (Residential Single-Vamily High Density District) located at the Southeast Corner of 129th East Avenue and 80th Street Worth, (Masso R)ollard of Ad Minutes of January 11, 1989, Page Ghairman Borgna Antroduued both cascos, SWA-113 and OBOA.-- U4. Richard Hall reaJI t " Staff Rocammundation. The applioant M 01310 113 Larry Morga" wag present and answered questions of the Board, The appiluant of {, >Y )A-04 was not PreSeDt. Chairman Borgn,-,,I ashed that both. unnos he nonfled together since the requests g " In "i ."4;'--'LJ .'%', mad. by 111's2.7 ard Helm and seconded by i W Trammali Lo a owyve pel.lWons (WA-A 13 and WO)A-114 for a perlod" non uo (qxnavyi Too) y,worm. UbarLes Adams arrived at the hearing. Poll W! votc on th" =W"n waq reenrded Hn TolLows� khari-en &damn AWKWo, I r WMA - 0 Wry no nwagsin (31W A Unquent for a Special KXnKprion at Qw Wasna) zowny, Won, SHMIon loop to allow at 3 /W not 1 11w 1 hor on n jwopwrtv soned AW 04W c"m Won) 1 ocat("! a_ at yon) Tonin gpou"In not trio i man"Icaltion of dinh Avou"n and Main Wrn"C jW W, QhInV Wripk IWMi =xAn f''r Wn vni"Inst Ono! a"'"40Y10" quanunon or uhn waW n"d otnaro; ))xv4xwvTS noncerUng &be propomno' nheitar. john Growth, fourys, tinvorn nmn wwwo, inwxy FWGU W-, yano isom, Ha vas spoke in opposition to thn proposal. Kirby W"wa, spno roy Lion xmques, wad answeped qucations about the nnimal qnnitom and Lke 'fir astc water vreatmeqt plant south ot Lhe proposeo Kito "E the nhoiter, makfun was moan by Rjoharn! Helm rind seconded by M. 0. Eckel to uontinuo tne hearing on petition. UBOA-112 to 4100 p.m. On Whruary N. 1989 to further Ntudy tho mattor. A roll cali vote on, the mnUou was recurano as tollowz� Charles Adams - Ye� Man Borgna Yes Richard Heim Yet--, Leon Trammell Yns The motion earriod, Y. 1AE14 1111"ITINSS - There was no New BUSAnesB, B. ?,,WWW i W histica) was made by Rickard Helm and 5ecanded by M, (), Eckel to adjourn. A vohn on that Mi,rt iDD Was recorded as fol- lows'' Charles Adams Yes 11 0. Eckel ye� monaro Heim Yin,, Inon Trammell W I,ZaasO 20626 II" P'ad. iA,s t'n I 0 J, �) a, iau,,_.i. ry