HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987.03.25_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS
Wednesday, March 25, 1987
4:00 Pam.
City Hall,
Mac Borg-na M. O. Eckel.
Charles Adams
Richard Helm
Leon Trammell.
Jim Dunlap
1. Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m.
2. A Quorum was declared.
3. The reading of the minutes of February 18, 1987 was dispensed
with due to the fact that board members reviewed copies sent
in the mail. Motion was made by Helm, seconded by Trammell,
to approve the minutes as written.
AYE: Helm, Trammell, Adams, Borg-na
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried 4-0
4. OBOA-103 (2014) - Beale Company Builders - Request for a var-
iance of the Bulk and Area Requirements in an RS-3 District
(Section 430 of the Owasso Zoning Code.) The legal description
is Lot 14, Block 2, Three Lakes Three, an Addition to the City
of Owasso. The general location is 8923 North 119th East Ave.
Chairman Borg-na reviewed the case,
The applicant, Jim Beale, was present.
Staff made the following evalution:
The application, Beale Company Builders, is requesting a variance
of the bulk and area requirements in an RS-3 District. The Owasso
Zoning Code (Section 430, Table 3, pages 23 and 24) states that
one side yard in an RS-3 District must be a minimum of 10 feet
and the other side yard a minimum of 5 feet. The dwelling on the
Owasso Board of Adjustments Minutes
March 25, 1987
Page Two
subject tract has one side yard that is 10.9 feet and one that
is 4.4 feet. The house was built in 1985 (Building Permit was
issued 12-4-85).
The applicant is requesting a variance of .6 feet (from
5 feet to 4.4 feet). There are existing dwellings on both
sides of this tract. After viewing the property, it is staff's
opinion that relief, if granted, would not cause substantial,
detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent
of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends
approval of the request,,
After discussion, a motion was made by Helm, seconded by Adams,
to approval the variance as requested.
AYE: Helm, Adams, Trammell, Borgna
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried 4-0
With there being no further business to be brought before the Board
Members, Chairman Borgna asked for a motion to adjourn.
A motion was made by Helm, seconded by Adams, to adjourn.
AYE: Helm, Adams, Trammell, Borgna
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried 4-0
Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Maw or —gn-a-T-Chair
Jane — Secretary �-n an