HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987.02.18_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD 01" A.I)JUSTMENTS
Wednesday, February 18, 1987
4:00 p.m
City to] I
Nia (" 1 1, 0 -f - 'g 1), a M. V Ecke I Jim Dunlap, City Planner
Charles Adams
M Mird. Helm
Leon Trammell
1. Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
2. A Quorum was declared,
3. The reading of the minutes of February 11, 1987 was dispensed with due
to the fact that hoard members reviewed copies sent in the ma i t.
14otion was made ley T-ramifnc.l I, seconded by Helm, to approve the minutes
as written,,
AXE: 1'ram one ll, Helm, Adams, Borgna.
NAY: None
MOT TON: Carried 4-0
�I o OBOA--1.00 2911
Gordon - Request for a Special Exception to
allow an --s -3 District. Legal
cliw 6 _i.te constr6Etion. facil ity in an RS
description: Lot 3, Block 7, Lakeridge First Addition, an addition
to the City of Owasso, TuIsa County, Oklahoma. The general location.
is 12304 East 87th Street North.
Chairman Borgna reviewed the case.
The applicant, Jerry Gordon, was present.
Staff made the following evaluation:
The application, Jerry Goardon, is requesting a Special.
Exception to allow an off-site construction facility in
an RS-3 district. The application wishes to locate a
small temporary building for use as a construction and
sales office while the subdivision is being built. The
lot is located at 12304 E. 87th Street North. There are
developed lots, developing lots and vacant lots in the
area. There is a drainage ditch to the south of the tract.
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
F'ebruar'y 18, 1987
Page Two
The zoning code lists an off- -site con.struct:.i.on facility as
one of the Uses which in some instances may be suitable for
location in any use district but, because of their potential_
adverse influence on adjacent properties, require ,
�..n.fl..ti. _ � site review
and are, therefore, permitted use i n all l districts a s a special
exception requiring ir:;.ng Board of Adjustment approval.
There are also additional conditions for approval of construction
facilities listed in Use t1ra.it 1002
Construction facilities,
1. The use may continue for a period not to exceed two
years in the same locations,
2. Ingress and engr.. e ss musi, be from arterial or collector
streets, provided that the Board of Adjustment may approve
a location with access to a minor street upon a finding
that such location would not result in increased traffic,
on streets in .resi_den.tial.. areas
3. The use sha.l.l not be located nearer than 100 feet to
any lot containing an occupied dwelling without the
consent of the owners thereof,,
Board members should consider whether this request would
have any adverse effects on the neighborhood or on through
traffic is on 87th. Street iVorth and whether any additional,
conditions should be imposed, such as whether outside .:storage
of material is to be allowed.,
After discussion., a. motion was made by Helm, seconded by
Trammell, to approve the Special Except =i..on as requested
with a six (6) month time limit imposed.
AYE: helm, Trammell, Adams, Borgn.a
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried 4 -0
5. OBOA - -101 (2014) - Mason Mitchel.- - Request for a Special.
Exception to allow an off -site construcvti..on facility in RS -3
District. Legal description: Lot 13, Block 10, Lakeridge
First Addition. An Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma. The general_ location is 12206 Ea 8 7th.
Court North.
Chairman Borgna reviewed the case.
The applicant, Mason Mitchell, was present.
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 18, 1981
Page Three
Staff gave the following evaluation:
The applicant, Mason. Mitchell is requesting a Special Ex--
ception to allow an off -site construction facility in RS-3
district. The applicant wishes to locate a. mobile home for,
use as a constr'uctlon and sales office while the subdivision
is being built. The ::tot is located at 12206 E. 87th Court
North. There is a drainage ditch to the west of the lot, a.
dwelling to the nor..th and a vacant 1..ot; to the south of the
The zoning code Lists an off-site construction facility as
one of the Uses which. in some instances may be suitable for
location in any use distract but, because of their potential
adverse influence on adjacent properties, require site re--
view and are, therefore, permitted in all use districts as
a special- exception requiring Board of Adjustment approval.
There are also add:i.tional condidti..ons for approval of construct-
ion facilities listed in Use Unit; 1002:
Construction facilities:
a `1:'he use may continue for a. period not to exceed two
years in the }ante location.
2, ingress and egree must be from arterial or collector
streets, provided that the Board of Adjustment may
approve a location with access to a minor street upon
a finding that such location would not result in in-
creased traffic on streets in residential areas.
3� The use shall not be located nearer than 100 feet, to
any lot containing an occupied dwelling without the
consent of the owner thereof.
Board Members should consider whether this request would have
any adverse effects on the neighborhood, and whether any add-
itional conditions should be imposed such as whether the mobile
home should be completely skirted and if outside storage of
material is to be allowed. (Note: A portion of this lot is in
the 100 Year Flood Plain and any structure roust comply Keith. the
Owasso Flood Plain. Ordinance.)
Af=ter discussion, a motion was made by Trammell, seconded by
IIelm, to approve the Special Exception as requested with a
six (6) month limit imposed.
AYE: Trammell,
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried
Helm, Adams, Borgna
4 -0
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 18, 1987
Page Four
With there being no further business to be brought before
the Board Members, Chairman Borgna asked for a motion to
A motion was made by Trammell, seconded by Adams, to adjourn.
AYE: Trammell, Adams, Helm, Borgna
NAY: None
MOTION: Carried 4-0
Meeting was adjourned at 4:27 p.m.
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Mac rgna, Chairman J/
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