HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987.02.11_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWA.SSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 1tl1NUJ'ES Wednesday, February 11, 1987 4 :00 p.m.. City Hall lll,JN11B1='RS PRES.1Xt MEMBERS ,1> l= s:�l`I' >IA[_F PRESENT' ' Mc Bor°gn.a l 1_c'hard llc hii z_7.i_tn Dt3nJap, City Plarn.er Charles Adams Leon `_I'rarrmel_ l_ 1A.0, Eckel- 1. Chairman. Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:05 pamo 2. A. Quorum was declared. 3, The reading of the minutes of October 28, 1986 was dispensed stiitk7 clue to the fact that board. members reviewed copies sent in the mail. 15timi was made by Eckel, seconded by Adams, to approve the minutes as written. AYE: Eckel, , Adams, Trammell, Borgna. NAY: None NOTION: Carried 4-0 PUBLIC HEARING C (:)BOA - 98 (81.4) - Quik Trip Corporation - Request for a. Variance of the alk aaar°ea. requ r- e-ants 1-The-M-11 strict. The legal description is the north 260 feet of the west 250 feel of the NW /4, NW /4, Section 8, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, `:I'u] sa County, Oklahoma, less highway right -of -way. The general location, is the southeast corner of Highway 169 and Highway 20a Chairman Borgna reviewed the case Mr. David Grooms and Mr. Al. Howerton with Qu.ik -Trip Corporation, the applicants, were present. Staff presented the following evaluation: The Planning Commission reviewed Quik- -Trips s site plan at their February 9 � 1987 meeting, Quik -Trip is making changes to the site plan which will affect their Board of Adjustment application. Atith.is point, Staff stated the necessary changes have been made and the site plan. was presented to the Board for their review. Owasso Board. of Adjustment Minutes February S, 1987 Page Two After discussion, a. motion was .Glade; by Adams, seconded. by Trammel, to approve the request by Qu ik -'1'r i p for a variance of the bulk and area requirements o f the CS district., AYE: Adams, Trammell, Eckel, Borgna. NAY: None X)T ION: C a r r i _r d :! _ 0 OBOA - - o Pub C Schools - Request for a Special c p # i on _ tO allow a pub l T_C` _as schoo 1 (l` 6 UnT1. S1 n a RS 2." district. 1 h Js is a tract containing 10.0972 acres �; :ire he SWj�! of Ni? /�1 of Section Vic), }_� Township 2.I North, Range 1A East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The general "location is near the intersection of North 123rd .Gast Ave and 91x,1 Street North,, Chairman Borgna reviewed the case 1b.c applicants were not present. Staff 1_ gave the :.:o l.- l,- owin is "E' {.UlTirii( r1C :1::1t�Il I%e Owasso Zoning Code (page 130) classifies <r public school as use unit ` . The subject t, tract is zoned. RS -2:. The Zoning Coda states that Uses -i -ri. Use Unit t are allowed in E?es= s.ident.:ia;l. Districts by special. excpet.:ion from the Board of Adjustment. Staff recomrrr nds approval of the request: subject to the attached l f s t. from the Technical Advisory Committee, which the Owasso Planning Commission has approved. After discussion, a motion was made by Adams, seconded by Eckel, to approve the request for a Special Exception to allow a public school. (Use Urii.t S) in a. RS-2 district. AYE: Adams, Eck;el., 'TrarrGOel -1 , Borgna. NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 With there being no further business to consider, the meeting was adjourned with. a motion by Adams, seconded. by Eckel. AYE: Adams, Eckel_, Trammell, k3orgna NAY: None MOTION: Carried. 4 -0 Meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Mac frgna.9 Chairman F, Buchanan, —Secretary 17