HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.01.15_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Wednesday, January IS, 1986, 4:00 p.m City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT Mac Bo_a gna Charles Adams Richard Helm Ma Eckel. Leon. Trammel MEMBERS ABSENT' STAFF PRESENT' Jim Dunlap 10 Chairman Borgxra called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m and, 2, declared a quorum present 3� `:[.Yhe reading of the minutes of September 11, 198S was dispensed wi.t-.h clue to the f=act th.at board members reviewed copies sent in the mail, Motion was made by L. Trammel, sec=onded. by R. Helm, to approve the minutes as =mitt=en, AYE: Adams, Helm, Ec:.1<e_1., Trammel and Borgrra., NAY: Nome Motion c=arried 5 -0-0. PUBLIC HEARING 4. OBOA -87 (3014) - Dr. Edward J. Sokolosky - Request for a Vag _anc€'�c dµ clizll :rnint �" Nixi a CG district to allow for gasoline service island canopy, located at the southwest corner of 86th Street North and Main, The staff evaluation was included. in the packet Chairman Borgna and board members discussed the case history and staff evaluation. Charles Subl_ett, representing the Circle K Corporation, presented his case to the board members Jim Dunlap stated that the tract had not been platted and the site playa given to the members had not been reviewed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee or approved by the Owasso Planning Commissions The Owasso Transportation Plan designates 86th Street North as a primary arterial. This requires 120 feet of total right-of-way or 60 feet from the center of the street. The submitted site plan shows 53 feet from the section line, Charles Subl£'t t presented a revised site plan. Owasso Board of Adjustment ,January 155 l_98f> Page 2 .After discussion, motion was made by R. Helm, seconded by Ca Adams, to approve the request for change of variance based upon plat approval. AYE: Adams, 1-3e:i,m, Eckel, el, `frammel and Borgna NAY: alone Motion carried 5-0-0, Motion was made by R. - elm, seconded ed by L. 1 xemeln to recess and reconvene at the Owasso Community Center in 10 minutes,, Meeting recessed. at 4:05 and reconvened at t }. IS at the Owasso Community Center., Ss OBOA - 88 (3114) - Star C'rommuaa qty_ Menta l Health - Request x a,u .. o :fie Owa—s o -Buy_ 1.ding Inspector denial of zoning clearance permit under Use Unit S. The generdl location being on Cedar Street directly south of CedarcresC: Apartments. 'l:'he staff e evaluation was included J.n the 7)acke is , Chairman Borgna reitie wed the case, April Kanis, representing the Episcopal Housing Develop- ment Corp. gave a five minute; presentation of St. Aidan' s a Star Manor and listed requirements for each resident Chairman Borgna asked if any citizens in the audience or representatives of the Police and Fire Departments had any questions or comments pertaining to St, Aidan`s -- Star Manor, No comments or questions were submitted, Chairman Borgna asked Ms. Kanis if she realized that there are two requests and OBOA -88 is being ,presently discussed, After the Board decides on OBOA -889 they will discuss and decide on OBOA -89. Ms. Kanis stated that she had covered both OBOA --88 and OBOA-89 in her presentation and had nothing further to add.. After discussion, motion was glade Ma Eckel to uphold the ruling of Inspector, AYE: Adams, Helm, Eckel., Trammel and NAY: None Motion carried S - -0m0o by R. Helm, seconded by the Owasso Building Borgna Owasso Board of Adjustment January 15, 1986 Page Three 66 OBOA -89 (5114) Star Community Mental Health - Request for a Special Except it ` In a RM-1 district The gen.era.l. location being on Cedar Street directly south of C,edarcr°est; Apartments. "1.he >ra._l°1 evaluation was included in the packet, Chairman BorgnJ asked for any questions of the citizens, Police and Fire Departments or Lr'.1.e Bot1.rC1. Members. No questions were asked, Chairman Borg.na as l e y Ms. Kan is if she had anything f r_° t hei to stated :r°egarcl.:f:rg 013OA -89<. Ms. Kanis started she had a nothing more i.:o add to what she had stated in her presentation. Motion was made by C Adams, seconded by R l:[e:Im to deny the special exception request,, AYE: Adams, Elr::1_m, Eckel, Trammel and 13or°gn_4a. NAY: None Mot_i.on carried 5-0-0. Ms. Kanis requested that the Board give °r.:lae, rational for the decision at the meeting or in writing, Chairman B o r° gn. a stated that they would p r e s e:r t it in writing if she liked. Ms. lams stated yes please,, There being no further business to consider, motion was made by L. Tremmel, seconded. by Ca Adams to adjourn meeting. AYE: Adams, Helm., Eckel.., Trammel and 3orgn.a NAY: None Mot_l.on. carried 5 -0N0. ATTEST° ( ,. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p �m® Date Approved airman.