HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985.08.14_Board of Adjustment MinutesMEMBERS PRESENT
Mac Borgna
Charles Adams
Richard Helm
Mo Eckel
Leon Trammel
Wednesday, August 14, 1985, 4:00 p.m.
City Hall
Jim Dunlap
1, Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:00 p,m,, and
2. declared a quorum present,,,
3, The reading of the minutes of July 24, 1985 was dispensed with due to the
the fact that board members reviewed copies sent in the mail, M, Eckel
moved approval of the minutes as written, L. Trammel seconded the motion,
Aye: Borgna, Adams, Helm, Eckel and Trammel,,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0,,
0 OBOA-83 MTC Inc. - Request for a Special Exception to operate a day care
Located at the NW/c of 22nd Street and High-,
way 169 on Lot 1, Block 1, Heritage Heights,
Chairman Borgna reviewed the case history and the staff evaluation:
The applicant request a Special Exception to operate a day care
center in an OL district, The tract is surrounded on the north by
a church, zoned AG® To the south, across 22nd Street is CG zoned
property which contains a house, To the east, across Garnett Road
is AG zoned property. There is vacant RS-3 zoned property to the
There is an office building being constructed on a portion of
the subject tract, The applicant wishes to use a portion of this
building for a day care center, The tract was rezoned in 1981
from AG to RS-3 and OL, The proposed uses at that time were for
an office building on the OL and a church and single family homes
on the remainder, The staff stated at this meeting that the OL
land use could serve as a buffer between the high intensity com-
mercial and low intensity residential/church uses. She also stated
that the office and church uses would prevent further commercial
strip zoning northward to 96th Street. One of the concerns at this
meeting was the existing traffic problems on Hwy. 169 and access on
this property. On November 14, 1984 the applicant requested a
Special Exception for Use Unit 14 uses in the office building® The
Board voted 5-0-0 to deny this request.,
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
August 14, 1988
Page 2
The proposed day care center could generate a considerable
amount of trips during times when Hwy. 169 has the largest
amount of existing traffic. This could be especially critical
for north bound traffic wanting to turn left, Part of the
jurisdiction for the initial OL zoning, in 1981, was the low
intensity nature of Office Light zoning and 'Further commercial
strip zoning northward to 96t h Street, 16ic Board has previously
denied a Special Exception for Use Unit 1.4 uses in this building,,
I' the present application is approved the intensity of use would
be increased, The day care .enter may be incompatible with the
light offices in the rest of the building.
To grant a Special Exception the Board must find that the
exception "...will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of
the code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or other-
wise detrimental to the public welfare." Section 1480.3.
Roy Johnson, agent for the app _i i cant presented his case
Pair Galloway asked if the exception would apply to the property facility
on the property or part of the facility. He stated that we are looking
for a joint use proposal.
Roy Johnson stated that the north 2000 sq. ft. would be used for the day
care center.
R. Helm asked what the rest of the building would be used fore Perry
Cleveland stated that it would be used for offices, R. Helm asked how
may offices® The applicant stated that .it depends but probably five
L. Trammel stated the followings 1) the traffic congestion caused by the
day care center would be at peak traffic tires, i.e ®, morning and evening,
2) the light office traffic would be spread over the entire day, 3) the
majority of the church traffic is on Sunday and not during rush hours.
Patricia iuzzolino stated that some of the traffic would be from the north.
Mac Borgna asked if a mutual access agreement was obtained® Rick Mahar
stated that it had not been done at this time.
Steve Condray stated that the initial building permit was issued for an
office not a day care and that this would be a drastic change. Perry
Cleveland stated that there was no lease at this time. Mac Borgna asked
if -the construction had begun. Perry Cleveland stated that it had.
Dan Galloway discussed the building permit process and stated the require-
ments. Roy Johnson stated that if the proposal was approved the code
would be complied with.
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
August 14, 1985
Page 3
Mac Borgna asked if there was a playground proposed, Rick Mahar stated
that there would be one provided, R. Helm asked if food service would be
required, Rick Mahar stated that it would not interfere with the other
uses and that they would "extra" sound proof the walls,
M. Eckel stated that the concentrated morning and afternoon traffic would
create a hazard, C. Adams stated the traffic concentration would be a
Patricia Tuzzolino stated that there would be three hours of traffic on
either side of the scale,,,
After discussion, R, Helm moved to deny the request, M. Eckel seconded
the motion.,
Aye: Adams, Helm, Eckel, Trammel and Borgna,,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0,
5 OBOA-84 City of Owasso - Request for a Special Weption to locate, main--
and –6 p'e- —ra t Ja- -` transm -is-sion tower in an RM-2 district. Located west of the
SW/c of 96th Street North and 129th East Avenue,,,
Chairman Borgna reviewed the case history and staff evaluation,.,
The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a cable
television transmitter tower and appurtenant structures (Use Unit
4) on RM-2 zoned property. The tract also has the city water
tower located on it. The general location is south of 96th St.
N. and west of 129th East Ave. The Mingo Valley Expressway is
being constructed to the southeast of the tract, There is vacant
RS-2 zoned property to the north, vacant AG to the west and 96th
SQ N. to the north, The existing water tower is 98' and the
proposed transmitter tower would be 80'. There is a similar
transmitter located at the Bethel Baptist Church on 86th Street
North. The water tower (Use Unit 4) was approved by the Owasso
Board of Adjustment on September 26, 1984,
Dan Galloway presented the case.
After discussion, C. Adams moved to approve the request. R. Helm seconded
the motion.
Aye: Adams, Helm, Eckel, Trammel and Borgna.
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0.
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
August 14, 1985
Page 4
There being no further lousiness to consider, R. Helm moved to adjourn the
meeting, C. Adams seconded the motion,
Aye: Adams, Helm, Eckel, Trammel and Borgna,
Nay: None,
Motion carried 5..0..0, The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p m,
Date Approved �
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