HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.11.14_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Wednesday, November 14, 1984, 4:00 p.m. City Hall IMEMBIRS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Mac Borgna Carol Dickey Richard Halm Leon Trammel Charles Adams Me Fckel E.,. Chairman BCaY gna called the meeting to order at 4;00 p=, 2. declared a quorum present. 3. The reading of the ill;nutras of October 17 1984 was dispensed with du(' to the fact that boar d members reviewed copies s ent in the mail. R. Helm moved approval rah. the minutes as written. C. Adams seconded the motion, Aye: Helm Borgna, Adams and Eckel Nay: None. Motion carried 5-0-0. PUBLIC HEARING Mpg OBOA -78 MT Investments Inc. Chairman E (:3Y "gna reviewed the case history and the staff evaluation: ..p..he applicant requests a Special Exception for Use Unit 14 uses in a proposed office building .located in an OL district The applicant wishes to pint certain commercial businesses in the office building, The subject tract is vacant land ;coned AG to the east, to the south by property zoned CG that contains a. house and to the west vacant tracts zoned OL and, farther west, RS -3o The tract was part of an unplatted tract that was rezoned and lot split in 19819 The OL site is 1.30 acres in size, The east half of this site, .64 acres, is the subject of this application. The subject site has not been lot split and has not completed the subdivision platting requirement. The property must also undergo site plan review and approval before building permits can be issued According to the revised Owasso Zoning Code, a draft copy of the Office chapter is attached for your review, Certain commercial uses are permitted by right as accessory uses in an OL district® Certain additional commercial uses are permit- ted by special excepti Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes November 14, 1984 SECTION 520 ACCESSORY USES PERMITTED IN OFFICE DISTRICTS 520.1 Accessory Uses Permitted Accessory uses customarily incident to a. principal use permitted in an Office District are permitted in such a district, In addi- tion, the uses set forth in Table 2 are permitted. Table 2 Accessory Uses ermi,t e ° d n Office Districts Uses Districts Barber & Beauty Shop 01 "' Oil Business Signs All Districts Convenience Goods & Services OE._, OM Eating Places, other than Drive-Ins OL, OM Construction Sign All Districts Real Estate Sign All Districts 9 Private Clubs *OI.e, Ol��yl Shopping Goods {�''>{ Services 'COL, OM �Py �t� %�t� s al c��c,c�ptir>n re�tluri' inr3 i2�i�r'd >>af Ad,l =dst:��c'r�c ���pro��a l subject to the requirements set forth in Section 540. The permitted accessory uses in an OL district are limited by Section 520.2 Acylyry,ple Conditions: ba Convenience f=loods and Services and Shopping Goods and Services . Limited to the uses .included in Use Unit 13, Chapter 10 and Use Unit; 14, Chapter 10 in an OM district, 2. Shall be located entirely within the principal building. Sn Shall not occupy more than 15 percent of the gross floor area of the building in which located. Included uses in Use Unit 1:3 are listed in Section 1013.2: Retail trade establishments such as drug store, florist, bakery, candy and confection anti /or nut store, dairy store, food specialty store, grocery, health food store, ice cream store, gift, novelty, and souvenir shoe liquor store, news- stand, tobacco store, and service establishments such as dry cleaning and pickup, barber shop, beauty shop, and laundry and pickup© 2 Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes November 14, 1984 In an (1L district certain private clubs and shopping goods and services are permitted by Special Exception and, according to Section 540, "....flare subject to the minimum requirements set out below and such add i t i -onal s,afeguaards an�l condi F�ion- as li°nposecJ by, th��._. oard of Adiustment '8 a (emtoha i� ad'du7cl)rySection 54W 3 Shopping Goods and Services in the OL District shall comply with the following requirements,, a.. No accessory shopping goods and services shall be permitted unless the principal building contains to minimum of 50,000 square feet of floor space b The permitted i,i ed `;l"4olJjo'3e`g goods and services Listed below shall be located entirely within the o principal building and shall have their pedestrian entrance and exit through the principal building, c. Permitted shopping goods and services in the `L district are - limited to the following cues and use groupings: 1z barber" Shop 8,. (Medical, Dental, Optical, 2. Beauty Shop zit Orthopedic Supplies 3. Book Store (per ;3cr'i pt i on services rla Florist only) 5. Gift, Novelty 9 Stationery and Office 6. Liquor Store Supplies L Newsstand 1V Tobacco Candy, and Nut Store d, The permitted accessory goods and services listed above shall not occupy more than 10% of the gross floor area of the building in which located; provided that if a private club is requested that the total gross 'Moor area for all accessory uses, including a private club, shall not exceed 12.5%. e. Each accessory use shall be limited to a maximum of 2,000 square feet of floor area per specific use grouping (1-10) listed above. 4. private clubs or eating places, other than :hive -- -ins in the OL district shall comply with the following requirements: a9 the private club or eating place shall be located within the principal building. K The private club or eating place shall not occupy more than % of the gross floor area of the building in which located. ca Exterior business signs identifying the private club or eating place are prohibited. 3 Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes November 14, 1934 Therefore, approval may be granted for the additional uses of a bookstore, stationery and office suppli Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes November 14, 1984 There being no further business to consider, R. Helm moved to adjourn the meeting. L. Trammel seconded the motion, Ale: Helm, Borgna, Adams, Trammel and Fckel. Nay: None. Motion carried 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:26 p., ATTEST-, 5