HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.06.20_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES
Wednesday, June 20, 1984, 4 00 p�m,
Owasso City Hall
- -----
Mac Borgna
Rick Mahar
Carol Dickey
Leon Trammel
Richard Helm
Charles Adams
I. Chairman Borgna called
the meeting to order
at 4:00 p,fri,,
2, declared a quorum present.,
3. The reading of the minutes
of June 6, 1,98/4 was
with due to 'the
'fact that board members
reviewed copies sent
in the mail,
C. Adams moved
approval of the minutes
as written,, R,. Helm
seconded the
Aye: Helm, Trammel, Borgna
and Adams.
Nay: None,
Motion carried 404,
4, OBOA-67 Ronald Harrington
Chairman Borgna reviewed the case history and the staff evaluation:
The applicant requests a variance From several of the bulk and
area requirements for a single -family lot in an RS-3 district.
The lot is located at the N[/c of South Main and 4th Avenue, The
lot is a 50' x 140' lot that now contains two existing houses
built several years ago. The applicant has requested a lot split,
and because the two proposed lots are each to small to meet the
requirements for lots in an RS-3 district the variance request was
filed. The applicant wishes to split the lot to be able to sell
the new lots individually. No new construction is included in the
application,. The lot is surrounded on the north, east and south
by RS-3 zoning; houses abut the lot on the north and south and
vacant land lies to the east, To the west is an industrial busi-
ness and vacant area zoned IL_
The two proposed lots would measure 50' x 87' and 50' x 53',
respectively. The requirements for width, lot area and yard space
for RS-3 lots are attached. Variances needed for each lot are
listed below:
Lot 4A
I. Lot area 7000 sq. ft. (has 4350 sq. ft,)
2. Livability space 4000 sq� ft. (has 2805 sq. ft.)
3. Front yard 25' (has 8')
4. Rear yard 20' (has 8')
Owasso Board of Adjustment, Minutes
June 20, 1984
Lot 4B
1f Lot width 65' (has 53')
2. Lot. area 7000 sq. ft, (has 2650 sq, ft,)
3. Land area 8500 sq ft. (hits 5512 sgt ft.)
4. Livability space 4000 sq,, ft;. (has 1610 sq: f&)
I front yard 25' (has 8')
6, Rear yard 20' (has 7'
..1,.he homes were built on the subject lot several years ago, .
Granting the variance would permit the proposed lots to be sold
separately as lots of records Since the houses exists with little
or no room for expansion, there is little redesign that can be
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
June 20, 1.984
Page 3
built several years ago. The applicant has requested a to
split, and because the three proposed lots are each to small
to meet the requirements for lots in an R3 -3 district the
variance requested was filed.,, The applicant wishes to split
the 'lot to be able to sell the new lots individually., No
new construction is included in the application, The lot is
surrounded on the south, east and west by homes zoned RS-3.,
To the north I'le cort'imerc i a l buildings zoned CH, I'o the south-
west lies IL property.,
The three proposed lots would measure 77' x 45' and 63' x
1.00' respectively, The requirements 'For width, 'lot area and
yard space for R5--3 lots are attached,, Variances needed for
each lot are listed below.
Lot 6A
1 Lot width 66' (has 55')
2y Lot area 7000 sq, ft. (has 4235 sq, ft')
3,, Livability space 4.000 sq. -ft, (has 31.31, sq. fl L.)
C, Front yard 25' (has 24')
5, Other, yard 15' (has 1.5')
6m Rear yard 20' (has approximately 1Y)
7. Side yard 10' (has 1,,5')
Lot 6B
1, Lot width 65' (has 45')
2a Lot area 7000 sq, ft,) (has 3465 sq:, ft�)
3, Land area 8500 sq, ft. (5152 sq. - ft.)
C Livability space 4000 sq. ft. (2745 sq, ft.)
5a Front yard 25' (has 24')
Lot 6C
1. Lot width 65' (has 63')
2. Lot area 7000 sq. -ft, (6300 sq. ft.)
3. Front yard 25' (has 10')
The homes were built on the subject lot several years ago.
Gran-Ling the variance would permit the proposed lots to be sold
separately as lots of record, Since the houses exists with little
or no room for expansion, there is little redesign that can be ac-
complished. However, staff would suggest moving the common north-
south lot line 2' to the west to allow Lot 6C the minimum 65' lot
width. That would further reduce Lot 6A's rear yard. With the
existing houses the other items would not be redesigned to elimi--
nate the other variances. The Board should consider whether the
proposed lots would benefit the city and whether they would have
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
June 20, 1984
Page 4
any detrimental effect on the surrounding neighborhood,
The Board members discussed the three houses with the applicant and the
effects on moving the north-south lot line 2' to the west. The appli-
cant indicated no opposition to moving the lot line,
K Helm moved approval of all of the variances with the condition that
the north-south common lot line be moved I' to the west, Trammel
seconded the motion.,
Aye: Helm, Trammel, Adams and Borgna,
Nay: None,
Motion carried 4-0-0,
6. Annual Election of Officers
The chairman opened the floor for nominations to elect officers for one
year terms as noted in the Board's bylaws, L, Trammel nominated Mac Borgna
for chairman. R. Helm seconded the motion, M, Borgna nominated Richard
Helm for Vice-Chairman, L. Trammel seconded the motion, The Board voted
on the two nominations as one motion,
Aye: Trammel, Helm, Borgna and Adams,,
Nay: None,
Motion carried 4-0-0,
There being no further business to consider, R, Helm moved to adjourn the
meeting. C. Adams seconded the motion,
Aye: Helm, Trammel, Adams and Borgna,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 4-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p,mfl
Date Approved
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