HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.05.09_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES
Wednesday, May 9, 1984, 4:00 p.m,
Owasso City Hall
Leon Trammel Mac Borgna Carol Dickey
Richard Helm Steve Condray
Rick Mahar
1, Vice Chairman Helm ca I I ed the irieet 1 rig to order at 4:00 p,rfj, , and
2, declared a quorun,i present,
3 The reading of
the minutes of
April 18,
was dispensed
with due to the
fact that board
members reviewed
in the
rfiail. L, Tranimel
moved approval
of the minutes
as written,
seconded the motion,
Aye: Helm, Mahar and Tramme),.,
Nay. None.,
Motion carried 3-0-0.,
4, -I"CBOA-461 REFERRAL, - United Penecostal Church
The Vice Chairman reviewed I'll-he case- history and the staff evaluation-
This is the same application that was reviewed by the Owasso
Board of Adjustment on November 16, 1983u Staff comments are
included in the minutes of that meeting attached to this agenda.
The Owasso Board of Adjustment and the Tulsa County Board of Ad-
justment denied the application. The Tulsa County minutes are
also attached to this agenda, The application has not been
amended; the applicants are requesting, again, that their church
be approved.. The facts regarding the application have not
changed either, Board members should consider whether there are
any differences in the current situation that would support a
different decision on this application.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Hobbs, applicant, and asked if there were
any differences from the last application, Mr. Hobbs showed the site
plan for the church and said they had agreed to make any drainage im-
provements that were required even the ground was flat, R. Mahar stated
that this was a referral hearing only and that the Board was looking at
the residentially zoned property to see if a church would be appropriate
there. Hobbs stated that the church was not a business, that the members
had bought the land and wished to build a church on it. He stated that
they had "been hardshipped" by not being allowed to build,
Several neighborhood residents expressed their opposition to the appli-
cation, Ronald Young stated that he had no hostility against Mr. Hobbs
but he was worried about the narrowness of 117th East Avenue and the
number of cars a church would bring, He said the tract was not large
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
May 9, 1984
Page 2
enough for parking all the cars. He stated that 117th was a residential
street and that they had to put up with the traffic of Water Products
already. One woman commented that there was only one street available
for access to the church,
Mr. Koenning who lives to the northeast of the tract stated that the
land sits in water much of the year and that approving a perc test was
unusual for the area because of the high clay content of the soil, He
was worried about the amount of sewage to be gner
eated by a church, Mr.
Hobbs stated that the church only drew 6 or 7 cars of people now, although
he hoped it would grow,
Roger Leonard who lives on the south said for the record the he was not
against any church, He stated that stormwater sits on the land and that
it would affect the septic system because the clay soil will not accept
much water very quickly,
Mr, Hobbs disputed the statement that water sits on the land, He showed
copies of the approved perc test, The Board studied the pert test and
discussed it with Mr, Hobbs and the Protestants. Neighbors questioned
the test saying some of their lots would not perc for a house and that
they had to build lagoons,
Other comments were expressed, Mr. Hobbs stated that 117th was not
narrower than other streets. He discussed other local churches located
in or near residential areas. One protestor asked where stormwater
drainage would be channeled since their drainage ditch deadends,
R. Mahar stated that the Board has the responsibility to look at the
Owasso area and residents to have a bearing on their decision. Mahar
moved to recommend denial of the application to the County Board of
Adjustment. L. Trammel seconded the motion,
Aye: Mahar, Trammel and Helm.
Nay: None.
Motion carried 3-0-0.
Mrs® West-Leonard questioned how many times this case will come up
5. OBOA-66 W Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Staff reviewed the case history and the staff evaluation:
The applicant requests a Special Exception for a church on a
tract zoned RD and RM-2. The property is vacant and is part of
an unplatted tract undergoing subdivision platting as Lakeridge
Subdivision, There is also a lot split pendipq to split this
2.06 from the remainder of the Lakeridge property, The subject
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
May 9, 1984
Page 3
tract is surrounded on the north, west and east by vacant prol-
perty zoned RD, RM-2 and AG, respectively, There is a single
family home on a 10 acre AG tract immediately south and another
home across 129th East Avenue from it. There are two other
houses located nearby at the SE/c of 96th Street North and 129th
East Avenue, The abutting Lakeridge property is in the process
of being developed into residential lots - single family, duplex
and multifamily, The Comprehensive Plan recommends low intensity
residential land use for the subject property. The church re--
quests a relatively flat 168' x 80' one-building church with
paved parking and drives and access to 129th East Ave. They
state they will meet all of Owasso's requirements and standards
for building. They also suggest a possible future access to
the north if a collector street into Lakeridge Subdivision is
designed for that location,
A church use can be considered compatible with residential
use in some circumstances. In this location the proposed
church would have individual access onto 129th East Ave,, an
arterial street, that would not interfere with residential traf-,
is in the neighborhood. If a church at this location is
considered a compatible use there are several conditions that
should be considered on a site plan:
1. Locate church building (s) at least twenty feet from any
property line.
& Add all utility easements that are required. (TAC
comments will be available by meeting time),
1 Provide stormwater drainage plans for review by the
city engineer and construct all improvements needed.
4. Provide any plans required for extension of water,
sewer, or street service,
5 Require all drives and parking areas to be paved before
occupancy with a weather proof material.
V Buffer all outdoor lighting away from abutting reside-
ntial areas.
7, Prohibit parking along 129th East Avenue,
8, Locate one 40' access on 129th E. Ave, midway along the
property line. Provide limits of no access on all other
boundaries except for one 30' potential access on the
north boundary to be located if and when a collector
street is built abutting the tract on the north,
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
May 9, 1984
Page 4
Don Murnam, representing the church, discussed the church's development
plans and explained that because of a 100' GROA easement, the building
would be set back from 129th East Avenue at least 133 feet, He said
they wished to center the building on the property or 60' south of the
property line if a street is built along the north side of the tract,
Board members and staff discussed each of the TAC conditions and answered
questions regarding extending utilities,
L. Trammel moved approval of the application subject to completion of the
staff conditions, R, Mahar seconded the motion,
Aye: Trammel, Mahar and Helm.
Nay: None,
Motion carried 3-0-0,
6, Discussion of Code Enforcement Policies and Procedures
Steve Condray, building inspector, discussed zoning code violations such
as unpaved parking lots, screening fences and improperly placed signs
with the Board and updated them on the status of the cases. The Board
asked several questions and discussed follow up procedures that the in-
spector is using to process these violations, No action was taken on this
There being no further business to consider, R, Mahar, moved to adjourn the
meeting. L, Trammel seconded the motion,
Poe: Helm, Mahar and Trammel
Nay: None,
Motion carried 3-0-09 The meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p,m,