HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.01.18_Board of Adjustment Minutes014ASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Wednesday, 1984 Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Richard Helm Gary White Carol Dickey Mac Borgna Robbie Fickle Ron Cates -eon Trammel o Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 11,05 po i.,, and 2. declared a quorum present. 3„ The reading of the minutes of November '16, 11983 was dispensed with due o the fact that board members reviewed copies sent in the mail, R. Helm moved approval of the minutes as written, La Tran,imol seconded the mot-ion. Aye: Helm, Rorgna and Trarciel Nay: None Motion carried 3-0 -0 PUBLIC HEARING . OBOA -60 Llovd K nn With no further discussion, Le Trammel moved denial of the application. R. Helm seconded the motion, Aye: Trammel, Holm and BorQna. Nay: None. Motion carried -0-0. Mr. Larkin gave notice of his intent to file an appeal of the decision to District Court® This portion of the meeting was recorded by a certified court reporter. OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 18, 1984 Page 2 So OBOA -59 Eddie Proctor Staff reviewed the case history and the staff evaluation. The applicant requests a variance of the side yard setback re- quirement in an RD district from 10' to ', The duplex was built ' and 7.4' from the side lot lines rather the 10' and S' as re- quired, The duplex is located on Lot 1, Block S, Hale Acres Addition in the middle of a residential block on a 1.00' x 173' lot. The property is not exceptionally step, narrow or in the fl oodpl ai n m There is a 20' utility easement that rues along the north boundary of the lot, The duple is also built over a portion of the easement. The applicant has applied to vacate that portion of the easement. The 0wasso Zonina 0ode state the following provisions for an application for a variance Section 14 70 ..1 Section 1470.3 The Board shall hold the public hearing and, upon the concurr- ing vote of three members, may grant a variance after finding: ae That by reasons of extraordinary or exceptional condi- tions or circumstances which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved, the literal enforce- ment of the terms of the code would result in unnecessary hardship. be That such extraordinary or exceptional conditions or cir- cumstances do not apply generally to other property in the same use district. 0I4AS O BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 18, 1984 Rape 3 C. That the variance to be granted will not I cause substan- tlal detriment to the public good or impair the purposes, spirit, and intent of the code, or the Comprehensive Plan, The oard should consider she criteria for grant nrl variances to see whether this application would meet those standards, The ffsects that approval of this application would have on the surrounding properties should be considered also. rn Proctor explained the events of building the duplex, showed cancelled checks for building p rrdis and said the f r-m r building inspector had measured the building stakes on the lot. He said he thought the bulldinq setbacks were 50 for sid yards. He stated they had located the building where it is in order to get as far away as Possible from the overhead y electric line running along the north boundary of the property, Board members discussed the situation with Mr. Proctor and asked several questions. R. Helm moved approval of the application saylna he thought it was appropriate under the circumstances and that the building inspector had made the mistake. L irarnmiel seconded the motion. Aye. Helm, `i"ran i 7 and Borgna, Nay: Noes Motion carried 3 -0 -0a ZONING CODE RE-VIE14 6. Review of Owasso Zoning Code Board members reviewed amendments to Chapter 14 of the Zoning? Code, Board of Adjustment, They discussed chanoes in wording with the city attorney and planning staff, R. Helm moved approval of the amendments to Chapter 14 of the Zoning Code as submitted. L,m Trammel seconded the motion. OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 18, 1984 Page 4 8. qlla Resi tion of Member � The Chairman discussed the possibility of finding a person to recommend to the City Council to replace Gary White who has indicated verbally that he can no longer attend meetings due to a job change. Members discussed the necessity of maintaininq five members who can attend reqularly so as not to overburden the three members who always attend, The Chairman su6gested that Bob Peel, who is retired, be recommended as a replacement. He stated that Mr. Peel was interested in civic activities and had been a member of a public board previously, No formal action was taken on this item. There being no further business to consider, R. Helm moved to adjourn the meeting. L. Tramiel seconded the motion, Aye: Helm, Borgna and Trammel. Nay: None. Motion carried 3-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 Date Approved ATTEST: airman 777- —airman airman