HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.04.06_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Wednesday, April 6, 1983 Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PR SLNl.. MEMBERS Al1SEN.1' STAFF PRESENT Richard Helm Mac Bor °gna. Leon Trammell Gary ltd h i ..t e Robbie Fickle Carol Dickey . Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4,05 p.m. and 2. declared a quorum present. 1 8 <� m �`$e reading t?.�" @���e minutes to €' �'�ai' °cry 16, .,... <.�.� aril <���" dispensed with dude to the fact that board members reviewed copies sent in the mail. Leon Trammell moved to approve the minutes as written. R. Helm st?(;)nt_ed the motion. Aye: Helm, Borgna and Trammell. Nay: None., Motion carried 3-0-0. PUBLIC HEARING r OBOA.55 S]emons /Sheffield Chairman Borgna reviewed the casts history and discussed the IAC; meet- ings and staff staff" evaluation with the applicants and nearby property owners The applicant requests a Special Exception to build multi- family residential units in a CH Commercial Distict® On the five lots in question three buildings exist (two commercial with one apartment, one residential). The applicants wish to build four or more apartment units built with metal siding on the rear or your of the lots behind the existing commercial buildings® The pro- perty is surrounded on all four sides by CH property. Two homes lie to the east and commercial businesses lie directly north. This area is a part of the original township commercial area. The Board has essentially two issues to discuss and decide: 18 Whether apartment units should be built at this parti- cular location, behind commercial uses, some of which have high volume, late night customer traffic. 2. The g rits of a site plan which attempt to locate all facilities and provide adequate space for municipal services and residential needs of the tenants, Owasso Board of Adjustment April 6, 1983 Page The applicants wish only to utility the rear portion of 4 lots for apartment use© The area would have no .independent, access to a public, street. The applicants wish to use the 20' alley as their sole access to the apartment property and in effect, separate that part of the lots °!"Y"om the remaining portions of the commer- cial lots, Site plans show proposed apartment units fronting the alley, backing up to {roadway and apartment parking a p a"r ng spaces la d ing directly run the al ley, the area of the icis shown or apart- ments technically could u:tiniCtate about 45 units i t only square footage of the area is considered,, Several additional items should be considered in discussing a site plan for residential udriW L Fire protection r the nearest hydrants are located on the west side of Main, across the street; and on the east side of Birch, across the street. EYfiia3"gency vehicles would have access only through the alley which could be congested or blocked at a critical time for several reasons, Also, the available distance and turn radius of the alley prevents ire trucks from turning into .t €"3e property "i°t "om the alley. 2 Parking tenant parking is _likely to be prized by ccammer ci al patrons of other businesses and may be difficult to patrol. Demand for parkin; may be higher for customers of night-time business ::3t Fencing - residential development is considered to be worthy e.t, protection from the adverse effects on non-resi- dential uses and is normally provided protection by opaque screening fences from all non - residential users. 4. Deterioration - it is considered a responsibility of the Board to consider the effect a proposed living environment upon the future tenants as well as surrounding owners and tenants° is the proposed development likely to lead to deterioration of the dwelling units and/or general neighbor - hood because of the location and development plane Is Isolating living units on the rear of commercial lots an appropriate residential environment now and in the future.. Board members discussed the third revision of the site plan and asked questions of the applicants and nearby residents. In response to questions, the applicants said they had an agreement that Mr. Helder (or his sun) could remain as long as either used the feed stare as a business, that they had agreed to participate in extending a fire hydrant to the west side of Birch, designating a fire lame and adding, one parking space to the site plane Owasso Board of Adjustment April 6, 1983 Page Members discussed questions of primary access from the alley, no access from a public street, maintenance of the alley and security of apartments and tenants' cars„ The applicants stated they would pave, the alley if needed, Members discussed traffic, noise, parking and other problems reported by nearby residents as coming from the adja.., cent silver mine;', Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, residents on the east, request- ed a privacy fence along 't:ide east of the apartments, abutting their their lot,, Extensive discussion of the merits of apartment use and site plan followed. l..heY applicants stated that they needed at least five apartment uni ts to succeed financially. They agreed they could remove all existing buildings and use the gout ete.:ad; ern lots for apartments, The Chair reminded members that they either needed to make a decision on or request an amended site p l an G Members commented that they could not support; the current site plan and discussed whether apartment use was appropriate in that location. Mr. Thomas {Mated that she didn't want people from the apartments parking on their property. Leon Trammell moved to reaquest, another s`,t,e"5 pan to review showing the eastern four lots cleared for apartment sites onl,y and with access from Broadway., The applicants insisted that they needed a decision an the use exception right ijliean. After discussion, they motion died for lack of a. second, Rs Helm moved approval of multifamily use at M density can the eastern four hats, which would be cleared of ael.l existing buildings and to apartment use ca l y� ,,jai nth sae access from Broadway, approved subject to approval of an acceptable site plan. G. White seconded the motion Agee Helm, White, Trammell and Bur gna Nay: Fickle Motion carried 4 -1-0® Mrs. Fickle stated her objections to the applica- tion were based on increased traffic from the apartments, adverse impact from the silver mine, and having apartments so close to an elementary school. Chairman Borgna stated that the ,.SAC would review the 4th version of the site purr and then the Chair would set a new meeting date for the Board to further consider the case Owsaso Board of Adjustment April 6, 1983 Page 4 There being no further business to consider, R. Helm moved to adjourn the meeting. G. White seconded the motion. Aye: Helm, Borgna, Trammell, Fickle and White. Nay: None. Motion carried 5•0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m, Oate Approved ATTEST: ecretary airman