HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.02.23_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Wednesday, February 23, 1983, 4:00 p, m.
Owasso City Hall
Richard Helm None
Mae Borgna
Gary White
dot ie Fickle
Leon Trammell
1. Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m., mnd
2, declared a quorum presenk,
Carol Dickey
3. The reading of the minutes of February 16, 1983, was dispensed with due to
the fact that board members reviewed copies sent in the mail. R. Helm moved
to approve the minutes as written. C. White seconded the motion.
Aye: Helm, Borgna, White, Fickle and Trammell
Nay: lion e.>
Motion carried 5-0-0,.
0 Dale Block, City Manager, made a special presentation of Certificates of
Appreciation to members of the Board who had been unable to attent the City
Council's appreciation dinner the previous evening, My. Block thanked all.
Board members for their bard work and said that the Council deeply appreci-
ated their assistance in helping keep Owasso a great place to live.
5n OBOE - 5:3 Larry Bard
Chairman Borgna related the case history and discussed the staff evaluation:
The applicant requests a Special Exception to build a miniature
golf course in a CG Commercial General district. This is a use per-,
mitted in this district upon review by the Board. The property is a,
portion of a larger tract designed for a miniature golf course, The
Tema intrig parcel was approved for miniature golf use through OBOA-5K
The subject tract was not included in the previous applicationw The
total property is-relatively flat vacant parcel that slopes from north
to south. It hag a good acceas from the east, from the access road to
Highway 169. It is surrounded by other commercial uses on all sides
except the west where these commercial lots back up to a residential
There appear to be no conflict with the proposed use and the sur-
rounding uses. There are several site design details that should be
Owasso Board of Adjustment minutes
February 23, 1983
Page 2
considered if the Board decides that this io an appropriate use:
I m Erect an opaque screening along the westerly boundary
of the property,
2. The drive and parking areas will be surfaced with a
weatherproof material such as asphalt,
3. Designate the driveway a fire lane and prohibit park--
ing along it. Designate driving lanes and lane directions
for the driveway,,
4. Locate light poles so that lighting for the parking lot
and golf course is directed away from the abutting houses,
5. On the building inspector's final s a
ite plan, show parking
spaces and dimensions. Show dimensions of the office
6. Fence property along the north and south borders to bar
access except along the designated driveway,
The Board members discussed the application with Mr. Hard, applicant. There
were no persons present to protest the application. Board members related
to Mr. Bard that the revised site plan was much iiirproved and they thought
the proposed arrangement of golf course and parking would be much more ef--
ficient, They also discussed various types of opaque fencing that could be
used along the western boundary,
R. Helm moved approval of the application and the revised site plan for the
entire tract, as submitted. L. Trammell seconded the motion,
Aye: Helm, Trammell, Fickle, White and Borgna.
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0.
V OBOA-54 Rich Mahar
Chairman Borgna diacussed the case history and the staff evaluation-
The applicant requests a variance of lot width and sideyaTd set-
back requirements for the existing single famOy- .ho uses located in,
a predominantly commercial area zoned CHI Three homes were built
on the two subjent loto several year: ages and were sold sepaxately.
The two :Lots, each measure 1001A 140` The Owas-s-o Plan-friag Commis-
sion recently considered a lot split application to divide the lots
into three tracts to clear the titles to the properties, The lot
split would create two tots that meet the size requirements for RS -3
lots; the middle lot would have a substandard width (59.7" rather
Owasso Board of Adjus-t-went niirrutes-
Feb ruary 23, 1983
Page 3
than 65'), Also, the existing homes would not meet the side yard
setback requirements of 5' and 10"
Ordinance No 272 states in Section 4,0213 (c)
...the Planning Commission after review shall either
approve or disapprove the requested lot split based on
the approval criteria set forth in Section 4.021 (b),
If approved, the lot-split approval may be subject n)
the Zoning Board of Adjustment if a waiver of a Zoning
requirement is involved,
The OPC approved the proposed lot split subject to Board of Adjust-
ment approval of the variances,
Chairman Borgna explained to Esther Jones, a nearby resident, how the appli--
cation came about and that it would not affect her property. She indicated
that she did not oppose the application. Tbexe were no other persons present
to protest. Board members discussed the application with Mr. Mahar and Hollis
tea tberal, co-owners of the property, Board members stated that they realized
this type of application is a problem, but they felt their options were to tear
down one of the houses or grant some type of relief,,
G. White moved approval of the application for the existing homes. R. Fickle
seconded the motion,
Eye: White, Fickle, Trammell, White and Borgna,,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0,,,
There being no further business to consider, G. White moved to adjourn the
meeting. L. Trammell seconded the notion,
Aye: Helm, Borgna, White, Fickle and Trammell.
Nay: None,
Motion carried 5-0-0, The meeting was adjourned at 4:18 p,m,
Date Approved