HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.01.12_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Wednesday, January 12, 1983, 4:00 px Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENI' MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Richard Helm Robbie Fickle Carol Dickey Mac Borgna Gary White Leon Trammell 1. Chairman Boryna called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m., and 2. declared a quorum present,,, 3. The reading of the minutes of November 19, 1982, was dispensed with due to the fact that board members reviewed copies sent in the mail,, L. Trammell moved to approve the minutes as written. R. Helm seconded the motion, Aye: Helm, Borgna, White and Trammell. Nay: None. Motion carried 4-0-0. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVIEW 4. BOA Notice Requirement Amendment Ordinance -- Board members discussed a proposed ordinance prepared by city staff members to reduce the number of days required to advertise a BOA public hearing from the current 15 days to 10 days which would conform to state statute. They also discussed a member's proposal to include a recommendation to require that the letters sent to nearby property owners be by certified mail with the charge billed to the applicant. Members noted that it might be important in the future to have an official record of what letters had been sent to surrounding property owners, especially in light of recent court appeals from city decisions, Richard Helm moved to recommend approval of amending public notice time from 15 days to 10 days and to require that notice sent to pro.- perty owners within 300' be by certified mail with the cost charged to the applicant. L. Trammell seconded the motion. Members further discussed the effects these amendments would have on applicants and staff members. The motion was called to a vote. Aye: Helm, Trammell, White and Borgna. Nay: None. Motion carried 4-0-0. OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes January 12, 1983 Page 2 NEW AND GFNFRAL BUSfNESS 5. Staff updated the Board an the status of the OBOA-50 appeal to district court and informed them of a newly filed application to be heard on February 12, 198K There being no further business to consider, Trammell moved to adjourn the meeting. G, White seconded the motion, Aye: Helm, Borgna, White and Trammell, Nay: None. Motion carried 4-0-0. ATTEST: ecretary The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p,, Date Approved Chairman