HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.11.03_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOAK0 OF ADJUSTMENT
Wednesday, November 3, 1982
Owasso City Hall.
Richard He 1.ri:a. Leer). raiftiatj [. Carol iJ, 3 key
itildr.< Borgna
Gary White
Robbie Fickle
1. . C..Ea7 t: °iiz7il, t,tr:t`gaa called the meeting to order ,t.[:. t)'v p.m, and
2 - declared Via. quorum present,
3 EfJ.C' reading of minutes of July 28 ai.c:2 %Lttgt),3s"
ed with due t o the fact that board ret7e s
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mail. R. Fickle S)lt�ileCl. 1v. C? approve t_�).e minutes "! a
seconded ,she motion.
4 Helm, i' L3 r g ; `i. ct, y White and Fickle,-
Nay: None,
Notion carried 4- 0_„03
�, . _(taf30��. -�54 Curtis Coo!s.
1982, was d c spen s
copies sent: in t!:3,e
tten.. R. Heini.
Chairman Borc 73a related the case history ;,l.n read the st:af
The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow automo-
bile, mobile home and recreational vehicle sales in a CS
(Commercial Shopping) district., `:t'he property contains
approximately 2655 aches. Located on the property and two
or three lots to the south are general commercial and office
non-conforming uses, The property was rezoned from tE to CS
by the Tulsa County Commission earlier this year® The un-
pl.atted tract is surrounded by vacant agricultural land on the
north and east and large lots residential development to the
rest and south, The Owasso Comprehensive Plan indicates rural,
residential development for this tract and i,.lae surrounding
The Tract: is located one -half= mile from the arterial inter-
sections where the Comprehensive Plan :recommends commercial
development. The property is 200` deep. The right -of -way re-
quirement is 50' from the centerline and the setback
requirement is also 50'e Setback from the west and south
property lines is at least. 10' each, Approval of this appli-
cation would allow opens display of merchandise, Board members
Owasso Board of Adjustment
November 3, 1982
Page 2
should consider whether land use of this type is compatible
with surrounding land uses and whether the requested uses
would have any detrimental effects on surrounding properties,
Mr. Cook spoke for the application, relating the history of the pyoperty
and his former business that burned. He showed a sketch plan of the
tract showing existing development and driveways. The Board discussed
the sketch and asked several questions of Mr. Cook. There were no per
sons present to protest. Board members and staff discussed the need for
sufficient right-of-way dedication along Garnett,
R. Helm moved to recommend approval of the application with the con-
dition that 50' of right-of-way be dedicated to the public along
Garnett. G. White seconded the motion.
Aye: Helm, White, Fickle and Borgna,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 4-0-0.
5. OBOA-50 Charles Norton
Chairman Borgna related the case history and read the staff evaluation:
The applicant requests a Special Exception to permit con-
onestruction of 25 units of ministorage on the rear of a lot d
CG commercial. The property currently has a 50' x 120' commer-
cial building. The property is surrounded on the west and north
by commercial zoning and development, light industri
Owasso Board of Adjustment
November 3, 1982
Page 3
received from nearby property owner Robert Green that is attached to
these minutes,
The Board discussed the intended ministorage use for that location and
the proposed site plan, notLng consideration of access, security,
utility easements and adequate space for placement of the units within
the existing development.
R. Heim moved to deny the application. G. White seconded the moti=',
The Chair called for discussion. R. He Lm stated that he did not think
there was enough room for the units. G. White said he did not see it way
the application would work. Mr. Norton recounted the improvements he
had made on his existing property and said he would not bother anyone
because his property borders industrial on the south.
The vote was called,,
Aye: Helm, White, Fickle and Borgna,
Nay; None,
Motion carried 4-0-0,,
There being no further business to consider, G. White moved to adjourn
the meeting. R. Fickle seconded the motion.
Aye: Helm, Borgna, White and Fickle,
Nay: None.
Motion carried 4-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm
Date Approved
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