HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.08.04_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Monday, August 4, 1982, 4:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF' PRESENT Richard Helm Mac Borgna Leon Trammel Gary White Robbie Fickle I , Chai rman Borana cal I ed the t-rieel:i ng to order at Jk-, 041( p, m, ,, and 2, declared a quorum present, PUBLIC HEARING 3,, OBOA--49 Wayne Vines Carol Dickey Chairman Borgna requested that this case be discussed first. Staff gave the Case, llistory and Staff Evaluation - The applicant requests a Special Exception to operate a i'flnistorage business in a CG district, which is d use permitted under review in Use Unit 22, The vacant tract is surrounded on 3 sides by commercial property; to the west and southwest are RMH mobile home arid and duplex lots. East 114th Street North, fronting the property is a collector street leading into 'the Hale Acres neighborhood. There are existino utility easements of 10' along the south lot line of lot 7 and a S' U/E running along the east lot line of -lot 7 (approximately 56' east of the building line), The tract would have only a 10 drive on the west side and the proposed buildings would be built over the S' U/E, This application should be decided on its own merits and not have other cases considered as precedents or be considered a precedent to other cases, If the Board deems ministorage use as appropriate for these three lots, several items should be considered by the Board to provide adequate public utilities and services and to provide for ap- propriate access: The site plan for the entire tract, including all build- ings, be approved by the Building Inspector to ensure adequate width of drives, loading areas, parking spaces, emergency vehicle access and space for proper maintenance. 20 The applicant compliance with all provisions of the zon- ing code as relates to a CG district and to Use Unit 22. Sn An opaque screening fence required by the zoning code on the west and southwest where the property abuts a resi- dential zone.. Owasso Board of Adjustment minutes August 4.9 1982 Page 2 4. Screen security lighting from abutting residential lots to the west,, The property be used for ministorage and one office and 0, no individual commercial uses, Consider water, and sewer serv,ice to the office unit, only 6, Consider, securi-II-y fence around the perime-Ler of the pro-- p e rty 7, Consider :he location and width of entrance(s) -to the property and ]Inflts of no a(,rC(.,ss on the remainder of the lot, 8, Consider the width of interior drives for their ade- quacy for emergency vehicles and use by customers' cars and trucks, 9, Consider redesigning the buildings so they will not be built over the utility easenient and will provide a wider driveway to the rear of the propert"y- Wayne Vines spoke for the application,, explaining -that he had filed two applications because he had bought the property separately- There, were no other persons present to speak for or aga.inst the application, Mr, Vines presented two revisions of the site plan (attached -to these minutes), with the buildings redesigned to avoid the 6' utility easement running north and south along 'lot 7, Board members discussed the 'location of the lots and the staff evaluation item by item,, G, White moved approval of the application subject to the revised site plan #2 and the following conditions: 1, Staff evaluation recommendations 1., 2, 3 and 4. 2, The property's use as ministorage only with no office, water and sewer service or Individual commercial uses. 3. A 6' chain link security fence around the perimeter of the pro- perty except on the west and southwest where the opaque fence would be located. The opaque fence may be attached to the metal building along the west boundary to -form a continuous screen, 4. No outside storage unless it is surrounded by an opaque fence. 5. All customer access will be -through the adjacent ministorage property from H, 169. There will be LNA the length of 114th Street North except an emergency vehicle gate across the utility easement on lot 7. Owasso Board of Adjustment minutes August 4, 1982 Page 3 6a The lots will have hard surface parking and driving lanes built to City of Owasso standards. The parking require- ments will be defined by the Building Inspector and City Manager, R, Helm seconded the motion,, Aye - White,, HeInq, Borgna,, Fickle and Trammel, Nay: None, Motion carried 5-0-0. Mr. Vines requested an emergency clause be approved in order for, him to begin his buildings. Board members discussed the request, R, Helm approval of the emergency, L. Trammel seconded -the motion, Aye: Helm, Trammel, Fickle, Borgna and White, Nay: None, Motion carried 6-0-0, 11,, OBOA. -48 Wayne Vines Staff gave the Case History and the Staflf Evaluation- The applicant requests a Special Exception to operate a ministorage business in a CG district, which is a use permitted under review - in Use Unit 22,, The vacant tract is surrounded on 3 sides by commercial property; to the west are RMH -mobile home lots, East 114th Street North, fronting the property is a collector street leading -into the Hale Acres neighborhood, There are existing utility easements of 15' along the north lot line and 25' along the south lot line (correspond- ing to the building line), The buildings would meet the bulk and area requirements if built as in the site plan., This application should be decided on its own merits and not have other cases considered as precedents or be considered a precedent to other cases. If the Board deems ministorage use as appropriate for these four lots, several items should be considered by the Board to provide adequate public utilities and services and to provide for ap- propriate access: 1, The site plan for the entire tract, including all build-, ings, be approved by the Building Inspector to ensure adequate width of drives, loading areas, parking spaces, emergency vehicle access and space for proper maintenance, L The applicant compliance with all provisions of the zoning code as related to a CG district and to Use Unit 22. 3. An opaque screening fence required by the zoning code on the west where the property abuts a residential zone. 4� Screen security lighting -from abutting residential lots to the west. Owasso Board of Adjustment minutes August 4., 1982 Page 4 50 The property be used for, ministorage and one office and no individual commercial uses. Consider water and sewer service to the office unit only. 5n Consider a security fence around the perimeter of the property. 7o consider the location and width of entrance(s) to the pro-- perty and 'limits of no access on the remainder of the lot. 8. Consider the width of interior drives for, their adequacy for emergency vehicles and use by customers' cars and trucks.,, Mr,. Vines spoke for, the application explaining the site Plan., -There were no ether persons present to speak for or against the application. Board members discussed the site plan and staff evaluation with Mr. Vines. O., White moved to approve the application subject, to the submitted site plan and the following requi r°ements : `l., Stai'.f: evaluation recommendations `l , 21, S and -4, '., ,.l.wo entrances located at the east and west ends of the property with I_NA on the rest of the frontage. ;fit No outside storage will be allowed,, 4a The property will be used as ministorage and one office, There will be no individual commercial uses. Hater and sewer service may be extended to the office only. 5, provide a chain link security 'fence around the perimeter of the property and the opaque fence on the west. R. Helm seconded the motion. Aye: White, Nelms Borgna, Trammel and Fickle, Nay: None,. Motion carried 5-0-0. NEW BUSINESS Board members discussed sending a letter to the City Manager requesting a clear definition of what the City of Owasso considers as hard surface parking for non - residential properties. Specifically, they requested the reason gravel parking lots are allowed when the code calls for a hard sur- face lots Additionally, they discussed preparing a letter to the Council and Manager apprising them that often the hoard's decisions are not fol -- 1owed; what is approved may not be what is built, 'They said that the Council sets the ordinances and policies and that they should be enforced, Owasso Beard of Adjustment minutes August 4, 1982 Page 5 Board members directed the Chairman to draft these centers to send to the appropriate parties. There being no further business to consider, %. White moved to adjourn the meeting. R. fickle seconded the motion. Aye, Helm, Boragna9 Trammel, White and Fickle. Nay: None Motion carried 5-0 -0u The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pw ecretar °/ Date Approved ai rman