HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.01.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES Wednesday, January 27, 1982, 4:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Mae Borgna Carol Dickey Leon Trammel Richard Heim Gary White Robbie icl le 1. Chairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. and, 2. declared a quorum present. 3. The reading of the minutes of December 30, 1981, was dispensed with due to the fact that Board members reviewed copies sent in the mail. G. White moved to approve the minutes as written. R. Helm seconded the motion. Aye: Borgna, Helm, White, Trammel and Fickle,, Nay: None. Motion carried 5-0-0. Chairman Brogna requested the the minutes reflect that Mrs. Fickle's absences have been due to illness for which she has been under a doctor's care. PUBLIC HEARING C OBOA-41 Budgett Industries Chairman Borgna gave the case history. Mr. Hacker, applicant, spoke in support of his application saying his lot was very crowded and needed the additional building to house his material and alleviate the parking situa- tion along Atlanta, He stated that his company has been in operation at the present location for IQ years, He would like to move the business in the future to another area that was zoned for heavier industrial. He stated that he had an option to purchase the abutting lot to the south in the future. Mr. Duncan spoke for the application saying he had sold Mr, Hacker the lot where his present business is. Mr. Daniel, a dentist with a nearby office, spoke in opposition, stating there were traffic congestion problems, and a. lack of parking along Atlanta, and that expansion of this business would destroy the value of his and Dr. Drake's property. There were several per- sons present with an interest in the case Questions from those present were directed to the applicants. Would they (Hacker) expand their business to the north farther into the neighborhood? Maybe, if the owners were willing to sell, Staff summarized a letter from Mrs. Ester Jones expressing opposition to the case, That letter is attached to and made a part of these minutes, Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 2 January 27, 1982 The Chair directed staff to read the staff recommendation: The applicant requests a Special Exception in a CH Heavy Commercial district for a Use Unit 24, Light Manufacturing, to locate a steel fabrication shop, A Use Unit 24 is a use granted by Special Exception of the Board of Adjustment, The subject lot is surruonded by of CH zoned property and abuts the railroad track and It zoning on the west, Immediately surrounding the lot on the north, east and south are older single family homes of the Original Town Subdivision. The Comprehensive Plan designates this general area (zoned CH) as Special District 1, the Owasso Central Business District. The Plan states that the GBD ..."will be main-,,. tained as a principal community-wide shopping area for the Owasso area. Opportunities should be created whenever feasible and appro-, priate, to enhance new development and revitalize existing development in the CBD," The existing neighborhood is in transition. The older residential areas are fairly stable. The development to the south and west of this tract are commercial and related uses. There is currently a business on the subject property. The applicant wishes to build an additional building on the rear of the property to expand the business, If the Board deems the proposed use to be an appropriate land use for this area, several safeguards should be required in order to avoid parking, crowding, noise, blighting and other problems that can hamper the vitality and compatibility of existing and future development: 1) Allow no parking of employee or business vehicles on the east side of Atlanta between First Street and Broadway. 2) Locate all equipment, material, products, etc. of the business inside the two buildings. 3) Conduct all fabrication activities inside the closed buildings to reduce or eliminate adverse effects of noise of the manufactu- ring use 4) Locate a drive and parking spaces for employees, delivery vehicles, and customers on the lot (off the street right-of- way) south of the two buildings, 5) Locate an opaque screening fence along the north property line abutting the homes to the north, 6) Locate exterior lighting so that it shines away from the abut-, ting residences. 7) If an adjacent lot is bought by the firm, locate additional park- ing, driveways, loading areas on the adjacent lot. Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 3 January 27, 1982 8) Any future expansion of the fabricating use would be treated as a separate BOA application to be decided on its own merits. Mr. Hacker stated that he was adding 2" insulation to the building's walls to contain the noise; and there would be no windows i Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes Page Zi January 27, 1.982 Mr. Helm agreed to amend his motion to include the above 6 items,, G. White seconded the motion. Aye: Helm, White, Trammel, Borgna and Fickle, Nay; None. Motion carried 5-0-0. R. Fickle admonished Mr. Hacker that he will be proceeding on his building ar his own risk. if he doesn't meet the required conditions the light manufacturing use would nor be finally approved. Mr. Hacker assured the Board there would be no problems if,). co-n-rp lying with the conditions. L. Trammel moved to approve the emergency contingent upon the required con- ditions being completed. R. Fickle seconded the motion, Aye: Trammel, Fickle, Borgna, White and Helm. Nay: None,, Motion carried 5-0-0, 6. OBOA-40 C. H. Harris Chairman Borgna gave the case history and staff presented the staff recom mendation> The applicant requests a Special Exception in a CC Commercial General district to permit a Use Unit 24, Light Manufacturing, to locate a precision light duty machine shop. L.S. Use Unit 24 is a use granted by Special Exception of the Board of Adjustment. The subject lot is surround- ed on the west by RS-3 homes, on the south by a 10 acre tract with one home, vacant RD Duplex and CC Commercial lots to the north and an office building and vacant CG Commercial land to the east, The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as high intensity commercial, The residential area to the west is fairly new and stable. The abutting commercial area is largely vacant. The subject lot is vacant. If the Board deems the proposed use to be an appropriate land use for this area, several safeguards should be required in order to avoid parking, crowding, noise, blighting and other problems that can hamper the vitality and compatibility of existing and future de-- velopment: 1) Have all buildings and improvements conform to the bulk and area requirements of a CG districtb 2) Locate ' all equipment, material, products, etc. on the business inside the building. 3) Conduct all machine shop activities inside the closed build- ings to reduce or eliminate adverse effects of noise of the machine shop use, Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 5 January 27, 1982 4) Locate all drives and parking spaces for employees, delivery vehicles, and customers on the lot (off the street right-of-way). 5) Locate an opaque screening fence along the west and south property lines abutting the residential areas. 6) Locate exterior lighting so that it shines away from the abutting residences,, 7) Locate the building and parking areas to the east side of the lot away from residential areas. 8) Any future expansion of the machine shop use would be treated as a separate BOA application to be decided on its own merits. The applicant was not present. There were no persons appearing in support of or in opposition to the case. Staff reported that there had been no calls or letters received in support of or, in opposition to the application, Board members discussed the case, the effect the business would have on the surrounding properties and the recommended safeguards, L. Trammel moved to approve the application as presented in the site plan per the staff recommendation and approval subject to completion. of the eight requirements listed in the recommendation. R. Helm seconded the motion, Aye: Trammel, Helm, Fickle, Borgna and White, Nay: None. Motion carried 5-0 -0® There being no further business to consider, R. Helm moved to adjourn the meeting, R. Fickle seconded the motion. Aye: Trammel, White, Helm, Borgna and Fickle. Nay: None. Motion carried 5-0-0. ATTEST: Secretary Date Approved Chairman