HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.08.26_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Wednesday, August 26, 1981, 4:00 p.m.
Owasso City Hall.
Mac Borgna
Leon Trammel-
Richard Helm
Gary White
Robbie Fickle
Carol Dickey
Cbairman Borgna called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and declared a quorum
The reading of the Minutes of August 12, 1981 was dispensed with and Gary
White moved to approve the Minutes as written, Richard Helm seconded the
Aye: Borgna, Trammel, Helm, White and Fickle,
Nay: None,
Motion carried 5-0-0,,
Chairman Borgna welcomed Robbie Fickle to the Board as a new member.
OBOAn35 Faith Lutheran Church
Staff presented the case report and the staff recommendation.-
The applicant, Faith Lutheran Church requests a Special Exception in
an AG district for church use. Since the property has not been rezoned
sinceit was annexed as AG land, there is no subdivision platting require-
ment, A lot split, OLS-27, was granted subject to conditions on August 20,
19819 for this parcel,
Church use is a permitted use in AG districts in Owasso by Special Ex-
ception, The Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed the application and
the site plan for the proposed buildings. Staff recommends approval subject
to several conditions:
1a All conditions of lot split approval be met prior to issuance
of building permits, including filing of record the required
right-of-way and utility easements®
2. The site plan be reviewed and approved by the Building Inspect-
or prior to issuance of building permits, All improvements
will be built according to the approved site plan,
3. All buildings meet the bulk and area requirements of an AG
Owasso Board of Adjustment Minutes
Page 2
August 269 1981
4, To the site plan -
a) Add the R�O-W dimensions on Garnett.
b) Delete "future access" locations from
site plan,
5. Note that future buildings for church use will require
separate Board of Adjustment actions.
6. The parking lot will be of a hard surface, all-weather
material, according to Chapter II of the Zoning Code.
Bertha Dodson, representing the applicant, spoke for the application. Don
and Jackie Cooke and Rosemary Mabery were present to ask questions about
the application and to state their objections to the portion of the church
land zoned RS-3 by the city council, The planning commission had recommend-
ed RS-1 zoning for the area. The three residents restated their concerns
about water pressure problems in the area and their belief that additional
houses would aggrevate the problem. Chairman Borgna asked if they had any
objections to the special exception for the church, They said they had no
objections to the church, only to the RS-3 zoning,,
Commissioners discussed the staff recommendation. Ms. Dodson stated that
she had no objection to the recommendation.,
L. Trammel moved to approve OBOA"35 subject to staff recommendation and a.
seventh requirement: "7. Delete the portion of the proposed cul-de-sac
from the western portion of the site plan." G. White seconded the motion.
Aye: Trammel, White, Fickle, Helm and Borgna.
Nay: None.
Motion carried 5-0-0.
There being no further business to consider, L. Trammel moved to adjourn the
meeting, R. Helm seconded the motion.
Aye: Trammel, White, Helm, Borgna and Fickle.
Nay: None,
Motion carried 5-0-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Date Approved