HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.03.18_City Council Minutes30 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE ONE On Tuesday, March 18,1986, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session. in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14,1986. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was call-ed to order at 7:06 p.m. with Mayor Boyd Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag Salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor James Smalley, Vice-Mayor Robert Peel, Councilman Kenneth Wood, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 4,1986 Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to approve the minutes o~ March 4,1986, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Smalley, Wood, Spencer NAY.: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF WARRANT PAYMENTS Motion wvas made by Mr. Von Stockler, seconded by Mr. Robert Peel to approve Warrant Payments, as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Peel, Smalley, Wood, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried ,~ 31 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 „~,~,,, PAGE TWO ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1984-1985 AUDIT REPORT FOR THE OWA5S0 COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) BY STANFIELD & O'DELL. After reviewing and discussing the audit, Ma~ror Spencer made the motion to accept the audit report for the Owasso Community Development Block Grant by Stanfield & O'Dell, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler. AYE: Spencer, Stockler, Peel, Wood, Smalley. NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION OF 1936 AGREEMENT WITH THE FOR CLUB FOR USE OF RAYOLA PARK BASEBALL FIELDS. Mr. John Smaligo representing the FOR Club spoke stating they were in acceptance of the agreement. He stated they would like to bring before council the possibility of the FOR Club using their money to light the small ~--~,.. ball fields, if they could have some assurance that they could continue to use fields. Mr. Galloway stated he would be more than happy to met with the Club and work out an agreement to bring before council. Mr. Kenneth Wood requested that the minutes reflect the appreciation that the council has for the civic action of Mr. Smalgo and other FOR Club members. They are to be commended for their responsibility for the future and again their actions are appreciated. Mr. Von Stockler stated what an asset the FOR Club program is to the community. Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Kenneth Wood, to accept the agreement with the FOR Club for use of Rayola Park Baseball Fields as agreement was submitted. AYE: Peel, Wood, Stockler, Smalley, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried .M... 32 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE THREE ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION OF 1986 CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR COMMERCIAL REFUSE SERVICE. Mr. Bruce Malec, general manager of Waste Management,Inc. reviewed the new contract. He noted the new prices re- flect a less that 5o increase, due strictly to increased landfill rates. Mr. Dan Galloway questioned the wording in the termination clause of the contract. He questions where the city can enter into a contract that automatically renews as stated in Term 3 of above contract. Mr. Ron Cates suggested the wording be changed to reflect a yearly contract. Mr. Bruce Malec agreed to change. The terms will be changed and all parties will initial the change. After further discussion, Mr. Robert Peel made a motion to accept the 1986 contract with Waste Management, Inc. for commercial refuse service. Mr. Kenneth Wood seconded. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Wood, Stockier, Smalley, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried After acceptance of the new contract, Mr. Bruce Malec stated that as a ''thank you'" to the city of Owasso, they would cooperate, at no charge to the City of Owasso, with the City in holding a "Keep Owasso Beautiful Day". They will furnish., haul and dump three (3) thirty(30) cubic yard dumpster as many times as needed at locations selected by the City. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY' MANAGER ON THE STATUS OF HIRING ~, CiTY TREASURER. Mr. Dan Galloway stated he has been interviewing for the position of City Treasurer. He has interview four qual- ified candates. All have degrees in accounting, most are C.P.A.'s. He states he is within a couple of days of making a selection and feels we will have a City Treasurer on board within twenty days. ~~~ 33 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE FOUR ITEM 10: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF PERMIT #SL-86-017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 396 LINEAR FEET OF 8" SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTEANCE5 TO SERVE THE OWASSO COMMERCIAL CENTER,TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. Mr. Dan Galloway reviewed the permit received from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The project is accepted and approved by the State Health Department. A new procedure is to have the minutes of the City Council reflect the receipt of the permit. Mr. Galloway directed the clerk to reflect in the minutes that the permit was- received from the .Health. :Department and will become permanent record in the office of City Clerk. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF ZONING CHANGE. OZ-73 (2014) - PITTMAN, POE & ASSOCIATES - RM-l, RM-2 RD and AG to OM and OL. THE GENERAL LOCATION IS SOUTH. AND WEST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 96th STREET NORTH AND 129th EAST AVE. Mr. Jim Dunlap, Owasso City Planner reviewed the zoning change. Mr. Dunlap reviewed also the minutes of the Owasso Planning Commission in arriving at their recommendation. Mr. Tim Terrell, representing the applicant, presented the nature of the proposed medical campus to be built. Mr. John C. Goldthrop, president of Hillcrest Medical. Center, presented the proposed site use for the location. He is projecting the building will be up within twelve to fifteen months. He wishes to keep a park like setting around the lake. After discussion, Mr. Kenneth Wood made the. motion, seconded by NIr Von Stockler, to accept the zoning change as presented and recommended by the City Planner, changing zoning from RM-1, R,M-2 RD and AG to OM and OL. AYE: Wood, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried 34 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE FIVE ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY/ CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT. CIRCLE K. STORE NO. TA10 (3014) ~ CIRCLE K. CONVENIENCE STORE, INC. THE GENERAL LOCATION BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 86th. STREET NORTH AND MAIN. ZONED CG. Mr. Jim Dunlap, City Planner, reviewed the requirements of the Owasso Planning Commission. After discussion, Mr. Robert Peel made the motion ,.seconded by Mr. Von Stockier, to approve. the Preliminary/Conditional Final Plat of Circle K. Convenience Store, Inc. AYE: Peel, Stockier, Smalley, Wood, Spencer NAY: None PQOTION: Carried ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND REPORT ON REVENUE SHARING. Mayor Spencer reported on his trip last week to the National League of Cities Conference in Washington,D.C. He stated that Revenue Sharing was a main topic of the conference. He visited with Congressman James Jones and Respresentative Mike Synar's office. Revenue sharing funds will not be available after this budget year. There will be a 16o cut in the July payment and approximately a 30o cut in the October payment. There is a possibility that neither payment will be received. Mayor stressed that Revenue Sharing not be counted in upcoming budgets. Mayor also asked city council at this time to freeze all Revenue Sharing money that we have and later on if there is a capital item that we need, then bring it before council and vote on it. Mr. Dan Galloway stated that the departments have started drafting their budgets and they have been instructed to budget their first draft without consideration of Revenue Sharing funds. Steps are being taken to budget along the lines that the Mayor recommended. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. None ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None 35 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE SIX ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS. '' Mr. Von Stockler wanted to bring to the attention of Mr. Galloway a traffic problem at the corner of 76th Street North and Birch. It is a school crossing and cars are driving too fast and are not made aware of the crossing. The City needs to touch on this real quickly before something bad happens. Mr. Wayne Vincent stated that the speakers from the audience should use the microphone provided so all can hear. and councilmen speak loud enough so those with a hearing problem, like himself, can hear. Mr. Peel complimented Mr. Galloway and the city crews for repairs of the alley behind the Church of God at 3rd and Main. ITEM 14: REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: CITY MANAGER'S AND CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. POSSIBILITY OF LIT- AGATION OF WARD FIVE ELECTION. Motion made by Mr. Kenneth Wood, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to recess into Executive Session. AYE: Wood, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried Meeting was recessed at 8:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30p.m. Mr. Ron Cates addressed the matter of Mr. Geary Souter's qualifications to be seated on the council within the Ward Five Election. Mr. Cates stated that it was his opinion, according to Article 2, Section 2-l, a & b. of the Owasso City Charter, that Mr. Souter was unqualified to be seated because the address under which he filed at the Tulsa County Election Board is in Ward Four and not Ward Five. Section 6-1 (e) in Article 6 is also referenced, which stated "they must reside in the respective wards from which they are candidates." It is Mr. Cates-opinion that since a person is not ~ualr ifled to be seated, then the present councilman will serve thirty (_30) days after the first Monday in Mai, at that point the seat will be considered vacant, according to Article 6, Section 6-1 (.d). The vacant s-eat is addressed in Secton2-ld of the City Charter. 36 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18,1986 PAGE SEVEN The following people addressed the council from the floor on this item: Wa~~ne Vincent, Darlene Myer, Peggy Souter, Doug Childress, Peggy Robinson, John Smaligo and Bob Randolph. Pat Marhar, Steve Barnett, Tom Kimball and Geary Souter. With no further discussion, motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Kenneth Wood, to adjourn. AYE: Peel, Wood, Smalley, Stockler, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried Meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Bo M. Spencer, Mayor Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ~~