HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.05.06_City Council Minutes48 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6,1986 PAGE ONE On Tuesday, May 6, 1986, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 1986. ITEM l: CALL T© ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE k'lag Salute was- led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor dames Smalley, Vice-Mayor Robert Peel, Councilman Kenneth. Wood, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager David Fist, Deputy City Attorney dune Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 6: CQNSIDERATTON 4F APPRQVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 1986. Motion was made by Mr. James Smalley, seconded by Mr. Kenneth Wood, to approve the minutes of April 15, 1986, by reference made a part hereto. AYE; Messrs. Smalley, Wood, Stockler, Peel, Spencer NAY; None MOTION: Carried ITEM 7: CONsIDERATIQN OF APPROVAL OF WARRANT PAYMENTS. Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to approve Warrant Payments, as submitted. ASE: Messrs. feel, Stockler, Wood, Smalley, Spencer NAY• None MOT30N: Carried 49 OWASSO CITY' COUNCIL MAY 6,1986 PAGE TWO ITEM 4; ELECTION OF MP,YOR Motion was made by Mayor Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mr. James Smalley, to nominate Mr. Kenneth. Wood for Mayor. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Wood NAX: Messrs. Stockler, Peel MOTION: Carried ITEM 5; ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR Motion was: made by Mr. James Smalley, seconded by Mayor Wood, to nominate Mr. Boyd Spencer for Vice-Mayor. AyE: Messrs. Smalley, Wood, Spencer NAY: Messrs. Stockler, Peel MOTION; Carried Mr. Boyd Spencer asked for the floor to say a few words. ~_r He stated that he would like to take the opportunity to thank his wife and his family who stood with_him during his eleven years on the council. He also stated he has done the very most he could for every employee helping them get good equipment to work with and getting them raises. He never used the office for power or gain. He stated his attendance record is very good having only missed six or so meetings. He also stated he has always represented the City of Owasso with good conduct during his travels. He stated lastly, that he would serve on council for one more year. Mayor Wood stated to Mr. Spencer that his services are most appreciated and he would look forward to using Mr. Spencer's guidance and advice during the coming year. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT THE LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM MRS. JANE BUCHANAN. A motion was made by Mr. James Smalley, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to accept the resignation as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Smalley, Stockler, Spencer, Peel, Wood. NAY: None MOTION: Carried 50 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1986 PAGE THREE ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION TO APPOINT MR. SCOTT BUTLER TO THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TO FILL THE VACANCY. KENNETH WOOD. Ma~~or Wood passed out to the council members a copy of Mr. Butters resume and briefly reviewed his qualifications. A motion was made by Mr. Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mayor Kenneth Wood, to appoint Mr. Scott Butler to the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Wood, Peel, Stockier, Smalley NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM SIGNS,LTD. (CAPTAIN D'S) TO ALLOW VARIANCES TO SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE #309 WITH REGARD TO THE DENIAL OF PERMIT FOR GROUND SIGN. ED BOLTON Mr. Jerry Allen spoke representing Signs, Ltd. and Mr. Ed Bolton. He stated they are requesting a sign height of 60 feet with a sign area of 9' X 28' (252 square feet). Mr. Boyd Spencer stated the request was in line with the previous variance allowances. Mr.-Dan Galloway con- curred. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Von Stockier, seconded by Mr. James Smalley, to approve the sign variance as requested. AYE: Messrs. Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Spencer, Wood. NAY: None MOTION: Carried P'iayor Kenneth Wood directed Mr. Galloway and the City Planner to review the sign ordinance and amend it to reflect the 60 foot height and the area size of 256 square feet maximum. This should be brought before council within thirty days. Mr. Galloway acknowledged the request. 51 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1986 WAGE FOUR ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL BY OWASSO CIVIL DEFENSE DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT SIX (6) USED WARNING SIRENS FROM TULSA COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE. TOM SCHICK. Mr. Tom Schick stated that Tulsa County Civil Defense is getting a new warning siren system for Tulsa County and they have offer to the City six used sirens that are computable with ours at no cost to the city. Our only expense would be to relocate them. Mr. Schick stated that we could put up these six sirens for about the same cost of one new siren. Mr. Galloway stated there is sufficient funds in the Civil Defense budget to re-install these six sirens. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to accept the six sirens and have them re-installed as quickly as possible with none of them going into storage. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Spencer, Smalley, Wood. NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE CORRECTED LEGAL DESCRI~- TIONS OF ELM CREEK PARK LAND EXCHANGE WITH ELM CREEK, INC. TO MAKE EXCHANGE PARCELS EQUAL IN SIZE. Mr. Galloway gave a reviewing the deeds the Elm Creek, Inc. where to be equal i added an additional is now equal as per brief explanation stating that upon for finalization and visiting with. representatives the parcels of land z size. To accomplish thin, the City 50' X 120' to the parcel. The exchange deeds. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to accept the exchange as presented. AYE: Spencer, Stockler, Peel, Smalley, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 52 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1986 PAGE FIVE ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE FIVE (5) YEAR LEASE WITH OWASSO ROUNDUP CLUB FOR 7.88 ACRES OF McCARTY PARK PROPERTY. Mr. Galloway stated that the orginal lease with Round-up Club expired in 1983. The Club has continued to use the property. Anew lease has been presented for review with the only change being the term. Mr. Galloway is suggesting a five year term rather than ten years. Mr. Bill Pennington, President of the Round-up Club, stated they are agreeable to the new lease. Mayor Wood questioned the liability insurance requirement. Legal counsel was requested to prepare a paragraph in regard to the liability insurance and present it for approval by both parties before inserting it into the lease. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to approve Item 13. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Peel, Smalley, Wood. NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MEMBERS TO REVIEW BUDGET WITH STAFF DURING WORK SESSIONS. DAN GALLOWAY Mr. Galloway presented his request. After discussion, the council chose to take no action on this matter. Mayor Wood called a Special Council Meeting for Tuesday, May 13, 1986 at 7;00_ p.m. to have a work session on the budget with the Dept. Heads. In addition, Mayor Wood requested of Mx. Calloway that all vacancies and new hires be frozen until council can look. at the budget and tell where the city is in regard to monies. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER (a) Consideration o~ Disposal of Burroughs Computer. Mr. Galloway stated that the computer that was bid on within the city surplus auction was not paid for and he also stated that the City has received un~ormal bids 53 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1986 PAGE SIX on the amount of aproximately $100.00. Mr. Galloway requested council direct on this matter. After discussion, Mayor Kenneth Wood made a motion, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, that first Mr. Galloway check with the Owasso Public Schools to see if they would take the computer as a donation, then secondly enter into advertising and selling the computer for a minimum bid of $100.00. AYE: Messrs. Wood, Stockler, Peel, Spencer, Smalley NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No Report. Mr. Boyd Spencer addressed a question to legal counsel in regard to an ordinance dealing with the subject of people wearing earphones while riding a bike. Mr. Spencer requested that the City of Owasso set out an ordinance addressing this issue. Mayor Wood directed Mr. Galloway to do some checking into like ordiances and report back to the council with his findings. Mayor Wood felt he needed to report to the city a decision from District Court. The Episcopal-Community Housing De- velopment Corporation and Star Community Mental Health Center, Inc. won the decision to construct a mental health center within the city limits. This will a patient home center for the mentally_ll or handicapped that do not require consistent supervision or care. ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS Mr. James Smalley asked that Mr. Galloway prepare for the council actual figures for the previous two years of actual expensures. Mr. James Smalley requestedthat the auditing firm of Lohrey & Jay prepare for review a monthly statement. This report should be available_at the two council meeting o~ each. month. 54 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1986 PAGE SEVEN Starting with the second meeting in May, 1986, this report should reflect the month of April, 1986. Mr. Galloway stated he would request this from the auditing firm. With no new business, a motion was made .by Mr. Von Stockler, seconded by Mr. Robert Peel, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Peel, Smalley, Spencer, Wood. NAY: None MOTION: Carried Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ~.~ ~- `~ Kenne Wood, Mayor t.~c/ J e Buchanan, City Clerk :~