HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.06.03_City Council Minutes64 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 1986 PAGE ONE On Tuesday, June 3, 1986, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 30, 1986. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. with Mayor Wood presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The Flag Salute was led by Mayor Wood. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Kenneth Wood, Mayor Boyd Spencer, Vice-Mayor Von Stockler, Councilman (arrived at 7:08 p.m.) Robert Peel, Councilman Allen Sumpter, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager J. Douglas Mann, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 20,1986. Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Boyd Spencer, to approve the minutes of May 20, 1986, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: h2essrs. Peel, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF WARRANT PAYMENTS. Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Boyd Spencer, to approve Warrant Payments as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 6: SWEARING IN OF ALLEN SUMPTER AS COUNCILMAN OF WARD FIVE. Mr. Mann administrated the Oath. of Office to Mr. Sumpter. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 1986 PAGE TWO ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT AND VOTE UPON THE RESIGNATION OF BOYD SPENCER AS VICE-MAYOR. A motion was made by Mr. Von Stockler, seconded by Mr. Robert Peel, to accept the resignation of Mr. Boyd Spencer as Vice-Mayor. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Peel, Sumpter, Wood, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 8: ELECTION OF VICE-MAYOR TO FILL THE VACANCY. A motion was made by Mr. Von Stockler, seconded by Ma~~or Kenneth Wood, to nominate Mr. Robert Peel as Vice-Mayor. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Wood, Sumpter, Spencer, Peel NAY: None MOTION: Carried ITEM 9: RECOGNITION OF SERVICE...RONALD D. CATES AS CITY ATTORNEY. Mayor Wood presented a plaque to Mr. Ronald D. Cates to represent the appreciation of the council for the fine work he did while he was City Attorney for four and one-half years. Mr. Cates thanked council for their support and stated it was truely an honor to serve as City Attorney. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE UPON THE OKLAHOP~lA TAX COMMISSION AGREEMENT FOR 1986-1987. Mr. Galloway discussed the agreement with council. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to approve the agreement as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Sumpter, Peel, Wood. NAY: None 65 .~- ~,. MOTION: Carried OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 19.86 PAGE THREE ITEM 11: DISCUSS THE ESTABLISHMENT O~ A PARK. AND RE- CREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Mayor Wood stated it s> lisp desire to have an adviisory committee to be comprised of a city official and appointed citizens to take under advisement the parks and recreation faculities of the city to determine those appropriate expansion or renovation and to bring forth recommendations thru the Park Department to the City Council serving as the Park Board for their consideration. I feel it would be for the city's own best interests. I feel there needs to be more interest in neighborhood parks. After discussion, Mayor Wood asked the City Manager with his Parks & Recreation Supt. and with the City Planner to look into this suggestion and report back within thirty days with a formation of a committee and with recommendations of citizens to serve on this committee. ITEM 12: REPORT ON MODIFICATION OF SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 309. Mr. Galloway reported on the two proposals as draft ordinances that the council could consider. Proposal No. 1 is amending the ground sign/pole mounted limits to reflect a 60' height and 256 square foot sign area. Propal No. 2 amends the ordinance to give the above mentioned limits as the maximun variance that will be approved. After discussion, Mayor Wood directed the City Manager to work with the City Clerk to form Proposal No. 2 into an Ordinance and present to Council at the next regular meeting. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. (a) Update on the Budget Extention Request. Mr. Gallway stated that the necessary requests have been made and excepted for a budget extention. (b) Report on left turn sign on Hwy. 169 and 22nd St. Mr. Gallway stated he has: received a letter from Mr. Charles V. Robertson of the State Department of Trans- portation. The letter saated that at this time it is not the policy of the Dept. to limit ingr-ess and egress from any city street where there is personal property. They would be happy to met with. the City Planner and Street Dept. to discuss this item further. 66 67 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 1986 PAGE FOUR (c) Report on City Bookkeeping Update. Mr. Galloway stated the update of the City books is progressing rapidly and is expected to be completed on schedule with the target date~of June 17th. (d) Report on ordinance limiting the use of ear phones while operating a motorized vehicle or bicycle. Mr. Galloway stated he had received a few ordinances from other cities when he sent out his request. He stated very few cities has an ordinance such as this. Mayor Wood asked that his search be continued and report back to the council on his. findings. (e) Mr. Spencer questioned Mr. Galloway on the H_ealth_Care Plans that the city is now studying. Mr. Spencer questioned as to why the cost is going up so greatly on TakeCare this year. He directed the City Attorney to ask TakeCare for the file so the council can see how much money was paid out this year under our policy. Mayor Wood directed the City Manager to study the plans carefully and make sure the employees are given coverage with. no lapse in policy. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY (a) Mr. Mann stated that his office has received all the documents from Mr. Cates in regard to City Attorney. They will work. together in this transition period. (b) Report on the ligation of th.e City vs~. Star Mental Health Center. Mr. Mann has visited with.P+Ir. Cates and recommends that no further action as this time be taken. (c) Mr. Cates stated that in the Legal News Yie noted Patricia A. Boyer has sued the City. This w-ill be handled tfiru Okla. Municipal League. ITEM 15: REQUEST FOR EXECUT3VE SESSION. ~'ERSONNEL MATTERS. CITY' CLERK. CITY MANAGER. O.P.W'.A.AD~'iIiNI"~TRATOR. Motion was made by Mr. Robert Peel, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to recess into an Executive Session. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Spencer, Sumpter, Wood. NAY: None a ~~~ ~., MOT3ON: Carried 68 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 1986 PAGE FIVE Council recessed at 8:28 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:43 p.m. with no action taken on Item 15. Note: New Business was not posted on the agenda. With no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Boyd Spencer, seconded by Mr. Von Stockler, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Sumpter, Peel, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. 1 ~t~ f ~ !~ G G~ ~ Kenneth M. Wood, Mayor •I~GGG.Glf,~fi~~~ ane Buchanan, City Clerk