HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.10.26_Board of Adjustment MinutesMEMBERS PRESENT Joe Ramey Ken roster David Hall Craig Wallace Dan Draper OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Owasso Old Central, 109 North Birch MEMBERS ABSENT STAFFPRESENT Duane Cuthbertson Marsha Hensley Eric Wiles Dana. Salts Chief Tanc,°y `.19ie rnccting agenda was posted at the north entrance to City --fall on the 19th day of October, 2.O04 at. 12 :00 PM CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL — A quorum was declared present. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the September 28, 2004 Re uhar Iii eethlg Craig Wallace moved to approve the minutes of.Septernbcr 28, 2004. Dan Draper seconded. AYE: Ramey, 11all, IF'oster, Draper, Wallace NAY: None The motion was approved 5--0. 4. O A -04 -19 - A request: for a Variance to allow 20' front yard setbacks and 15' rear yard setbacks on proposed duplex lots in. a proposed subdivision located at the northwest corner of N. 129t" r„ Ave. and E. 66'1' St. N, E is Wiles stated that the applicant was not present and advised the Board Members to table this item until the next Board of Adjustment meeting. Duane presented the item and described the property location. The PUD calls for 209 front yard and 15" rear yard setbacks on the single family housing sites and setbacks for the duplex sites, The applicant was under the impression that standard front yard setback requirements were 209 and rear yard setback requirements were 15' for the duplex units. The variance would provide the applicant with the intended outcome of uniformity. Letters were mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property and advertised in the Owasso Reporter. No calls have been received. Staff recommends approval of the variance request. Ken Foster moved to table the item until November 2004 Board of Adjustment meeting. David Hall seconded the motion. AYE: Ramey, Hall, Wallace, roster, Wallace NAY: Draper BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 26, 2004 Pag e 2 of° 3 1"he motion was approved 5 -00 BOA -04-20 ... A request for a Special Exception to allow Use Lh t #2 (Areawide Special Exception Uses) or a rifle and skeet range on property zoned G (agricultural District) located south of the intersection of 5 "' Ave. and S. IVIaln St. south ol'the City wastewater treatment plant. Duane presented the item acid described the .property location, :Duane explained that the property has been utilized as the firing range since; 1990. The new design calls for a taller containment be rrn. and up-shot shelters for the shooter(s). The firing range will not be open to the public. The perimeter of the property is lined with an 8' chain lire fence with barbed wire along the top. setters were mailed to all property owners within. 300 feel: of the property and the request was in the Owasso Reporter. Staff received no phone calls regarding this request. Staff recommends approval of the Special Exception. DISCrrssion was held. reo-arding the height and maintenance of the 20' tall. berrn. Mr. Buz Miser and nearby property owner was present. Mr. Miser stated that he -would like to see they plans for this project in order to be assured that the range will be completely contained. IJC has had trouble in the past with stray bullets. A. brief discussion was held on the possibility of "skeet removing; ° skeet range te✓rnranoloay. Dan Draper rrroved to approve the request for° a special exception to allow a rifle range on property zoned A G subject to the following conditions'. A 20' tall, LLB "' shaped containment berm to be constructed and maintained. Remove the terminology "skeet range Crai- Wallace seconded the motion. AYE: Ramey, Fall, Draper, Wallace, Foster NAY: None The motion was approved 5-0. d. Other Business 7. ADJOURNMENT — lien Foster proved for adjournment, seconded by Dan Draper. AYE: Ramey, Hall, Wallace, Foster, Draper NAY: None The motion was approved 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6 :30 PM, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 26, 2004 Page 3 of 3 v✓ 3uU Alkttt. Date #