HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.07.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD I+ ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 27, 2004 Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT Joe Ramey Ken poster David Hall_ Craig Wallace Dan Draper MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Duane Cuthbertson Marsha Hensley Eric Wiles Dan Salts Rickey Hayes The mectIng agenda da yeas posted at the north entrance to City Hall on the 1, 9th day of ,1u y, 2004 at 12:00 PM, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL ._ A. quoruin was declared presca, Consider Approval of the Minutes of the June 22, 2001 Regular meeting, Craig. Wallace moved to approve the minutes of June 22, 2001, David Hall seconded, AYE: Ramey, Hall, Wallace, Roster, Draper NAB: None The motion was approved 5.,.0, 4. OBOA -04 -1 - A request fbr a Variance to allow 5' side yard setback for duplex development on lots 12 & 13, Block 2 in :.Hales Acres 2 "d Addition. Duane presented the item and described the property location. He explained that the applicant is requesting this variance in order to stay consistent with the surrounding properties and build a 50' wide duplex that would leave only 10' to split among the side yard requirement, This type of request can be influenced by surrounding property owners' comments, setters were mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property and advertised in the Owasso reporter, No calls have been received. Staff recommends approval of the variance request. Ken poster moved to approve the requested variance for 5' side yard setbacks on either side of the development, Dan Draper seconded the motion, AYE: Ramey, lull, Wallace, poster, Draper NAY; None The motion was approved 5 -0, 5. OA -04-16 - A request for a Special Exception to allow Use Unit #18 (Drive -In restaurants) on property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping District) at 13314 E. 116"' St N. in the Garrett Creek Center Addition. BOARD OF ADYUSTMENT July 27, 2004 Page 2 of 3 Duane presented the 'Item and described the property location, The applicant is proposing to develop a Sonic Drive In restaurant. Letters were mailed to all property owners writhin. 300 feet of the property and the request was in the Owasso Reporter, Staff received no phone calls rcoardin€ this reclrr.est.. Mr, .,! Ian Blaksl.ey, the applicant, req ested to address the board, M.r. Blakslcy offered to prepare a comprelrcnsive traffic, study for° that location and to restrict into site the right -. -in and right-out only. Ile also offered siygnalizatiora on Bast 116"' Street Noirttt and the main road access into GartRr°ett Creek corrainerc;ial development. Staff recommends approval. o °the Special Exception. After discussion, Craig Wallace moved to approve OBOA-04 -,1.6, David Hall seconded the motion, YE; Ramey, Hall, Wallace, Foster, Draper., NAY: None The motr.orr. was approved > 0, Vii. Arrntial election of Board of Adjustment officers Chairperson. Vice-Chairperson The Chair opened the floor for nomination. for Chairperson, Joe Barney was nominated by lien Foster, with the nomination being seconded by David Hall. The nominations were declared. closed and Joe Ramey was elected Chairperson by acclamation. The Chair opened the floor for nomination for Vice-Chairperson. lien Foster was nominated by Joe Ramey, with the nomination being seconded by Dan Draper. The nominations were declared closed and lien foster was elected Vice-Chairperson by acclamation, Other Business a ADJOURNMENT -- Ken Foster moved 1`6r adjo'urni -rent, seconded by David Hall, AYE: Ramey, Hall, Wallace, Foster, Draper NAY: None The motion was approved 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6 :25 PM. BOA-RD OFADJUSTMENT July 27, 2004 Pages of 3 Date