HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.10.21_City Council Minutes139 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE ONE OCTOBER 21, 1986 On Tuesday, October 21, 1986 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the CorrIlnunity Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 17, 1986. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Wood presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Wood. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Kenneth M. Wood, Mayor Robert M. Peel, Vice Mayor Boyd M. Spencer, Councilman Von E. Stockler, Councilman Allen C. Sumpter, Councilman Dan D. Galloway, City Manager Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: J. Douglas Mann, City Attorney (was excused from attendance) ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE MINU'T'ES OF OCTOBER 7, 1986. A motion was made by B. Spencer, seconded by R. Peel to approve the minutes of October 7, 1886 by reference made apart hereof. AYE: Messrs.. Spencer, Peel, Sumpter, Stockler, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE WARRANTS. B. Spencer and V. Stockler questioned various warrants. A motion was made by B. Spencer, seconded by V. Stockler, to approve the warrants as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Peel, Sumpter, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 140 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO OCTOBER 21, 1886 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT AND V(7I'E UPON $3,000 GRANT FROM THE OKLA- HOMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR AN AIR COMPRESSOR TO RE-FILL THE AIR BOTTLES. (Corrected on Addendum) D. Galloway presented this item to Council. Chief Allen has submitted a request to use this Grant to purchase an air compressor to re-fill the air bottles. He stated the Fire Department currently spends approximately $400.00 a year to re-fill the bottles. After discussion, a motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by A. Sumpter, to accept the Grant and authorize the advertisement for bids on the air compressor as requested. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Sumpter, Stockler, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MdfION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND VOTE TO APPROVE A PROPOSED VARIATION OF NATIONAL FTRE CODE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATED AT 11212 EAST 112th STREET NORTH. (.Corrected on Addendum Mr. Steve Shortens of Advanced Machinery Fabricating,Inc. was present to ,. ,.. request of Council the approval of a variation in the Fire Code. He stated they are expanding their facilities. It is required that a sprinkling system be installed in the plant with a two hour fire wall between the plant area and the offices. He is requesting to be allowed to sprinkle the entire building in lieu of the fire wall. Chief Allen stated the entire building served by a sprinkling system is much better than the required sprinkling system and fire wall. He stated the requested of Mr. Shortens is to have better protection than required and he recorrmiended to Council that they approve 'the variation. He also stated the reason this item is before Council is that only by the approval of Council can he approve something different than what is in the Code, even if it is more effective. After discussion, a motion was made by B. Spencer, seconded by A. Sumpter, to approve the variation as requested. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Sumpter, Stockler, Peel, Wood NAY: None MCII'ION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 8: READING OF PROCLAMATION OBSERVING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 26 - NOVG.~MBER 1, 1886 AS SAFE WATER AWARENESS WEEK. Mayor Wood read and then signed:~the above proclamation. 14 ~l OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE OCTOBER 21, 1986 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPOINT MS. ALICE ABBOTT' TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE OWASSO COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD. A motion was made by B. Spencer, seconded V. Stockler to approve the above appointment. (She will finish the term of Wilma Dossett) AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Peel, Sumpter, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 10: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL ON BEHALF OF' LILLIAM BARNES IN REGARDS TO RELIEF FOR FLQOD DAMAGES. Mr. Harold Charney addressed Council and then asked Mrs. Barnes to relay her problem to Council. Mrs. Barnes who lives at 8 North Atlanta stated she has had flooding and water in her home and she feels it is work that the City has done that has created her problem. She showed picture to Council during the recent flooding. Mr. Charney stated he was not expecting an answer tonight, he is wishing the City Manager to look into it further and report to Council. Mayor Wood requested D. Galloway to take this under advisement and report back to Council at the November 4, 1986 meeting. ITEM 11: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL WITH REGARDS TO CITY STREET REPAIRS. Mrs. Jean Webb addressed Council questioning why the city streets were repaired by using the chip~~and seal method. She requested that something need be done to correct the situation since the gravel is loose and dusty. Mr. Wayne Vincent and Mrs. Jan Gaylord also addressed Council on. the above item also. D. Galloway reviewed the process and discussion that lead to the repairing of the streets in this manner. He stated he was aware of the problems and stated the weather was also a factor in the incompletion of the repairs. Tulsa County i_s providing the equipment and rrianpower and the City provides the materials . After lenghty discussion, Mayor Wood requested, with the other Councilrrnerr~bers approval, that the City Manager put in abeyance and further use of chip and seal. He also stated that if he is unsuccessful at getting the County to come in within the next ten days to remove the excess chip, he would ask him to look into the possibility of contracting a sweeper company ~-.o do the work. .He apologized to the citizens .for any inconvenience this project might have caused them. 142 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR OCTOBER 21, 1986 B. Spencer stated he had been sitting listening to the problem and feels like the Council has been fighting battles for over a year. He feels the Council needs to call a Special Meeting ~'or an Executive Session and search out the City Manager's office on down and try to find out where the problem lays. He requested only councilmembers be present. Mayor Wood suggested Tuesday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m. for the special meeting. Approval was given by members. Mayor Wood then directed the City Clerk to issue the notice. ITEM 12: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: (1) LEGAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES,FUND, SPECIFICALLY THE CITY ATTORNEY. 2) COMPUTER SYSTEM - CAPACITY AND NEEDS. N~°s. Patricia Marlar stated she was concerned about the expenditures in the Legal Department and the comments made by Mr. Mann at the last meeting. She listed several items in which she felt Mr. Mann was unprepared. She feels he could give his opinion on needed items in writing thus saving the City the cost of paying him hourly to be present at Council Meetings. (2) She stated that she wanted Council to be aware, if they were not, that the „,~, Fire Department is handling all the billings for fire runs and ambulance runs manually. She feels it needs to be handle from the Treasurer's Department. Funds should be found to provide personal computers for various offices through. out the City. After discussion by Council, Mayor Wood asked that this capital improvement be put under consideration for the next fis-cal year as he sees the need for each department to have their own computer plus the main frame within the accounting department. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND VCIIE UPON REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION 3N REGARDS TO DELINQUENT SALES TAX. B. Spencer questioned if' this item could be discussed in executive session under the Open Meeting laws. He does not feel it is proper. D. Galloway stated this could, be discussed in open meeting as long as no individual business is discussed. After discussion, D. Galloway asked this item be withdrawn from the agenda at this time. Mayor Wood asked that this item be placed on a future agenda for consideration of Council in regards to the proceeds involved. 14~ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE OCTOBER 21, 1886 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE UPON REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE TERMS OF THE 1g 86/1987 F.O.P. CON'T'RACT. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by V. Stockler, to recess into Executive Session as requested.!. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Sumpter, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was recessed at 8:25 p. m,. for Executive Session and reconvened at g:37 p.m. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE 1g86/1g87 F.O.P. CONTRACT. Mayor Wood stated there will be no action as this time and directed the City Manager to take the action of the Council back to the F.O.P. ITEM 21: OPENING OF SEALED BIDS ON THREE (3) NEW 1986 OR 1887 POLICE CARS. Mayor Wood opened the sealed bids and Clerk J. Buchanan read them aloud as follows: (1) Doenges Brothers Ford $12,579.55 ea. $37,738.68 total(3) 3400 South Sheridan Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101 (2) Mahan Leasing Inc. $11,775.00 ~a. $35,325.00 total(3) P.0. Box 804038 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 (3) Byer Chevrolet $11,997.00 ea. $35,991.00 total (3) 101 West Rogers Blvd. Skiatook, Oklahoma 74070 D. Galloway stated these bids wi ll be reviewed by staff and will come back to Council for a recommendation to purchase on the next agenda. ITEM 22: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPOINT MR. CHARDS WILLEY TO THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION. B. Spencer stated he has this put on the agenda. Mr. Ray Haynes the Chairman of the Planning Commission has approached him about the vacancy and suggested Mr. Willey stating he has indicated his willingness to serve on the Commission. Mayor Wood read the names of the current members and stated we now have representation from all wards execpt Mr. Stockler's ward. He stated it would be desirous to have equal representation on the Commission. Mayor Wood stated that before Mr. Willey is appointed he would like for Mr. Stockler to search his ward to see if there is a candidate. If not then a vote will be taken at the next meeting regarding Mr. Willey. 144 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX OCTOBER 21,1986 ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. No report. I'I"-e,M 17: REPORT FRROM CITY ATTORNEY. No present ITEM 18: UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. B. Spencer brought up the project of signal lights on 76th Street, stating he is bringing it up for the third time. The project is not on target. He would like to know when a decision is going to be made. D. Galloway stated the engineer's are working on it now, and he should have something late in November or early December to bring before Council. Mayor Wood stated he concurred with Mr. Spencer, as it has been some time since the project was started. He asked Mr. Galloway to report to Council in his weekly newsletter. V. Stockler mentioned the drainage ditch on 76th Street North and asked that something be done. Mayor Wood suggested simply cleaning it at the present time. ITEM 19: NEW BUSINESS. B. Spencer stated he has three items he wishes to discuss: (1) He would like a letter off'appreciation and a resolution brought forward to be voted upon commending Representative Larry Schroeder for the fine job he has done in representing Owasso and helping the City in receiving grants and funding for various projects. (2) He said theme was a msundertanding recently over the fir tanks needed in the Fire Department, He asked that the Fire Chief informed the Council at least once .~ month of any needs that his department may have in regard to their equipment and gear. (3) He said somewhere in the budget there is money to do some outlaying of streets. ~Ie asked why it wasn't done. He stated when things are put in the budget, they need to get done and he would like a good explaination at the next meeting. D. Galloway stated in response to item 2, that Chief Allen has inspected the gear in his department and a memo has been issued to the City Manager's office with copies for each counclmember. Mayor Wood stated that he feels this sort of thing needs to be handled with- in the department, with the Department Head and the City Manager dealing with the situation. He stated he is in disagreement that this sort of thing should come directly to Council, bypassing the Department Head and the City Manager. - 145 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SEVEN OCTOBER 21, 1886 The next item under New Business was brought forward by Mrs. Patricia Marlar. She stated she feels it is time for the ropes to be taken down around the furniture in the lobby of the Community Center so the citizens of Owasso can have use of the furniture and enjoy the area. Mayor Wood stated that is a point well taken and he has had the same question himself. He asked D. Galloway that if there was no overpowering reason, he would like the furniture to be made available for the citizens. The final item was presented by Chief Allen of the Fire Department. He stated that he and Chief Baker of the Police Department have been attending meetings on the new 911 number for emergency situations. He stated he has visited with Mr. Sumpter and he would like to extend an invitation to the other councilmembers to come by and visit with either chief so they can explain the new program to them. At a later date, they will be coming before Council asking for a vote to approval on the proposed project. ITEM 20: VOTE TO ADJOURN. With there being no further business coming before Council, Mayor Wood. asked for a motion to adj ourr~. A motion was made by V. Stockler, seconded by A. Sumpter, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Sumpter, Peel, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MO`T'ION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at g:58 p.m. ~~ M. Wood, Mayor J e Buchanan, City Clerk Date Approved