HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.11.18_City Council Minutes155 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE ONE NOVEMBER 18, 1986 On Tuesday, November 18, 1.986 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 14, 1986. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Wood presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Wood. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Kenneth M. Wood, Mayor• Robert M. Peel, Vice-Mayor Boyd M. Spencer, Councilman Von E. Stockler, Councilman Allen C. Sumpter, Councilman Dan D. Galloway, City Manager Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: J. Douglas Mann, City Attorney (excused) ITEM 4: COI~ISIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 1986. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by V. Stockler, to approve the minutes of November 4, 1986, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Spencer, Sumpter, .Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE WARRANTS. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by V. Stockler, to approve the warrants as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Sumpter, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE ON THE AWARD OF A CERTIFICATE OF HONOR TO THE OWASSC HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND AND DIRECTORS HARLON AND WILLETA LAMKIN FOR ACHIEVE- MENT OF EXCELLENCE AND THEIR PRESTIGIOUS REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TN BEING THE FIRST HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND FROM THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO BE INVITED TO PARTTCIPATE IN THE NEW YORK MACY''S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE. ~\ 156 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO NOVEMBER 18, 1886 A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by A. Sumpter;. to approve the awarding of this certificate of horror. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Sumpter, Spencer, Stockier, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Representatives from the High School Band, James Leewright and Fred Hampton, were present to accept the award from Mayor Wood. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE ON THE AWARD OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CERTIFICATE OF HONOR TO THE 1886 0[~1ASS0 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RAMS AND COACH RAY HALL FOR THETR UNDEFEATED REGULAR SEASON AND OUTSTANDING REPRESENTATION FOR THE COMMUNITY OF OWASSO IN THE 1886 CLASS 5A STATE CHAMPIONSHIF PLAYOFFS. A motion was made by B. Spencer, seconded by A. Sumpter, to approve the awarding of this certificate of honor. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Sumpter, Peel, Stockier, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Coach Ray Hall was present to accept the award from Mayor Wood. ITEP/I 8: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE ON A DELINQUENT SALES TAX COLLECTION POLICY DIRECTING ADMINISTRATION AND LEGAL STAFF TO COORDINATE WITH THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION TO PURSUE COLLECTION OF DELING~UENT CTTY SALES TAX IN THE CITY OF OWASSO. D. Galloway presented this item to council. He reviewed previous discussions and outlined the plan used by the City of Tulsa in this process. After discussion, a motion was made by V. Stockier, seconded by B. Spencer, to approve the above mentioned request, directing the Administration and Legal Staff to work with the Oklahoma Tax Com- mission in the collection of delinquent city sales tax. AYE: Messrs. Stockier, Spencer, Peel, Sumpter, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 9: CON~I;DERATI:ON TO APPROVE. AND VOTE UPQN AN APPQI'NT TO THE. OWAS~O PLA,NNI'NG COMMI'S~S`I'ON. V. Stockier stated that he had been given the opportunity to search his ward to see if there was someone interested in serving on the 157 OW.ASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE NOVEMBER 18, 1986 Planning Commission. He stated he r.as been unable to find an interested person. He asked that the position be filled from another ward. Boyd Spencer nominated Mr. Charles Willey to fill the vacancy. Mayor Wood called for additional nominations. There were none. He then called for a motion. A motion was made by V. Stockier, seconded by A. Sumpter, to appoint Mr. Charles Willey to fill the vacancy on the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Stockier, Sumpter, Spencer, Peel, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Mayor Wood directed the City Clerk to inform Mr. Willey of his appointment to the commission. (,Note: Mr. Willey is replacing Mrs. Barbara Buffington. The term expires June 30, 1986. jb~ ITEM 10: CONSIDERATfiON TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON AN APPOINT- P2ENT TO FILL THE VACANCY OF DEPUTY CITY CLERK. D. Galloway stated that Mr. George Allen, the City Treasurer was appointed as Deputy City Clerk and since he had to resign due to ill health as Treasurer, a vacancy is created in this position also. Mayor C^]ood asked Mr. Galloway if he had a nomination for this position. He stated that Mr. Mike Tillot- son would be a willing candidate. B. Spencer nominated Ms. Lucy Berkenbile, Acting City Treasurer, for the position. Mayor Wood nominated Mr. Mike Tillotson for the position. With no further nomination, Mayor Wood called for a vote with the first vote count taken for Lucy Berkenbile. AYE: Messrs. Stockier, Peel, Spencer. NAY: Messrs. Sumpter, Wood MOTION: Carried 3-2 Mayor Wood stated that ~t this time, Lucy Berkenbil~ has the appointment of Deputy City Clerk. e 158 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR NOVEMBER 18, 1986 ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. (a) Report on Roof Repairs at the Community Center and City Hall. D. Galloway stated that roof repairs were made in the spring. We have since had additional leaks in each building. The most current leaks have been repaired. He recommended to Council that having both roofs completely re-roofed should be considered in next years budget. (b) Status of Recommended City Fees iJpdate. D. Galloway stated that many fees charged by the city are extremely outdated and need to be increased. He stated recommended updates from the City Clerk's office and the Building Inspector's office have been included in the Councilmember's packet and if they are comfortable with the increases, these will be prepared as ordinance amendments for the council's vote at a future meeting. (c) Status of Reserve Police Officer Policy Manual. D. Galloway stated this policy has been addressed in the past. A manual was prepared about a year ago, but no action was taken. Because of the current economic situation, the need for a reserve ,~,„,, officer program is necessary. An ~apclatea ~~,n~a~. w;~,1 he g?';ven to Council within the next flew weeRs ~'or them c~ns~iderati®n. (.d) Status of Proposed Ordinance for Taxicab Licen:~i~ng. D. Galloway stated a tali, company. now serving th.e Ci~~~~ oP Tuba has indicated an interest in esta~b;li~Fing, service inn O~tas~t~. ~Ie do not at the present time have an ordinance addressing this. A sample ordinance has been given to the Council for their con- sideration. An additional item was mentioned by D. Galloway in regards to the upcoming Christmas holidays. He asked Council to consider a change in the schedule to allow the day after Christmas to be a holiday instead of Christmas Eve. Mayor Wood asked the City Manager to bring forward as agenda items the rate increases and the Christmas holiday change at the next meeting. The taxi ordinance can be on the agenda for the second meeting in December. Mayor Wood also stated he would like the City Manager and the Acting City Treasurer to continue their reports to the Councilmembers as they have in the past. He looks forward to the weekly news memo from the City Manager and the financial status report from the „„ Treasurer's office. 159 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE NOVEMBER 18, 1986 ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE ON CITY MANAGER'S ANNUAL MERIT RAISE. (Addendum to Agenda) Mayor Wood stated that within the City Manager's contract dated June 24, 1886 it called for the Council to consider a merit raise of 3.5% of the base salary on or before October 1, 1886. A motion was made by K. Wood, seconded by V. Stockler, to approve the merit raise of 3.5% as stated in the contract. AYE: Messrs. wood, Stockler NAY: Messrs. Peel, Spencer, Sumpter MOTION: Failed 2-3 ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None ITEM 13: UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. None ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. Rl)Peel stated that when he was signing city checks he noticed that the City pays mileage when people travel. He wondered why they couldn't drive city cars so that there would be no mileage charges. D. Galloway stated that at this time there are no cars that are actually "pool cars". There are city cars that can be used. B. Spencer stated that if cars are needed for travel or errands and meetings, they should request the use of an administrative car at least one day in advance so arranagements can be made. Mayor Wood stated that if a car was needed for an hour or two he feels Mr. Keas and Mr. Galloway's cars should be available, but on travel and trips it would be better to pay mileage on the employees personal car. He asked the City Manager to check and see if there was a city car that could be used as a "pool car" for the employees to use. (2) B. Spencer asked if the personnel r~ianual update could be brought forward for the Council's approval. He Mated it was discussed over a year ago but not completed. B. Spencer also gave a report to the Council on the recent. meeting of the Board of Directors of TNCOG that he attended. 160 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX NOVEM$ER 18, 1986 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION TO VOTE UPON REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE LAW SUIT CJ 85-4553 CITY OF OWASSO VS. ALLISON. Mr. Ron Cates, Attorney, stated he had requested this to be placed on the agenda as he h&s received additional correspondence on this case that he needs to discuss with Council. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by V. Stockler, to recess into Executive Session as requested. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Sumpter, Spencer, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting recessed at 7:50 p.m. to enter Executive Session and re- convened at 8:17 p.m. with no action taken by Council on Item 15 with Attorney Cates continuing to represent the city in this matter. ITEM 16: VOTE TO ADJOURN. With there being no further business coming before Council, Mayor Wood asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by V. Stockler, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Stockler, Spencer, Sumpter, Wood NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~J~1, en eth M. Wood, Mayor J e Buchanan, City Clerk ,a~'P~itl~ ~ /~/~G Date Approved