HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 27, 2003 Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT Joe Ramey Ken Foster Craig Wallace MEMBERS ABSENT David Hall Vicki Tapp STAFF PRESENT Eric Wiles Duane Cuthbertson Rickey Mayes Tim Mooney Marsha 1- 1.ensley The meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso Ctty 1.1all, I 1 I Nortl -, Main on the I41th day of May 2003 at 3:00 PM I, CALL TO ORDER 1 ROLL CALL - . A. quoru r was declared present. 30 Consider Approval of the Minutes of the April 22, 2003 Regular Meeting. Jaen Foster roved to approve the minutes of April 22, 2003. Grail; Wallace seconded. AYE. Rainey, Wallace, Foster NAY: None 'l he motion was approved 3...0, 4. A-03 -09- ...Bill McBee ' - A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW F CSR THE hLACEMENT OF A CARPORT WITHIN 'THE MINIMUM 20' FRONT ARD SETBACK REQUIRE D on property zoned RS - -3 (Single Family Residential). The subject property is located at 12105 East 79 "' Court North. Eric presented the item and described the property location and surrounding land use, The proposed carport would be 20 feet wide by 25 feet long. The edge of the carport would be right on the edge of the property line. Letters were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the property and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. Staff did receive one phone call from a nearby property owner with objections to the request. Eric explained that while staff does not support building within the required front yard setbacks, staff does not wish to forbid investments from being made by homeowners. Craig Wallace moved to approve the Special Exception request, to allow the construction of a carport within the minimum 20' front yard setback. Ken Foster seconded the motion. AYE: Ramey, Foster, Wallace NAY: None The motion was approved 3-0. BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT May 27, 2003 Page 2 of 5 A-03- 10x:. Albro... anieR -- A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A CARPORT WITHIN THE MINIMUM 10' FRONT `BART) SETBACK REQUIRED on property zoned 1'Z.61..,3 (Single family Residential), The subject property is located at 304 South Main, Eric described the property location and surrounding zoning. '_i'he proposed carport would be 10 feet wide by 13 feet long. Thc edge; of the carport would be at least two f -eet from the edge of the property line, 1..,etters were mailed to property owners within 300 feet and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. No calls have been received. Eric explained that while staff does not support building within the required front yard setbacks, staff does riot wish to forbid investments from being; made by homeowners, Ken Foster moved to approve OB A-- 03-10, Craig Wallace seconded the motion, AYE: Rarney, foster, Wallace, NAY: None The motion was approved 3 .0. d. OBOA 03-11 _Gene _ ��y b� d - A request for a Special Exception TO O _E�I�,I�OW FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A TEMPORARY SNOW CONE, BUSINESS on property zoned CG (Commercial General). The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the Cornerstone Center located at 12410 East 86"' Street North. Eric introduced the item and described the property location along with the surrounding zoning. fetters were mailed to property owners -within 300 feet and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. No calls have been received. The applicant was present to answer any questions. Staff recommends approval of GEOA -03-11 with the following conditions: 1. Signage limited to that which is affixed to the structure itself 2. Trash receptacle be provided during hours of operation 3. Removal of temporary structure no later than October 31, 2003. Craig Wallace moved to approve the Special Exception request, Ken foster seconded the motion. AYE: Ramey, foster, Wallace NAY: None The motion was approved 3 -0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 27, 2003 Page 3 of 5 T OA-0 -12- W :..=.� e„ Brown Schools of Oklahoma' -.. A request for a continuation of a Special Exception? TO ALLOW �_ CARE HOME can property zone d Off., (Office ce Low Intensity District). The subject property is located at 425 E 22 nd Street. The use was originally approved. in April 2002, Erie presented the staff report and described the surrounding property. A Special Exception was granted to Brown schools icy April 200: to alloy ail adolescent home in an OL Low Intensity Office zoning district. No complaints about the property have been received during the past year, Notices were sent to surrounding property owners and a legal advertisement was placed in the Owasso Reporter, Several calls from neighbors have been received. The applicant was present to address concerns, Several surrounding property owners were also present to express concerns regarding the request, Staff feels .. the establishment is perforining a necessary service to the community and recommends approval of the Special Exception request, The following are comments ;made from the neighboring property owners, Sherri Fisher - 2303 North Birch ..__She presented a petition with 30 signatures, asking, for discontinuation of the Special Exception (attached). Had concerns with the Brown School youths coming into her neighborhood and feels the kids are a threat to the corrununity. Homes for sale within the neighborhood are not selling because of this facility Joe Chandler _... 2301 North Birch -fie is disturbed to thinly there are children like this running around his neighborhood. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 27, 2003 Page 4 of 5 Craig Wallace moved to approve the continuation o`°Special Exception request 0130'x._. 0342, Ken Foster seconded the notion. AYE: Ramey, Foster, Wallace NAY: None The motion was approved 3 O. u OA- 13 gSl�� pna Barber. A regcrest for a Special l exception. .'O ALLOW FOR THE FT,ACEMENT OF A T'EMPORA -Y SNOWY CONE BUSINESS on property zoned. CS (Commercial Shopping). The subject property is located at 11520 North Garnett Road, Eric presented the item and described the subject property. The applicant is requesting a Special Exception to allow a non-permanent snow gone stand in the parking lot of° Su er _11 grocery store. Snow Cone vendors have been approved for this location in the past. Surrounding property owners have been notified of the request and the legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter. No objections have been received. Staff recommends approval of the temporary structure but would recommend that a trash receptacle be provided during operation hours and the structure be removed no later than October 1, 2003. Staff recommends approval of OOA­03 -11 with the following conditions: 1. Signage limited to that which is affixed to the structure itself 2, Trash receptacle be provided during hours of operation 3. Removal of temporary structure no later than October 31, 2003. Ken Foster moved to approve the Special Exception request, Craig Wallace seconded the motion. AYE: Ramey, Foster, Wallace NAY; None The motion was approved 3 -0. 9. OA -03 -14 _ Greg Deter — A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A TEMPORARY SNOW CONE BUSINESS on property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping). The subject property is located at 10950 East 116 "' Street North. The legal description was described. Staff has reviewed the proposed location and has no concerns. The applicant is not new to the site; the snow cone stand operated on this property in 2002. Notices were sent to surrounding property owners and legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff has not received any calls concerning this request. The staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 27, 2003 Page 5 of 5 `t. Sigaage limited to that which is affixed to the structure itself", 2. Trash receptacle be provided during hours of operation, 3, Removal of temporary structure no later thaii October 1, 2002. Craig Wallace iciovcd to approve the Spacial Exception request, Ken Foster seconded the n- lotion, AYE: _tea ey, Foster, Wallace NAB: None The motion was approve 3-0. 10. Other Business 11. QJ0Uf 1NM� ,NT' Ken. Foster rr.tovcd f6r adj urri e t, scseorided by Craig Wallace. AYE: Ramey, Foster, Wallace, NAY: None The motion was approved 3-0 and the meeting was a4joi)gned at :00 PM, Date