HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 12_Tulsa Regional Chamber 2015 OneVoice_2014.10.21CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA
WHEREAS, the Tulsa region lead by the Tulsa Metro Chamber has built a Legislative
Agenda for 2015; and
WHEREAS, this agenda is taken to Washington, DC each year to present as
OneVoice to members of congress and federal agencies; and
WHEREAS, the power of OneVoice at the state legislature shows solidarity and
needs for our region; and
WHEREAS, there is a need to efficiently and coherently deliver regional messages to
the state legislature; and
WHEREAS, the OneVoice Agenda places significant emphasis on legislative
priorities for the betterment of Owasso and Owasso citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City of Owasso desires to support the Regional OneVoice Legislative
Agenda efforts;
OKLAHOMA, that, to -wit:
The City of Owasso City Council hereby supports the Tulsa Regional Chamber 2015 One Voice
Legislative Agenda and the Tulsa region's effort to accomplish the goals set forth in the 2015
OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
Sherry Bishop,
Juli Lombardi, City Attorney
DATED this 21 st day of October, 2014
Je oberly, Mayor
. _.
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Owasso
FROM: John W. Feary
SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2014 -12 Endorsing of the 2015 Tulsa
Regional Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda
DATE: October 17, 2014
The OneVoice Legislative Agenda is the regional advocacy effort lead by the Tulsa
Regional Chamber. OneVoice includes more than 60 partners across the region, ranging
from municipalities to chambers of commerce and community organizations, as well as,
regional industry members. Through OneVoice, multiple task forces identify and prioritize
key issues every year. In the summer, these issues were brought together at the Regional
Legislative Summit, where attendees vote to define 10 state and 10 federal issues. These
priorities are then shared with state legislators and members of Congress via the regional
OneVoice Legislative Agenda, announced before state and federal sessions begin each
The 2015 OneVoice Agenda has a wide array of focal points inclusive of both private
and public interests. In preparation for the upcoming year, several members of the
Owasso Chamber of Commerce and city staff were task force members and chairs for
the individual committees. Once the committees reached a consensus, the legislative
summit was held wherein over 460 citizens, businesses, legislators, councilors, educators
and community leaders met to determine 10 priorities for both the state and federal
A vital part of the OneVoice process is the endorsement of the agenda by all community
partners and local government entities affiliated and involved in the development of the
agenda. Former Oklahoma State Representative and current Sr. Vice President of
Government Affairs for the Tulsa Chamber, Skye McNiel, has requested, on behalf of the
Tulsa Regional Chamber, that Owasso join in the endorsement of and advocacy for the
2015 OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
The established 2015 State Priorities are
• Increase Education Funding
• Diversify Municipal Revenue Sources
• Build the Gilcrease Expressway
• Expand Insure Oklahoma
• Defend All Existing Road Funding
• Preserve and Increase Funding for Health Care Services
• Fund the Quick Action Closing Fund
• Fund the OKPOP Museum
Support Funding for OCAST
Develop and Implement Robust Oklahoma Academic Standards
The established 2015 Federal priorities are:
• Arkansas River Corridor Project Implementation
• Reauthorization of Federal Surface Transportation Programs
• Increased Appropriations for the McClellan -Kerr Arkansas
River Navigation
• Passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act
• Address Critical Infrastructure Needs with Tulsa's Levee System
• Continue and Expand Funding for Graduate Medical Education
• Restore Full Funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers
• Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act & the Higher
Education Act
• Funding for an On -site Fuel Storage Facility at the Air National Guard Base
• Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2014 -12 supporting the 2015 Tulsa Regional
Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
Resolution No. 2014 -12
2015 Tulsa Regional Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda
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2015 State Priorities
Preserve and Increase Education Funding
Preserve existing funds and appropriate additional funds for education at all levels (K12, higher
education, and career tech) to prepare and grow an educated and skilled workforce to meet the
demands of a changing economy and address workforce shortages. Funding increases should
specifically target:
Maximization of Higher Education return on investment in the form of economic and
workforce development from an increased number of college graduates; the State of
Oklahoma must empower Higher Education Institutions to achieve the Governor's
Complete College. America Goals, while maintaining maximum accessibility, efficiency
and effectiveness in delivering a quality postsecondary education at reasonable and
affordable tuition rates for Oklahoma students.
• Increased budget allocation for targeted training expansions for high school students,
adults and the current workforce tied to Oklahoma career paths and employers' needs
for customized training and consulting.
Increased K -12 per pupil funding to add resources for interventions that support
successful implementation of existing reforms, such as the Reading Sufficiency Act and
the Teacher Effectiveness Initiative, recognizing that low socioeconomic, special needs
and ELL students require extra supports.
Attraction, retention and support of highly effective teachers to address teacher
• Development of robust college and career ready standards and comparable high quality
and streamlined assessments.
Diversify Municipal Revenue Sources
Support legislative action to preserve and diversify sources of revenue available to
municipalities, including through increased local control. Key initiatives in this effort include
ensuring a level playing field between community retailers and remote /internet sellers in the
collection of sales taxes and increasing the state apportionment for municipal roads and bridges.
Build the Gilcrease Expressway and Bridge
Support the building of the Gilcrease Expressway and Bridge through any funding mechanism
available in order to expedite this long overdue transportation system; a partnership with the
City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority and tribal governments is strongly encouraged.
MI III smil I
2015 State Priorities
Preserve and Increase Education Funding
Preserve existing funds and appropriate additional funds for education at all levels (K12, higher
education, and career tech) to prepare and grow an educated and skilled workforce to meet the
demands of a changing economy and address workforce shortages. Funding increases should
specifically target:
Maximization of Higher Education return on investment in the form of economic and
workforce development from an increased number of college graduates; the State of
Oklahoma must empower Higher Education Institutions to achieve the Governor's
Complete College. America Goals, while maintaining maximum accessibility, efficiency
and effectiveness in delivering a quality postsecondary education at reasonable and
affordable tuition rates for Oklahoma students.
• Increased budget allocation for targeted training expansions for high school students,
adults and the current workforce tied to Oklahoma career paths and employers' needs
for customized training and consulting.
Increased K -12 per pupil funding to add resources for interventions that support
successful implementation of existing reforms, such as the Reading Sufficiency Act and
the Teacher Effectiveness Initiative, recognizing that low socioeconomic, special needs
and ELL students require extra supports.
Attraction, retention and support of highly effective teachers to address teacher
• Development of robust college and career ready standards and comparable high quality
and streamlined assessments.
Diversify Municipal Revenue Sources
Support legislative action to preserve and diversify sources of revenue available to
municipalities, including through increased local control. Key initiatives in this effort include
ensuring a level playing field between community retailers and remote /internet sellers in the
collection of sales taxes and increasing the state apportionment for municipal roads and bridges.
Build the Gilcrease Expressway and Bridge
Support the building of the Gilcrease Expressway and Bridge through any funding mechanism
available in order to expedite this long overdue transportation system; a partnership with the
City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority and tribal governments is strongly encouraged.
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Preserve and Expand Insure Oklahoma
Support the preservation and expansion of Insure Oklahoma to extend health insurance
coverage to over 120,000 uninsured Oklahomans using all available private, employer, state and
federal funds. Creating a healthy workforce is paramount to an economically viable Oklahoma,
and will alleviate cost shifting from uninsured residents that currently burdens employers,
healthcare providers, and individual policy holders, as well as incentivize employers to make
wellness investments and improve the health outcomes of employees.
Defend all Existing Road Funding
Defend all existing road funding; prevent any diversion of monies; and support increased
funding for transportation by developing an adequate, comprehensive funding strategy and
financing plan to broaden the sources of funds and increase the total amount going to
transportation statewide to support the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Eight Year
Plan. Support moving the remaining twenty -five percent of motor vehicle fees, which currently
go into the state general revenue fund, to transportation priority areas which may include state
highways, city and county roads and bridges, and public transit.
Preserve and Increase Funding for Health Care Services
Preserve and increase state funding and leverage all federal matching dollars available to fund
health care delivery and training programs at all levels. State and federal funds allocated
towards health care spending represent a significant investment in the economic development
of the State of Oklahoma, with the health care industry employing over 200,000 Oklahomans
directly and generating an overall economic impact of $19.4 billion.
Fund the Quick Action Closing Fund
Increase funding for the Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund to a level that allows Oklahoma to
be competitive with surrounding states. Greater funding for this economic development tool
will assist in attracting high quality jobs and industry to the state, increasing the economic
opportunity and quality of life for Oklahoma residents.
Fund the OKPOP Museum
Support a state bond issue for capital investment in the Oklahoma Historical Society's planned
Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture. With over $6.5 million in private funding already
secured, OKPOP will have an annual estimated economic impact of over $17.5 million and
expand upon the over $1 billion already invested in downtown Tulsa, while further contributing
to the state's third largest industry — tourism, an industry which generated over $7 billion in
expenditures and 78,000 jobs in 2012.
Support OCAST Funding
Support an OCAST annual budget to a minimum of $24 million. Funding for OCAST assists
Oklahoma in four vital areas: (1) research and development funding for businesses &
universities, (2) two- and four -year college internship opportunities, (3) manufacturing support,
and (4) early -stage funding for start -up businesses. This funding allows Oklahoma communities
to attract and retain high - quality STEM businesses and critical college talent, which will
encourage growth and expansion in these target industries. (BRE, Small Business, DET)
Develop and Implement Robust Oklahoma Academic Standards
Support the development and implementation of robust Oklahoma Academic Standards based
upon Oklahoma's workforce needs and college admissions expectations, while also ensuring the
national competitiveness of Oklahoma's high school graduates. Oklahoma's Academic
Standards should be matched with comparable, high - quality, streamlined assessments that
provide insight to educators and support the student's learning. Oklahoma's Academic
Standards must meet or exceed other national models, to ensure Oklahoma's students are
prepared to meet or exceed the performance of their peers in other states.
2015 Federal Priorities
• Expedite Implementation of the Arkansas River Corridor Project
Support efforts to expedite the implementation of the Arkansas River Corridor Project for river
infrastructure improvements. Allow federal match credit to be accrued for state and local
expenditures in order to advance construction activity while preserving the Tulsa region's access
to future federal funding for this federally authorized project.
Reauthorize Federal Surface Transportation Programs
Support the reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs (MAP -21), including
robust measures to permanently and adequately fund the Highway Trust Fund and continued
flexibility for a coordinated local- and state -based decision - making process. The economic
success of our country relies upon the strength of our transportation infrastructure. States must
have long -term predictability in planning to meet their infrastructure needs, and a sustainably
funded Highway Trust Fund is critical to providing that infrastructure security. Of key
importance are the following regional high - priority projects: reconstruction of 1 -244; widening of
1 -44 east to the Will Rogers Turnpike; expansion of U.S. 169 to six lanes north to State Highway
20; construction of a four -lane Port Road on Highway 266 from U.S. 169 to the Port of Catoosa,
and from the Port of Catoosa to 1 -44; expansion of US -7S to six lanes from State Highway 11 to
State Highway 67; and the implementation of high - priority transit corridors.
Increase Appropriations for the McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
Support increased appropriations for the McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
(MKARNS) to overcome $100 million in critical maintenance backlog projects which, per
definition of the Corps of Engineers, have a greater than 50% chance of failure within the next
five years. A single failure threatens to shut down the full navigational system causing severe
economic hardship for the businesses and consumers in Oklahoma who rely on the system. The
economic impact to Oklahoma's economy from such a shutdown is estimated to be $2 million
per day. Support efforts of the Oklahoma and Arkansas maritime industry to persuade the
United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) to designate the MKARNS as the "M -40
Corridor" within the Nations Maritime Highway system thereby expanding the use of our
Nation's navigable waterways to relieve landside congestion, reduce air emissions, and generate
other public benefits by increasing the efficiency of the surface transportation system. This
maritime highway designation could benefit transportation projects in the region which may
then be eligible for MARAD grant opportunities.
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o Pass the Marketplace Fairness Act
Support passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act or other federal legislation which will ensure
that the sales and use taxes already owed from online purchases are fairly and effectively
reported, collected, and remitted.
Address Critical Infrastructure Needs with Tulsa's Aging Levee System
Support addressing the critical infrastructure needs with Tulsa's aging levee system, which — if
one fails — would be catastrophic for homeowners, two nationally strategic oil refineries, and
multiple industries currently protected by levee system, and have devastating environmental
impacts for our region.
Continue and Expand Funding for Graduate Medical Education
Support continued and expanded funding for Graduate Medical Education /Residency Programs
through the following efforts: (1) reauthorize and expand the HRSA Teaching Health Center
(THC) Program to build primary care capacity; (2) remove the cap on Medicare DGME and IME-
funded positions; (3) and reallocate unused residency slots from other states to existing
residency /fellowship programs, including THC programs, in Oklahoma with priority in current
physician shortage areas.
Restore Full Funding for Federally Qualified Health Centers
Restore full funding to the Section 330 funding program for Federally Qualified Health Centers.
The state's system of FQHCs provide access to health care for over 200,000 Oklahomans without
regard to ability to pay, serving the most vulnerable, poor and geographically isolated
population. A lapse in these federal funds will result in the loss of up to 70% in federal funding
for FQHCs, and lead directly to the closure of health center sites, layoffs of health center staff,
and most importantly, a loss of access to care for countless Oklahomans.
Reauthorize the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Higher Education Act (HEA)
Support the reauthorization of the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Higher
Education Act (HEA) and fully fund federal mandates.
Fund an On -site Fuel Storage Facility at the Tulsa Air National Guard Base
Support funding the construction of a $17 million fuel storage facility at the Tulsa Air National
Guard Base to retain the current mission and posture for the next generation fighter aircraft.
With an annual budget of $80 million, the base employs 1,200 guardsmen and plays a key role in
the continued vibrancy of the Tulsa region's aerospace community. Construction of an on -site
fuel storage facility is vital to maintaining the current mission and capturing future missions.
Support Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform
Support federal measures to secure borders, establish reasonable and efficient visa policies and
procedures, and comprehensive reform at the federal level that recognizes the need for
essential workers so the U.S. can continue to attract the best and brightest talent from around
the world. Oppose further state legislation related to immigration reform.