HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.02.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesO ASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
`Il"uesday, February 27, 2001
Owasso City Hall Conference Rown, 207 South Cedar
Vicki Tapp
,Tire Marta
Ken Foster
Joe Ramey
Donna Sorrells
Marsha Hensley
Stan Ewing
The meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar on the 21" day of
f,`ebruary 2001 at 100001 ,
L CALL, TO ORMER -- Chairperson ,Toe Ramey called the meeting to order at 6 °00 :PM
and declared a quorum present.
3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of 3anuary 31, 2001 Special Meeting.,, Jim f arty
moved to approve the minutes of January 31, 2001. VVcki Tapp seconded.
AYE: Ramey, Tapp, Foster, Igarta
NAY: None
The motion carried 4 --0
4. O OA- 01 -03m- Allison Andreoh A request for a review of a Special Exception to the
Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 10, Section 1002 "Areawide Special Exception Uses" to
allow for a Non - Permanent 'Vendor in a CS (Commercial Shopping) district. The
proposed location is within the Reasor's parking lot at 11815 E 86 "' Street No. Gard 3)
Donna presented the case and described the location. She explained that lbs. Andreoli
appeared before the Board of Adjustment in February 2000 and the two years prior with
the same request. Landscaping and plant sales will be conducted at this location. Ids.
Andreoli was present to answer questions. Legal notification was published in the
Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners. No comments
were received regarding this request. Staff recommends approval subject to the following
1. The tent shall be erected as near as possible to the E. 86t" Street N edge of
the parking lot within the boundary of the first row of parking stalls.
1 The tent and/or sales operations shall not obstruct the adjacent drive aisle
behind the first row of parking stalls.
3. Signage relating to the specific use shall be limited to that which is affixed
to the tent structure.
4. A trash receptacle shall be provided by the vendor during hours of
5. The applicant shall obtain a vendor license from the City Clerk.
February 27, 2001
Page 2 of 4
'The facility shall be dismantled and removed by the last day of October,
Ken Foster moved to approve the special exception request ofOBOA- -01 -03 sLt'bjec,°t to
the above staff reconamendations, Jim Marta seconded, A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
AYE: 'Tapp, Ramey, Foster, l garia
NAY: None
The motion carried 4.0
5, O OA-01 -01 ig ood -- A request for a review of a Special Exception to the
Owasso honing Code Chapter 10, Section 1.002 "Ar°eawide Special Exception Uses" to
allow for a Non4Pcrmanent Vendor in a CS (Commercial Shopping) district, The
proposed- location is within the easor's parking lot at 1.1815 f?. 86 "' Street N, (Ward 3)
Donna Sorrells described the case to the Board Members, If this request to approved it
would allow the sales of snow cones, The applicant appeared before the Board of
Adjustment in February 2000, and the year prior with this request. Legal notification
was published in the Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property
owners. Staff has not received any comments regarding this application, The
applicant, lbs. fancy Wood, was present to address any concerns. ,Staff recorrrcnends
approval subject to the following conditions:
I , The trailer shall be erected as near as possible to the E. 86"' Street N edge of
the parking lot within the boundary of the first row of parking stalls.
2. The trailer and/or sales operations shall not obstruct the adjacent drive aisle
behind the first row of parking stalls.
3. Signage relating to the specific use shall be limited to that which is affixed to
the trailer structure.
4. A trash receptacle shall be provided by the vendor during hours of operation.
5. The applicant shall obtain a vendor license from the City Clerk.
6. The facility shall be dismantled and removed by the last day of October, 2001.
Jim Igaita moved to approve the special exception request of OBOA -0104 subject to the
above staff recommendations, Ken Foster seconded the motion. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
AYE: Tapp, Ramey, Foster, Igarta
NAY: bone
"The motion carried 4 -0.
February 27, 2001
Page 3 of 4
6. OBOA- 01w05 BeIzel Real Estate Services -- A request for review of a Variance to the
Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bulk and Area Requirements in
Residential Districts" to allow for the reconfiguration of'two (2) front -yard building
setback on Lot 15, Flock 4, Farrington Point 11 located at 13101 E 89`' Street N.
Donna presented the item and explained that the property is zoned RS 3 (Residential
Single. family, High _density). There is no previous case history for this lot. The subject
property sits at a corner in a cuh -de -sac. Due to the irregular shape of this lot, also with
the required 25' rear yard- setback_ and 1100 square foot floor plan requirement, this lot is
faced with hardships. The applicant has proposed switching the front building setbacks
to have the 15' building setback bordering N° 131" E. Avenue and the 30' setback
adjacent to E. 89" Street N. Legal notification was published in the Owasso Reporter and
letters were sent to surrounding property owners within. 300', Staff received two calls,
the first called requested more information and did not object. The second caller opposed
and submitted a letter to the Planning Department. (attached) Staff recommends
approval of OFOA -01 05 subject to the following conditions:
1. The structure shall be oriented to E. 89"' Street N. as shown on the
proposed plot plan,
The following is a list of comments /concerns made by surrounding property owners that
were present:
DeAnna Raymond- -- 8906 N. 131 E. Ave, -- Not opposed to a home being built on the lot
but, the way it will be situated on the lot will make it loop out of place. All of the
homes that are in cul -de -sacs face the cul-de -sac. Concerns regarding the resale value of
her home. Mould life the Board Members to do a visual site inspection.
Nancy Lesser — 8902 N. 131 E. Ave. — Opposes the variance. Mules were made and all
the home owners in Farrington Point have stuck to the rules,
Jay Diesel -- 8909 N. 131 E. Ave. — Opposes the variance.
Vicki Tapp stated that in the spring and summer time the lot would be a worse problem
with the growth of tall weeds. Jim Igarta stated that it is the most odd shaped lot in
Farrington Point II and understands that something will have to be done in order for it to
be built on. Joe Ramey agreed that a variance is needed with this irregular shaped lot.
Vicki Tapp moved to approve the variance subject to the above staff recommendation,
that the structure be oriented to E. 89 St. No. as shown on the property plot plan.. Jim
Igarta seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
AYE: Tapp, Ramey, foster, Igarta
NAY: None
The motion carried 4 -0.
February 27, 2001
Page 4. of 4.
O OA-01 -06 y_ om -fis Rea ty Ltd. Co. -- A request for review of a Special Exception
to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 7, Section '7100 "principal Uses Permitted in
Industrial Districts" to allow for an eating establishment in property currently zoned IL
(Industrial Eight).
Donna presented the item and described. the location and explained that the building is
occupied by several businesses, The Special Exception would automatically apply to the
entire building and property. the site plan was approved- on January 13, 1998, subject to
the parking requirements being reviewed as the building permits were submitted. The
parking requirement for an eating establishment is one space per 150 square feet, The
applicant must provide 50 additional spaces. Notifications were sent to surrounding
property owners and legal notification was published in the `Tulsa Work. No comments
have been received regarding this request, Staff withholds recommendation subject to the
applicant providing a parking layout and circulation plan showing adequate parking; for
the entire facility.
lien Foster moved to approve the special exception sLrbject to the above staff``
recommendations regarding the subs- nittal of a parking layout and circulation plain for the
entire facility, Jim Igarta seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as
AYE: Tapp, Ramey, foster, Igarta
NAY: None
The motion carried 4-0s
a ADJOURNMENT — Jim Igarta moved for adjournment, seconded by Joe Dame". A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows
AYE: Tapp, Ramey, foster, Igarta
NAY: bone
The motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6035 ISM,