HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.01.26_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Vicki Tapp
Jerry Duke
Tuesday, January 26, 1999
Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar
Joe Ramey
Ken Foster
Theron War lick
Marsha Ilertsley
1be meeting agency was poste d iri tire Owasso City Hall., 207 S, Cedar mnJanuary 1,
1999 at 2.;00 PM,
1u CA ,1� O ORDER. - Jerry Duke € alle . the meeting to order at 7:00 PIS and declared
a c €orriun present.
3, CONSIDER. A .pROV.A1t OF r_t,.tlHE M>1.NT_)'. ES OF DECEMBER 22, 19:. 8
7 G-TJ A MEETING Vicki `"app moved to approve the rrftro.tcs; Jerry Duk €;.
seconded _ xiot on.
AYE: D kc, Tapp, Brown
NAY: None
The motion carried 3-0,
4� Election of Officers
Election of 'Mice Chairperson -- Vicki Tapp nominated Vicki Tapp for Vice
Chairperson, Jerry Duke seconded,
AYE: Duke, Tapp, Brown
NAB: None
The motion carried 3.0,
January 22, 1999
Page No. 2
Theron Warlick presented the item. He stated the Boar. of Adjustment must first
establish that the variance will cause no harm, Signs in unified shopping centers are
permitted at secondary entrances so lore, as tb.e facility has frontage oil a second public
street and the sign area does not exceed 50 square feet, In this request, the secondary
entrance will be located on N 129th E Avenue, Notices were mailed. to surrounding
property owners within 300 feet of the subJect property. Staff has received no
objections to the request.
The applicant, fi=r. ;brace Bolzle with KMO Development, Inc. addressed the Board
Members. He described the proximity of the signs. Also, fir. Bolzle explained that
moirument signs would be used for the out parcels, this is an agreement held between
the developer and the tenants. Ile feels this request is fah° because there will be less
than 200 square feet total of signa e used on such a. large tract of land, He also stated
each of the three tracts could basically have their own sign consisting of 100 sq. ft.
`7'im Rooney was present and explained that each parcel, if divided and. split, could. have
an individual pole sign, Ile feels that this is a good trade off' with the two pole signs
and- the rmrrument signs for the out parcels, Mr. Rooney also stated that the sign
ordinance would be reviewed at the Master Plan Committee meetings. Jerry Duke
stated that he felt the Board was setting precedence with granting sign variances over
and over. Ile also stated he had no problem with the 6 "' Street North pole sig.
although, the sign on 129` °' East Avenue was a problem, Jerry fluke expressed co -ncern
with the Board of Adjustment addressing sign variances and does not agree with the
sign ordinance. He feels that the City Counsel should address sign variances,
Vicki Tapp moved to approve the Variance request. Dewey frown seconded the
AYE,: Tapp, frown
NAY: Duke
The motion was denied 2 -1.
Jerry Duke made a motion to reconsider the votes. Vicki Tapp seconded the motion,
AYE: 'app, frown, Duke
STAY: None
The motion was approved 3-0.
Vicki Tapp moved to table item OBOA -99 -01 until a special Board of Adjustment
meeting, which will be held Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 1:00 PM. Dewey gown
seconded the motion.
January 22, 1999
Page No. 3
AYE: 'rapp, Brown, Duke
NAY: None
"'her,aotio-ci was a-
il pproved 3-0.
ADJOURN MENT - Vick 'app -moved for adjourrunent, seconded by Dewey Brown,
,AYE: Duke, Tapp, Brown
NAY- None
The motion carried 3-0 arid the meetirig was adjourned at 8.00 PM.