HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.07.28_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF RE, GULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 28, 1998 Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar MEMBERS E " Joe Ramey Vicki Tapp Ken Foster John Phillips MEMBERS ABSENT Jerry Dube STAFF PRESENT Theron Warlick Marsha Hensley The meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 07 S. Cedar on July 2/1., 1998 at 9:00 A. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Joe Ramey called the rrreeting to order at 1:00 l °ice and declared a quorum present, 3, CONSIDER A13PROVAL OF TILE MINUTES OF JUN IT, 23, 1998 1mGuLA MEETING - Ken foster moved to approve the minutes, (notion was seconded by Vicki `happ. AYE: Rainey, Tapp, Foster, Phillips NAY: None `the motion carried 4-0. BOARD OF ADJUST MENT PUBLIC HEAMING 4. O A -9 -16 -A request by William David Lee, applicant, for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning :ode, Section 430, to allow for a deviation in the rear yard setback in an RS -" (residential Single Family) Zonings District, The subject property is described as Lot 13, Bloch 1, Camden Farb Addition, further described as 13007 E 93rd Ct. No. in the City of Owasso. 1. The builder must rough in the approved drainage swale prior to issuance of a building permit. Further, the builder should male every reasonable effort to ensure proper individual lot drainage and conformance to the overall drainage scheme for the area throughout the building process. Joe Ramey moved to approve the Variance request subject to the above staff recommendations. The motion was seconded by Vicki Tapp, OWASSO BOARD ST July 28, 1998 Page No, 2 AYE: Ramey, 11'app, Foster, Phillips MAY, lone The motion carried 4 0, 5, OA-98 17 ._. A request by Precision Components Co., applicant, for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section. 730, to allow for the development of an industrially zoned property with less than the required 141 foot setback from an abutting residential property, The subject property is currently zoned IL (Industrial Light) Zoning District and the abutting properties are in an IBS -3 (Residential Single Family) Zoning District, The subject property is located at 209 E 5th Ave, Mr. Warlick addressed the Members stating that staff requests additional time for this item and suggested to the Members it be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting, which would be August 25, 1998, Mr. Rooney explained that there are a few drainage problems that need to be considered, faro Jay Nicolaides, a nearby property owner spoke or concerns with this variance request, John Phillips moved to table this item until the next regularly schedule meeting, The motion was seconded by Vicki Tapp. AYE: Ramey, Tapp, Foster, Phillips NAZI. None The motion carried q.,_de 6. ADJOURNMENT - ,Toe; Ramey moved for adjournment, seconded by John Phillips, AYE: Ramey, Tapp, Foster, Phillips NAY: None The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. ,3 F � T Sep etary` on