HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.03.24_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD ADJUSTMENT MINUTES G A MEETING Tuesday, March 24, 1998 Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT Joe Rainey John Phillips Jerry Duke MENDERS A S NT Gale Whitaker Vicki 'l "app STA FF PRESENT Timothy Rooney Marsha Hensley The meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar on March 19, 1998 at 9:00 All. 1. CAI-,-,(., TO ORDER �� .. Joe Rainey galled the r eeting to order at 7:07 1 "M and declared a quorum present. 2 ROM, CALL 3. CONS. EIS. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 11.998 EGULAR. MEETING - John Phillips moved to approve the rrrinutes, motion was seconded by Jerry Duke. AYE: Ramey, Phillips, Duke NAY: None The motion carried 3 -0. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT P1ulBLIC 1J1EARING 4. A -9 03 - A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002, to allow for a non - permanent accessory vendor on property currently zoned CG (Commercial General). The subject property is described as a portion of Lot 2, Block 9, Ator Heights Third Addition. The subject property is located immediately oast of the Owasso host Office. 1. Sinage be limited to that which is affixed to the structure itself. John Phillips moved to approve the Special Exception request, subject to the above recommendations. The motion was seconded by Jerry Duke. OWASSO BOARD ADJUSTMENT March 24, 1998 Page No. 2 YE: Ramey, Phillips, Duke NAY: None "lire motion carried 3-0. O .A-98- 0 ... A. request for a Variance of t1--se Owasso .ironing Code, Section 630, to allow for a platted lot with 93 feet of frontage on E. 36th Street North on property currently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center), The subject property is described as pot 2, block: 1, ROC Owasso. The subject property is located immediately south of the Owasso High School. Mr. P�ooney presented a brief staff report. The applicant, ranner Consulting, is requesting a Variance in order to allow for the platting of a commercial lot that would have less than the required frontage on are arterial street. The Zoning Code requires all CS zoned property have a minirrrum property frontage of 150 feet. Letters were nailed to property owners within 300 _feet anal legal advertisement was published. No opposing comments were received. John Phillips moved to approve the Special Exception request, The motion was seconded by Joe Barney. AYE: Rarney, Phillips, Duke NAY: None The motion carried 3--0. 6. A-9 -05 E A request for a Special exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 410, to allow for a temporary real estate and construction office on property currently zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The subject property is described as Lot 36, Block 3, The Bradfords at ,Silver Creek. The subject property is further described as 14013 E. 87th Terrace. The use be limited to a period of two (2) years from that date that the office begins to be utilized. OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSIWENT March 24, 1.998 Page No. 3 2. Pai /ed, off-street parking be provided. 3. No storage of construction equipment. After a brief discussion, Jerry Duke moved to apps °ova; tho �p�,�;ial �� � ption request, subject to the above recommendations. The notion was seconded by Joe Ramey. AYE: Rainey, Phillips, Duke NAY: None The motion carried -0. 7 OA -98 -06 - A. request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002, to allow for a non- perrnanent accessory vendor on property currently .roved CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is described as Lot 1, block 1, Clark Playa Fourth Addition. The subject property is located at 11815 1 . 16th Street North. Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. The subject property is located in the southwest corner of the Reasor's parking lot. The type of sales that would be conducted at this location is Hawaiian Shaved lee. Property owners within 300 feet were notified and no objections have been received. A legal ad was published in the Owasso reporter. Staff recornmends approval of the ,Special Exception with the following conditions: L Si nage be limited to that which is affixed to the structure itself. 2. A trash receptacle during the hours of business operation. 3. Tfie stucture be removed by October 31, 1998. Terry fluke moved to approve the Special Exception request, subject to the above recommendations. The motion was seconded by Joe Ramey, AYE: Rainey, Phillips, fluke NAY: None The motion carried 3-0. 8. A-9 -07 - A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 10029 to allow for a non - permanent accessory vendor on property currently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is described as Lot 1, dock 1, Food Lion /Owasso Addition. The subject property is located at 12601 E. 86th Street North. Mr. Rooney presented a brief report to the Board Members. The subject property is located in the southern end of the Warehouse Market parking lot. The type of sales that OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Larch 24, 1998 Page No. 4 would be conducted at this location is Hawaiian Shaved fee. Property owners within 300' were notified and no objections to the request have been received. A legal ad was published in the Owasso reporter. Stall` has the following recommendations: 1, Signage be limited. to that which is affixed to the structure itself. 2. A. trash receptacle during, the hours of business open atio , I The stmet re be removed by October 31, 199& Joe Rainey moved to approve the ,Special Exception request, subject 1.0 the above recommendations. lotions. The motion was seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Rainey, Phillips, Duke NAY: None The motion carried 3--0. 9. ADJOURNMENT _- Jerry Duke moved for adjournment, seconded by Joe Ramey. AYE: Ramey, Phillips, Duke NAY: None `li'he motion carried 3 -0 and the inecting was adjourned at 7:30 PK Chair Secretary Date