HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.10.28_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES E A EE TING Tuesday, October 28, 1997, 7.00 Plea Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT Gale Whitaker Joe Ramey .ferry Duke MEMBERS A SENT Vicki Tapp John Phillips STAFF -PRESENT Timothy Rooney Marcia Boutwell Ron Cates Gary Orr 'red Accord 'rite meeting agenda was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedai- on October 18, 1997 at 12:00 P. 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL -- .toe Ramey called the meeting to order at '7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. '` ELECTION OF OFFICERS ... rllyricer were elected at the September 23, 1997 meeting. 1 CONSIDER API- IROVAL OF THE MIN[JTES OF S EPTEMB ER 23, 1997 14EGULAR MEETING - ferry Duke moved to approve the minutes, motion was seconded by Joe Rarney. AYE: Ramey, Whitaker, Duke SHAY: None The motion carried 3 - -0. BOARD ' BOARDO'F ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. O A -97-14 - A request for a Special Exception to allow for the use of a carpet retail store in an 11e, (Light Industrial zoning district. The subject property is described as Lot 7, Block 1, Three Lakes Industrial Park; further described as 8101 Owasso Expressway. Mr. Looney presented the staff report. Currently, the site is developed as a retail sporting goods store and had to receive a Special Exception which was granted in September of 1990. The Zoning Code allows retail uses in industrial zoning districts provided a Special Exception is obtained. Staff recommends approval of the Special Exception request to allow a retail use in an IL (Light Industrial) district with the following conditions: 1. No curb cuts by permitted along the service road. 2. wilding permits be obtained for an remodeling. 3. Sign permits be obtained for any signage. OWASSO BOARD ADJUSTMENT October 28, 1997 Page No. 2 Gale Whitaker moved to approve the request, subject to the above staff recornme :rdations, seconded by Jerry Luke. AYE: Ramey, Whitaker, Duke NAY': None The motion carried 1.0. O - _x -15 - A request for a Specia. l Exception to allow for the construction of a carport in an RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) zoning district. The subject property is described as Lot 17, Block 41, MarFywood. Addition; further described. as 501 N. Dogwood. Mr. Looney presented the staff report:. The Owasso Zoning Code allows for the construction and use of carports in residential districts provided that a Special Exception is obtained. Thc reason for the Special Exception requirement for carports is to allow neighborhood input. Letters were nailed to surrounding property owners within- 300' of the request, no calls were received. The applicants were present to answer any questions. Jerry Duke moved to approve; the request, subject to the applicart obtaining the required building permit, Joe Ramey seconded. AYE: Darcy, Whitaker, Duke NAY: None The motion carried 3-0. d. A-974 _. A request for a Special Exception to allow for the construction of a carport in an RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) zoning district. The subject property is described as Lot 1, block 4, Elm Creek Estates 19 further described as 8015 Flo. 118 E. Ave. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The Zoning Code allows carports in residential districts provided that a Special Exception is obtained from the board of Adjustment. Legal advertisement was published and letters were mailed to property owners within 300' of the request. 'Three letters of opposition were received. The applicant was present to answer questions. Staff recommends approval with the condition of obtaining a building permit. Gale Whitaker moved to approve, subject to staff recommendations. Jerry Duke seconded. OWASSO BOARD OF AUTUSTMENT October 28, 199 Page No. 3 AYE: Ramey, Whitaker, Duke NAY: lone 'Eyre rrtotiort carried 3...0. 7. OBOA -9 17 n rrppea.l � °eq�.�est by MQrore Plumbing regarding the decision of the Building Inspector of the City of Owasso to revolve Moore Plumbing's Contractor License. The staff report was presented by Mr. Rooney, advising the Board of adjustment that the matter before them was an appeal request. More specifically, the request was to overturn the decision of the Building; Inspector to revolve the Plumbing; Contractor's License of Mr. Russell Moore, d /b /a Moore plumbing;. ne decision to revoke Moor; Plumbing Contractor's License was based on the folloVrirrg;: 1. Performing plumbing work within the City Limits of Owasso without first obtaining a permit to do so. 2. providing; art estimate that was significantly less than the eventual invoice for work performed. 1 additional work being performed of substandard., unacceptable quality. 4. Deliberately performing additional "unnecessary" work above what was required to address the plumbing problem for which they were hired to fix, Inquiry was made of Mr. Gary Orr, Building Inspector for the City of Owasso by Mr. Ron Cates, City of Owasso attorney; Members of the Board of adjustment; as well as Mr. Harrold, attorney for the applicant. Mr. Harrold presented witnesses and inquiries of such witnesses were made by Mr. Fates. Both parties, the City and Mr. Harrold, presented additional documentary evidence. Mr. Harrold, on behalf of Moore Plumbing, was asked if there was any additional evidence regarding the matter before the Board of adjustment. Response by Mr. Harrold was "no". Chairperson Joe Ramey recessed the meetings at 9:30 PM and reconvened at 9:35 PM. OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 28, 1997 Page No. 4 There was brief additional discussion among members of the Beard of Adjustment. Jerry Duke rr oved to uphold the decision of the uilding Inspector, thus denying the appeal of Mr. Russell Moore (d /b /a. Moore Plumbing), Such motion was seconded by Gale Whitaker. AYE: Whitaker, ). -tins NAY: Ramey The rnotion carried. 2- t. & ADJOURNMENT. r„ Gale Whitaker moved for adjournment, seconded. by Joe Rarney. AYE: Ramey, Whitaker, Dube NAY: None 'rhe Motion carried 3... 0 and the meet n, was adjourned at 9:55 PK Chair 7 1 Sec W �tary Date