HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.05.28_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUST ADJUSTME NT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 28, 1996, 1000 p.m. Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Wayne Vines Terri floudyshell Pat hbriano Vicki Tapp Gals Whitaker MEMBERS A SET14T STA. ' S" PRESENT Tint. looney Marsha Hensley The meeting agenda was hosted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Friday, May 24, 1996 at 11000 a.m. 10 CALL TO ORDE R & ROLL CALL - Chairperson Wayne Vines called. the meeting to order at 1900 PM and declared a gporum present. 2� CONSIDER APPROVAL, OF `1.1-11, MINUTES OF Apl_ @_?1_u, 23, 1996 - Mr. I briano moved to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded by Ms. Houdyshello AYE Vines, Houdyshell, bribriano, Tapp, Whitaker NAY: lone The motion carried - -00 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC 14EA1 ING 3. OBOA -96 08 _- Boosu Builders& nc. w A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for a deviation of the required rear yard setback in an RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) district. The subject site is located at 9005 Ala 128th E. .Avenue, further described as Lot 6, Block 1, Central park Addition, Owasso, OK, Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The subject property is a pig; wedge shape lot. The southwest corner of the dwelling would not conform to the 20 foot setback requirement. There were several questions from the Board Members on the possibility of the house being shifted to fit on the property. Mr. looney stated that he spoke with the applicant to see if the problem could be corrected by shifting the house 5', but it still would not fit properly on the lot. Ms. Houdyshell moved to approve the request for the Variance with the stipulation that a letter be sent to the buyer of the home stating that it was approved for a Variance by the Owasso board of Adjustment. Seconded by Ms. Tapp, Owasso Board of Adjustment May 28, 1996 Page No, 2 AYE, Houdys; ell, Imbriano, `fapp, Whitaker MAY: Vines ,rhe motion was approved 4.1 .o FO X96 - -09 . Owasso. Girls-, S ftball..Association A recjuest for a deviation to the conditions of a previously approved Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Cade, in order to deviate from the 11x00 PM curfew at the Owasso ,Sportspark on Friday, May 31, 1996 prily. r e Owasso Sportspark is located at 10320 E, 136th Street Dort), Owasso, OK. Mr. Rooney presented. the staff report. The applicants are requesting a change in the conditions in order to allow for a 24 hour softball tournament. After reviewing the applicants request, the following list of conditions were developed: 1 � The figh.ting shall be restricted. to the softball four - -plex only, I All vehicle parking shall be restricted to the west portion of the parkin lot. 3. The use of any form of a Public Announcement system. between 11: 0 PM and 8:00 AM be prohibited. 4a Failure to comply with the above conditions would eliminate future requests from this organization from being considered by the board of Adjustment. Mr. Whitaker moved to approve the Special Exception with the above four (4) conditions from staff, also after the tournament a follow up letter be sent to the home owners in the Hale Acres area. ,Seconded by Ms. Houdyshello AYE: Vines, Houdyshell, lmbriano, Tapp, Whitaker Owasso Bard of Adjustment May 28, 1996 Page No. 3 NAY- Norge `rhe motion was approved. 5 -0, 5 ADJOURNMENT .- r. Imbriano moved to adjourn, Motion secori ed by MS, Ho dyshe11 o YE: irtes, Houdyshe11, 1mbriar -to, ,rap p, Whitaker NAY: None The motion was approved 5,0 and the meentig was a(lJo reed at 7:35 PM. Chair erg, Secretary Date