HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.02.27_Board of Adjustment MinutesASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Tuesday, February 27, 1996, 7000 paid.
Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar
Owasso, Oklahoma
Wayne Vines
'ferri Houyshell.
Cale Whitaker
Vicki Tapp
Pat Imbriano
Tim Rooney
Marsha Hensley
1-he meeting agenda was hosted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Thursd y,
February 22, 1996 at 10 :00 a.m.
10 CAL.,L_, TO ORDER_ & ROLL CALL, _. Chairperson 'Wayne Vines called the meeting to
order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present.
Houdyshell moved to approve the minutes, Motion was seconded by Mr. Whitaker.
AYE: Mines, Ilourlyslaell, Whitaker
NAY: None
The motion carried 3-0.
3, OBOA -96 ®02 - A & W Development - A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning
Code, Chapter 4, Section 430, Bulk and Area Requirements in residential Districts, to
allow for 60' wide residential lots in an RS--3 (Residential Single-Family High Density)
zoning district. The subject property is located at the S/E corner of Carlsbad and Fifth
,Street, Owasso, OIL,
Mr. Looney presented the staff report. He stated the applicants are requesting a
Variance to allow for the development of single - family residential lots at a width of 60
feet on RS-3 zoned property. The subject property is described as a portion of Lot 1,
Block 1, Hale Addition, City of Owasso, OK.
,Several surrounding property owners were present. Mr, James McDonough (307 West
4th) had concerns with the traffic and drainage in that area. Mr. Rooney explained to
Mr. McDonough that ten single family dwellings normally do not generate a lot of
traffic, Mr. Rooney also stated we could possibly loop at placing a stop sign in that
area° regarding the drainage problem Mr. Rooney assured the property owners that the
plat will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and also approved by the Engineering
Department of Owasso public Works Authority,
Owasso Board of Adjustment
February 27, 1996
Page No. 2
sa Houdyshell motioned to approve the Variance request. The motion was Seconded
by Mr. Whitaker.
AYE. Vines, Whitaker, Lloudyshell
NAY: None
I'he notion carried 3 -0n
a O OA -9 -03 , Carolvn A. Sherwood _ A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning,
Code, Chapter 4, Section 430, Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts, to
allow for a residential home addition to encroach into a rear, yard setback and a rear
utility easement in an RS-3 (Residential Single -Family High Density) zoning district.
'.-lryhe subject property is located at 411 E 20th Court, further described as Lot 27, Block
2, Ator Heights Addition, City of Owasso, Owasso, OK.
Mr., looney presented the staff report, He stated the applicant is requesting a Variance
in order to allow for the construction of an addition to her single-larnily dwelling, The
addition proposed would encroach into a rear yard utility easement and the RS -:3 rear
yard setback requirements. Single - family lots developed in an RS--3 zoning district are
required to have a minimum rear yard setback of 20 feet. Many residential properties
contain rear utility easements, such. as water, sewer, electric, gas, telephone, and cable,
This request for a Variance was forwarded to area utility companies in order to provide
them with an opportunity to locate their utility lines, Oklahoma Natural Gas commented
that they had a gas line servicing dwellings on both sides of the easement. Owasso
Public Works Authority commented that they had a suer line located within the
Because of the above two utility concerns, staff cannot recommend any encroachment
into the utility easement.
Ms. ploudyshell moved to approve the variance request to encroach into the required rear
yard setback, however no encroachment into the utility easement. Seconded by Mr.
AYE: Vines, Whitaker, Houdyshell
NAY: None
The motion carried 3 -0e
5. OBOA -96 -04 v Jeff Scott -- A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning
Code, Chapter 6, Section 610, Uses permitted in Commercial Districts, to allow for a
used dealership in a CS (Commercial Shopping Center) zoning district. The subject
property is located immediately north of Mazzio's restaurant, further described as a
portion. of Lot 1, Block 20, Elm Creep Estates First Addition, City of Owasso, Old,
Owasso Board of Adjustment
February 27, 1996
Page No. 3
Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The Staff recommends approval of the Special
Exception request to allow for the development and use of a used automobile saps
business in a CS district with the following four (4) conditions
1. A detailed drainage report with on -site detention be submitted to, and approved
by, tl- .ie Engineering Division of the Owasso Public; Works Deparonent prior to
the issuance of tb -c building perrrrit.
I Five parking spaces (one; designated for handicapped parking) be designed on the
3. A landscaping plan be submitted with the building; permit application and
approved. by the Community Development Director priot to the issuance of the
building permit.
4 Free-standing pole signage shall be limited to 30 feet in height and 150 square
feet in surface display area,
Mr, Whitaker moved to approve the request for a special Exception providing the four
conditions were met as discussed. Mr. Vines seconded the motion,
AYE: `dines, Whitaker, Houdysliell
NAY: lone
The motion carried 3 -0.
de ADJOURNMENT -- Mr. Whitaker moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Ms.
AYE: Vines, Whitaker, Houdyshell
NAY: lone
The motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.