HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.01.21_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1992 On Tuesday, January 21, 1992 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Vice Mayor Marlar presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was held by Vice Mayor Marlar. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Patricia Marlar, Vice Mayor Mark Thompson, Councilman Bob Randolph, Councilman Jason Gittelman, Councilman Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: John Phillips, Mayor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 7t 1992 REGULAR MEETING. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve the minutes, as amended for clarification, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 1 SJ~ '=~-y OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1992 ITEM 5: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Gittelman, to approve the following claims: (1) General Fund $24,931.50 (2) Ambulance Service $945.84 (3) City Garage 5,002.52 (4) Revenue Bond Project Fund $47,387.08 (5) Worker's Compensation Self- Insurance Fund $14.17 (6) General Fund Payroll $77,673.08 (7) Garage Payroll $2,868.03. AYE: Thompson, Gittelman, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 6: REQUEST BY THE OWASSO F.O.R. CLUB AND GREEN COUNTRY SOCCER CLUB TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON A MATTER RELATING TO THE OWASSO SPORTS-PLEX PROJECT. Mr. Mike Johnson, President of the F.O.R. Club and Mr. Jerry Crawford of the Green Country Soccer Club addressed Council requesting the City obtain a feasibility study to determine of Revenue Bonds could be sold to fund the completion of the project immediately. They both stated their clubs would fund the necessary elections to put the issue of approving indebtedness before the citizens. They stated the immediate need for the additional playing fields to accommodate the kids in Owasso that want to participate in sports. Vice Mayor Marlar thanked them for their presentation and stated she would like them to sit down with the City Manager and other community leaders to discuss other avenues and sources of funding that is becoming available in the near future. She stated this source would also need a vote of people and she would like them to look at this option that would avoid the cost of a study. ITEM 7: REQUEST COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED OVERLAY PROJECT OF STREETS LOCATED IN THE FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. Mr. Ray presented this item stating at the previous meeting Council expressed support for this project. Staff research estimates the cost for such work will be approximately $23,300.00. He requested approval of the solicitation of bids for the labor and equipments portion of the work with the City purchasing the asphalt at their cost. 2 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1992 After discussion, a motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the solicitation of bids to overlay the streets of the cemetery. AYE: Thompson, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 8: PUBLIC HEARING.....REQUEST COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 92-05. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CDBG LOAN CONTRACT (WOODS PRECISION PRODUCTS, INC.) INCREASING THE TOTAL AMOUNT BY $4,500.00 FOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. Mr. Compton stated the Oklahoma Department of Commerce has determined the contract can be modified to include a 2% administrative grant. The monies will be used to reimburse the City for some of the allowable legal and administrative costs incurred during the process of closing the loan and monitoring the requirements placed on the company. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve Resolution No. 92-05. AYE: Thompson, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 9: PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990-1991 AND REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATE COUNCIL ACTION RELATING TO THE PRESENTATION. Ms. Bishop reviewed the audit and management letter with Council and asked if there were any questions from Council. She requested the Council accept the audit. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to accept the 1990-1991 audit as requested and take it under review. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 3 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1992 ITEM 10: REQUEST COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PROPOSAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY THROUGH A TULSA COUNTY SHERIFF SALE SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 30, 1992 LOCATED ON MAIN STREET AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "BRANDIN' IRON RESTAURANT" AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY TREASURER TO ISSUE PARTIAL PAYMENT TO MR. ALVIN BATES THE RECEIVER IN THE AMOUNT OF $3 600 00 AS DOWN PAYMENT STAFF RECOMMENDATION WILL BE FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING ACTION ITEMS RELATING TO THIS REQUEST: 1. AUTHORIZE THE ACCEPTANCE OF A $6 000 00 CASH GIFT FROM THE RECEIVER FOR THE PROPERTY. 2. AUTHORIZE A BID OF $36 000 00 FOR PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY. 3. AUTHORIZE THE CITY TREASURER TO ISSUE PARTIAL PAYMENT OF $3,600.00 AS DOWN PAYMENT TO THE COURT APPOINTED RECEIVER, MR. ALVIN BATES AT THE TIME OF THE SHERIFF SALE. Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating these listed items need Council approval so the staff can attend the Sheriff's Sale on the property prepared to bid. Ms. Buchanan and Mr. Bates have negotiated this agreement with the Court's approval. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve all the items as listed and authorize the City Treasurer to issue partial payment as a down payment at the Sheriff's Sale. MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None None ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None ITEM 13: UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 15: ADJOURN. JANUARY 21, 1992 With there being no further business to be brought before the Council, Vice Mayor Marlar asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Gittelman, to adjourn. AYE: Thompson, Gittelman, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. /' t lips, Mayor e Buchanan, City Clerk 5