HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.04.21_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 On Tuesday, April 21, 1992 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. with Vice Mayor Marlar presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was held during the Owasso Public Works Authority meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Patricia Marlar, Vice Mayor Mark Thompson, Councilman (left at 7:50 p.m.) Jason Gittelman, Councilman Bob Randolph, Councilman Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: John Phillips, Mayor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 7, 1992 REGULAR MEETING. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the minutes by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Thompson, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 ITEM 5: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the following claims: (1) General Fund $18,974.15 (2) City Garage $3,078.92 (3) Revenue Bond Project Fund $39,719.32 (5) General Fund Payroll $82,380.05 (7) Garage Payroll $2,868.03. AYE: Thompson, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 6: MAYORS PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1992 AS CHARLES CRAMER DAY IN OWASSO, OKLAHOMA IN RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS OF HIS COMMUNITY AS DIRECTOR OF THE OWASSO SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM AND THE OWASSO COMMUNITY CENTER. Vice Mayor Marlar invited Mr. Cramer to join her while she read the proclamation honoring him. Mr. Cramer thanked the Council and gave a history of his forty-three years in Owasso. He stated "people are what make Owasso the kind of place it is..a good place to live and work". ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION NO. 92-08. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CALL OF A SPECIAL ELECTION IN ORDER TO PLACE BEFORE THE CITIZENS TWO QUESTIONS THAT, IF PASSED, WOULD AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF DEBT IN THE AMOUNT OF 1.230 MILLION DOLLARS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE OWASSO SPORTS-PARK: AND WOULD PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF FUNDS FROM THE "FUTURE CAPITAL FUND" AS A MEANS OF FUNDING DEBT SERVICE FOR A GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND. Mr. Ray stated this Resolution calls for a June 16, 1992 election. This date is available to the city for such election. This Resolution is a modified version of Resolution No. 92-07 that called for an election date of May 5, 1992. The May date was found not to be available. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Gittelman, to adopt Resolution No. 92-08. AYE: Thompson, Gittelman, ~, Marlar NAY : ~o~ ~~r~i MOTION: Carried ~-9 .~-/ .Qi ~~~~~-ss- 9'a J -y~~~~~~ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 ITEM 8: CONSI_DERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO. 444. AN ORDINANCE REZONING A TRACT OF LAND CONSISTING OF 65 ACRES FROM AG TO RS-2 LOCATED GENERALLY NORTH AND WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 86TH STREET NORTH AND 145TH EAST AVENUE. Mr. Augustine stated this item was approved at the previous Council meeting and is now presented in Ordinance form for approval. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Gittelman, to approve Ordinance No. 444. AYE: Thompson, Gittelman, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR DOUBLE OAKS II_.__ AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 122ND EAST AVENUE AND 80TH PLACE NORTH. Mr. Augustine presented this item to Council stating this plat has been reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission and they have recommended approval by Council. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve the final plat for Double Oaks II as recommended by staff. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR THE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF A STRUCTURE OWNED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO AND LOCATED AT 42 SOUTH MAIN; AND REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE MAIN STREET REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Mr. Ray presented this to Council stating bid opening on this project was held on April 16th with only one bid being received from Ark Wrecking Co. in the amount of $2,940.00 He stated this 3 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 company does work for the City of Tulsa and the Airport Authority and they are licensed and bonded. He recommended approval to award the contract. He also stated this project balance is $1,808.18. He requested an appropriation in the amount of $1,132.00 from funds remaining in the 86th Street project. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to reappropriate funds in the amount of $1,132.00 from the 86th Street Project to the Main Street Project and award a contract to Ark Wrecking Company in the amount of $2,940.00 to demolish and remove the structure at 42 South Main. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PC TYPE COMPUTER FOR USE BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Ms. Bishop presented this item to Council stating one of the original terminals in the finance department failed. She stated there is $2,000 budgeted in the department for a computer and she requested approval to purchase a Epson 386/SK computer for $1,636.00 from Memory Systems. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the purchase of a PC computer in the amount of $1,636.00. AYE: Thompson, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. None ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 ITEM 14: UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 16: MAYORS PRESENTATION TO COUNCILMAN MARK THOMPSON IN RECOGNITION AND APPRECIATION FOR FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS OF OWASSO AS WARD FIVE COUNCILMAN INCLUDING SERVING AS MAYOR DURING 1990-91. Ms. Marlar presented Mr. Thompson with a plaque of appreciation for his years of serving on the Council. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER; FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING ONGOING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS; AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PENDING LITIGATION AGAINST THE CITY. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by M. Thompson, to enter Executive Session. Mr. Thompson requested Mr. Smalley the Council-elect for Ward Five to be included. Mr. Randolph amended his motion to invite Mr. Smalley into the session. AYE: Randolph, Thompson, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Meeting was recessed at 7:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. ITEM 21: ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brought before the Council, Vice Mayor Marlar asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Gittelman, to adjourn. 5 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1992 AYE: Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3-0 Meeting was adjourned at 9:36 p.m. _._~ ,~ GE~ ,~ C-~-ems ~~ ~~~_- Pa ricia K. Marlar, Vice Mayor ~yG~G~~/JC~/iV J e Buchanan, City Clerk 6