HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.09.15_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 On Tuesday, September 15, 1992 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 11, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Mayor Marlar presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute led by Mayor Marlar. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Patricia K. Marlar, Mayor Jason Gittelman, Vice Mayor James Smalley, Councilman John Phillips, Councilman Bob Randolph, Councilman Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: None A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 AND THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1992. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Gittelman, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Smalley, Gittelman, Randolph, Phillips, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 ITE~5: RE UEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded b J. approve the following claims as submitted: Y Gittelman, to $24,002.98 (2) Ambulance Service Fund $190.00) General Fund Improvements $66,197.17 (4) City Gara a (3) Capital Compensation Self-Insurance Plan $1 551.49 840.23 (6) Workers Payroll $89,347,55 (g) Garage Payroll $3,517738General Fund AYE: Phillips, Gittelman, Randolph, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITS CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO. 449. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING WARD BOUNDARIES DESCRIBING THOSE BOUNDARIES AND PUBLISHIN AN OFFICIAL WARD BOUNDARY MAP. Mr. Compton presented this item stating at the June 16th meetin action was taken to approve a proposed ward boundaries map and staff was instructed to g the new boundaries of eacheward.anHerstatedethisaordinanceibing attached ma s meets that re uest and he recommended a and P q A motion was made b B, Pproval. Y Randolph, seconded by J. Gittelman, to approve Ordinance No. 449. AYE: Randolph, Gittelman, Smalley, Phillips, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM ?: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE UEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF HEPATITIS "B" VACCINE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADMINISTERING INOCULATIONS TO EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE AT RISK OF EXPOSURE. Fire Chief Allen presented this item stating this request will allow up to comply with OSHA requirements that mandate all police, fire and recreation department vaccine. He requested authorization topersonnel be offered the the state bid list supplier, Merck, Sharpu&cDohmetin WestlPointom Pa. in the amount of $4,702.50 so the fifty-five employees mentioned can be offered the vaccine. After discussion, a motion was made b J. Phillips, to approve the Y B• Randolph, seconded by requested by staff. Purchase of Hepatitis "B" vaccine as 2 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Gittelman, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST BY A FORMER EMPLOYEE FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR EDUCATION EXPENSES. Mr. David Knudson, a former employee of the Owasso Police Department, addressed Council concerning the denial by the City Manager to reimburse tuition expense. He stated the course involved is an elective towards the degree he is pursuing and requested Council overrule Mr. Ray's decision. Mr. Ray reviewed with Council his reasoning behind the denial. After discussion by Council, questions to Chief Motto and Mr. Ray, and Mr. Cates with reference to the union contract wording, a motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by Mayor Marlar, to deny the request for tuition reimbursement made by Mr. Knudson. AYE: Phillips, Marlar, Randolph, Smalley NAY: Gittelman MOTION: Carried 4-1 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A DONATION FROM PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT. Ms. Krantz presented this item stating PSO has declared a number of radios surplus to their needs. They would like to make the used equipment available to municipalities that use the VHF 450 system. These radios would fit with our current radio network. She requested the Council accept a donation from PSO of twelve handpack radios with chargers and ten mobile radios with all the necessary hardware. After discussion by Council, a motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Gittelman, to accept the donation of twelve handpacks and ten mobiles from PSO. AYE: Randolph, Gittelman, Smalley, Phillips, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 3 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF AUDIO RECORDING EQUIPMENT BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Motto addressed Council stating at the August 18, 1992 it was brought to the Council's attention that the recording machine was no longer operable. Since that time, a research committee has been formed and is recommending a recording machine that fully meets the department's needs be purchased from the Oklahoma State Bid List. The bid number is SW30055 and is a Dictaphone, Inc. machine. He requested approval of an expenditure of $21,981.00 which included the machine, a cassette recorder, tapes, and a maintenance agreement. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the expenditure of $21,981.00 to Dictaphone, Inc. per the state bid list. AYE: Smalley, Randolph, Phillips, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE "PROGRAM" TYPE VEHICLE. Chief Motto stated bids were opened on September 3, 1992 and the following bids were received: 1) Osage Ford for a 1991 Taurus GL with 33,000 miles for $9,850.00; 2) Osage Ford for a 1992 Taurus GL with 16,800 miles for $12, 925.00; 3) Doenges-Bartlesville for a 1992 Tempo GL with 12, 300 miles for $9,189.00; 4) Riverside Chevrolet for a 1992 Corsica with 21,500 miles for $9,950.00; 5) Chalmers Chevrolet for a 1992 Corsica with 14,000 miles for $9,883.00; and 6) Swinson Chevrolet for a 1992 Corsica with 24,200 miles for $8,874.00. Two of the bids did not meet specifications. He stated of the four remaining bids, he felt the 1992 Corsica from Chalmers Chevrolet for $9,883.00 was the best value as it only has 14,000 miles and the remainder of the full three year warranty will be in effect. After discussion by Council, a motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Gittelman, to award the contract to Chalmers Chevrolet for $9,883.00 for a 1992 Corsica. AYE: Randolph, Gittelman, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RELOCATING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RADIO "REPEATER" AND ANTENNA TO A TOWER LOCATED NEAR 86TH STREET NORTH AND HIGHWAY 75. Chief Motto stated the Public Works and Fire Department repeaters have previously been moved to this location. He requested the Council approve an expenditure of $1,544.40 to Bolay Communications for the purchase of radio cable and additional expenditures totaling $911.00 to various vendors to complete the project. He stated the total project cost is $2,455.40. He stated this is not a budgeted item in the Police Department therefore the funding will come from the special projects line item in the Managerial Department's budget. After discussion by Council, a motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve the total project cost of $2,455.40 with $1,544.40 being paid to Bolay Communications to relocate the Police Department antenna to Highway 75 and 86th Street North. AYE: Smalley, Randolph, Phillips, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF A POLICY REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION OF A POLICE CANINE PROGRAM BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Motto presented this item stating during the June 16, 1992 Council meeting the Fraternal Order of Police presented a police K-9 program to the Council. The staff was instructed to further research this issue and present to the Council a complete canine policy for consideration. The policy and procedure manual has been completed and reviewed by the city attorney and the city's insurance carrier for compliance. He requested Council to adopt the policy governing implementation and operations and requested the policy become effective upon receipt of the department's first dog. After discussion and comments by Council, a motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by Mayor Marlar, to adopt the canine policy as presented. 5 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 AYE: Smalley, Marlar, Phillips, Gittelman, Randolph NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM THE OWASSO POLICE F.O.P. LODGE #149 FOR THE CITY TO ACCEPT THE DONATION OF ONE "POLICE DOG" FROM THE LODGE. Chief Motto and Sgt. Terry Laflin, President of the F.O.P., presented a request to Council to accept the donation of a "police dog" from the Lodge. Sgt. Laflin relayed to Council the funding source and a brief description of the dog they intend to purchase. After discussion, a motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Gittelman, to accept the dog when all requirements are met, such as the training of the handler, insurance company acceptance, etc., that are listed as the criteria established in the newly adopted City policy. AYE: Smalley, Gittelman, Phillips, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Due to the length of the agenda, Mayor Marlar recessed the meeting for a brief break. Meeting recessed at 7:56 p.m. and reconvened at 8:13 p.m. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE MUNICIPAL COURT DEPARTMENT BUDGET TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Ms. Bishop addressed Council stating the Municipal Court budget includes money for the Court Clerk and Deputy Court Clerk salaries. In the past the Clerk's have shared functions with the Police Department. These should be separated. With the retirement of the Court Clerk, Ms. Ann Henderickson, the department will be reorganized so there will not be shared duties. With this reorganization, Ms. Bishop requested a budget amendment transferring $14,578.00 from the Municipal Court Department to the Police Service Department budget. She stated there is no additional appropriation, only a transfer. A motion was made by J. Gittelman, seconded approve the transfer of $14,578.00 from the Department to the Police Service Department by B. Randolph, to Municipal Court budget. 6 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 AYE: Gittelman, Randolph, Smalley, Phillips, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET. Ms. Bishop stated since the 1992-93 budget has been adopted, the Council has approved various contract and/or expenditures not appropriated in the current budget. She requested a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund of $49,800 in the General Government department, $21,981.00 in the Police Department, and $7,813.00 in the Street Department. The General Fund "carry over" beginning fund balance will provide funding of $79,594.00 for this supplemental appropriation. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve the supplemental appropriations of $21,981.00 in the Police Department, $49,800.00 in the General Government department, and $7,813.00 in the Street Department. AYE: Smalley, Phillips, Randolph, Gittelman, Marlar, NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 17: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray gave an brief report on some equipment problems and an update on project which include street closings. ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None ITEM 19: UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Mr. John Groth addressed Council with some concerns he has with regard to the upcoming cable franchise renewal. Mr. Cates responded to Mr. Groth's concerns. ITEM 20: NEW BUSINESS. None 7 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING A PROPOSED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE F.O.P. Mr. Ray stated the staff does not request and Executive Session. This agenda item for Council consideration. Mayor Marlar called for a motion three times and failed for the lack of a motion. ITEM 22: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE F.O.P. LODGE #149. Mr. Ray stated this agreement was reached within the parameters established by the Council and contains changes that are beneficial to both parties. He stated the contract has been executed by the union officers and is presented to Council for their consideration. A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by J. Gittelman, to approve the F.O.P. Lodge #149 contract as presented. AYE: Phillips, Gittelman, Smalley, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 23: ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA) CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY LEASE AGREEMENT WITH TFC TEXTRON FOR EQUIPMENT AND APPROVAL OF A WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS DUE TO THE EXISTENCE OF AN EMERGENCY IN TERMS OF POTENTIAL FINANCIAL LOSS. Mr. Ray and Mr. Cates presented this item to Council stating the OPGA has approved a lease/purchase agreement with TFC Textron for $92,964.00 for equipment for golf course maintenance. They have declared an emergency due to the fact this equipment is needed immediately so there will not be any soil erosion or grass loss due to lack of maintenance during the "grow-in" season. Mr. Cates stated any debt of the Authority must be approved by the Council. According to state statutes the Authority can waive competitive bidding but he feels the Council needs to approve that action. Mr. Ray stated this is deemed an emergency due to the potential loss of $70,000 worth of turf without the equipment. 8 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 Mr. Ray stated further that the golf course management company did review five proposal before recommending the agreement with TFC Textron to the Authority. After questions and discussion by Council, a motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve a lease agreement between the OPGA and TFC Textron in the amount of $92,964.00 and to approve a waiver of competitive bidding requirements due to the existence of an emergency in terms of potential financial loss. AYE: Phillips, Randolph, Smalley, Gittelman, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 25: ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brought before the Council, Mayor Marlar asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by J. Gittelman, seconded by B. Randolph, to adjourn. AYE: Gittelman, Randolph, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. /" `~~ ~ ~t-~'~_ce-~-- atricia K. ne Buchanan, City Clerk lar, Mayor Note: The City received from the Oklahoma State Department of Health Permit No. WL-92-195 for the construction of 7,111 linear feet of six (6) inch water line with appurtenances and Permit No SL-92-132 for the construction of 841 linear feet of twelve (12) inch and 7,299 linear feet of eight (8) inch sewer line with appurtenances to serve the Double Oaks and Double Oaks Estates, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Let this become a permanent record of the City of Owasso. 9 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 Note: The City received from the Oklahoma State Department of Health Permit No. SL-92-152 for the construction of one (1) sewage lift station, 1,000 linear feet of four (4) inch force main, 6,190 linear feet of eight (8) inch sewer line and all appurtenances and Permit No. WL-92-224 for the construction of 3,596 linear feet of eight (8) inch and 2,125 linear feet of six (6) inch water line including all appurtenances to serve the Windsor Lake Subdivision, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. 10