HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.09.22_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 On Tuesday, September 22, 1992 the Owasso City Council and the Owasso Public Works Authority met in a joint special session in the Activity Room at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 18, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with Mayor Marlar presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Marlar. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Patricia Marlar, Mayor/Chairman Jason Gittelman, Vice Mayor/Vice Chairman Bob Randolph, Councilman/Trustee James Smalley, Councilman/Trustee John Phillips, Councilman/Trustee Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Jane Buchanan, City Clerk/Secretary Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Sherry Bishop, City Treasurer ABSENT: None A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: PUBLIC HEARING_.... ..PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND RECEIPT OF PUBLIC INPUT RELATING TO A PROPOSAL FOR THE FUNDING AND FINANCING OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PUBLIC WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM, SPECIFICALLY A PROPOSAL FOR INCREASED UTILITY RATES TO FUND SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Ray presented to Council an Addendum to the Capital Improvement Financing Report from Leo Oppenheim & Co., Inc. Mr. Keith McDonald with the Oppenheim Company was present to answer questions. After questions by Council, Mayor Marlar invited input from the citizens present. A number of citizens voiced concerns about the 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ""~""" rate increase and the impact on the "limited" income citizens in the community. The scope of the projects was also addressed. ITEM 5: ADJOURN. A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by B. Randolph, to adjourn. AYE: Phillips, Randolph, Gittelman, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m. ~__-- F \~- ~ Cea_-- '~--- P tricia K. arlar, Mayor/Chairman ~iu/ Ja Buchanan, City Clerk/Secretary 2